Tag Archives: roses

Happy 2nd Eighteen ♥

9 in the morning, still soundly asleep on my bed when my maid knocked and came in.
Holding a big bouquet of roses, I thought I was dreaming.
I cant help but smile to myself like an idiot, in front of my maid.

* The flower I ♥ most.

* A mixture of 40 white and pink roses (:

Never in my life received such a big bouquet of roses. It left me in awe.
It’s so sweet and thoughtful of him to sent me a bouquet of roses even though he’s so far away.
I didn’t see this coming. It’s not an easy task to surprise me.
I’m not sure if I’m being smart or the one who used to surprise me are not smart enough, I always know I’m gonna get a surprise which of course since I already knew it it’s not surprising anymore.
I guess it’s either I’m smart, that person ain’t smart enough or didn’t really bother giving a real surprise.

The other day while we were talking, he said he wants to buy flowers and put it in the room and asked me which colour to buy. I thought he was really buying flowers for himself, silly me.
This is by far the best long distance relationship I got myself into. (And please let this be the last, why do I always get involve in LDR damnit.)
Not because of the roses he gave me, it’s the thought that counts. He’s willing to spend time with me everyday.

This might sound insane to some but it made everything easier for us, or me.
We sometimes eat dinner together, we watch movie and youtube together, we listen to songs together and the best part is we sleep and wake up together.
Yes, we leave our webcams on and go to bed at the same time. We even watch sunrise together this morning, he showed me Melbourne’s sunrise but it wasn’t that successful after all. The sky is pretty gloomy.
I’m just happy how he take the effort to do all these stupid things with me.

I cant help feeling this way, haven’t been in love for such a long time.
But things are never as perfect as it is seen. We had a lot of stupid arguments which is lead by silly misunderstandings lately.
Which kind of sucks really but in a way, it brings us closer too. At least now we understand each other more and we try to compromise. Love is not only about giving surprises, there’s so much more to it.

Before I end my post, I’ve got a good news. Actually just a good news for both of us, haha.
I finally bought ticket to Melbourne and also done applying for Visa. It’s set!!
I’m really happy and I wish days can just fly by for now. Extremely excited!! :D
I’m sorry these days I bombarded my blog with me and my boyf. Cannot help it.