Tag Archives: rave

Zouk Out 2012 at Singapore

Where: Siloso Beach, Sentosa
What: Zouk Out

I remember how badly I wanted to go for Zouk Out two years ago as I tried really hard to convince my friend to just drive up, party and have fun.
One minute the plan was on and the next, they called it off and the cycle repeated for a few times before I went bonkers.
Needless to say, it didn’t happen.

I was whining to Fatty on msn who at that time is just a friend of mine about the emotional roller-coaster I was riding just because I didn’t get to go to Zouk Out. (Die die also want to party.)

#1 Here we are, two years later. We each paid a total of $160 (RM400) for our 2 days Zouk Out ticket.

Getting in to Sentosa was easy, we just took a cab to Vivo City and then get a train to Sentosa beach.
Getting out was well, a pain in the ass but more on that later.

#2 Futuristic looking Heineken counter for party-goers to get their beer fix. Fatty walked right up to it and each cup of Heineken is $10 which is fcking expensive if you convert.

Thank God I don’t drink.

#3 This poor boy Dennis was having fever and althought what was stated on his t-shirt (I don’t care. Fuck that shit.) was cool he still cant quite fight his sickness.

#4 Bean bags was scattered around for us to rest, unlike Sepang whereby I have to sit on tar road.

#5 Decided to go neon that night.

#6 :)

#7 Red Prism, a bar for you to hang out which looked just as futuristic as Heineken’s.

There were two stages at Zouk Out, Moon stage and Star stage.
On the first day we reached Siloso Beach around 10ish, just on time for Hardwell and Hardwell explains why I would go for Zouk Out instead of Thirst.

#8 Our homies, DJ Goldfish and Blink trying to rock Star Stage but at the other end Hardwell was playing at the same time.

Goldfish and Blink was good, I’d love to party right in front of them and to give them support as well BUT HOW CAN?
I went all the way to Singapore for Hardwell, sorry lah homies.
You don’t know, the sight was so sad there weren’t any people standing right in front of the stage.

#9 This is Moon stage, rocked by Hardwell. Don’t tell me you cant tell the difference.

#10 Massive crowd.


One plus point about Zouk Out for us girls is that there were hot hunks everywhere! I didn’t know Singaporean guys are so well built and by everywhere I meant 80% of the boys.
I was so busy looking from left to right, from right to left.

You don’t get to see so many muscular guys surrounding you in Malaysia okay, guys from our country is quite lao beh.
We only have 15% of guys worth checking out, what!?
Fatty enjoyed checking out girls in bikini while I have fun checking out topless hot hunks.

Me: Sigh, so sad. I’ve got no boobs and all these girls clad in bikini has got something to show while I have none.
Me: So sad for you too cause all the guys are so well build but you’re so fat HAHAHA!

#12 That is why we are made for each other, damn imperfect can.

Dennis went back after awhile because he was really sick while Fatty and I continued partying until Above & Beyond.
Zouk Out really did kind of messed up my sleeping routine, we went to Zouk Out day 2 at about 3am!
Calvin Harris started spinning at 3.30am and this old grandma here didn’t want to waste my energy so it’s best for me to reach just right on time.

#13 Meet up with Foon on the second day. :)

I also bought a pair of bunny ears that can light up because Fatty insisted that I must buy something.
He’s that weird sometimes.

#14 Malaysians.

#15 The fuck-our-life couple.

#16 Hahaha! Fatty looks so adorable in his shades.

We all sweat, danced, and enjoyed till 6 plus in the morning and that was when hell began.
Most of the Singaporeans called for cab before hand but we the Malaysians really didn’t know how it works.
90% of the cabs that came in was on call and lining up is not an option because there weren’t cabs coming in.

Take note: So next time please call a cab before hand and make sure you know the postcode of the area because Singaporeans are so high tech you are actually responding to a machine operator. You cant tell them ‘Oh I’m around Sentosa’ cause you need to key in the postcode.

Other than that, Zouk Out was really great and partying by the beach is a lot more fun too.
Prefer that to tar road anytime.

#17 Zouk Out Dance Music Festival, till then.

David Guetta Live in Malaysia 2012

David Guetta Live in Malaysia marks my fifth rave but sadly not the best.

I never felt that pissed at any rave event, that day was the first.
We were all late for Alesso which I was so looking forward to due to the crazy jam, also my first time experiencing such jam due to rave.

Maybe it’s just me finding faults but it did almost turned my mood off entirely. Or perhaps I was way too sober the entire time.

1. The stage was way further than all the other rave’s stages, we have to walk so far in.
2. It wasn’t even a proper walkway at some point, I have to step on stadium chairs to get down.
3. Of course, they wouldn’t have crowd control because that just means that the event organizer will earn lesser but the crowd literally drives me crazy. It was so fucking crowded and it is totally not cool to have god knows how many person’s sweat on my body.
4. When it was time to leave, I have to go through stepping the stadium chairs again but it was worst this time. There were 2 sides, one which kept walking and going while the other side (which was my side) was stopped by the security guard again and again. It was already so crowded and the guard decided to just stop and not let us go. The atmosphere was so stuffy, a friend I bumped into fainted and the stupid guard still did not let us go. I WAS FURIOUS! Really, organizer?
5. Half of the crowds acted like animals or worse.

ANGRY DIE ME! And here are the pictures from my angry night.

#1 Almost towards the end of Alesso’s spin.

#2 Lights from screen.

#3 An overexposed picture of my outfit for the night taken from Zoe’s S3.

#4 My fat boy who didn’t enjoy as much too.

#5 Me and Gavin who’s having an orgasm look on his face haha.

#6 With my bff’s bf who surprisingly wanted to go with us but just stood there whole night. Sigh, Y U NO DANCE?

#7 Zoe, Alvin, and Poh.

#8 I decided to just let Zoe take the pictures since her pictures taken from her S3 is so clear but ended up blur.

#9 Because she still doesn’t know how to focus using S3’s camera.

#10 Which explains why I now have more than 1 blur pictures. I also look so skeleton-y in this picture it kinda scares me.

Everyone has been telling me how skinny I am or that I look even skinnier the last time we met but I don’t understand!
I weigh myself and indeed I lost weight but I’ve been eating and eating too.
I’m constantly eating to the point where my friend said, ‘Every time I see you, you’re eating’ or ‘Every time you come out, you eat’.

Maybe I party too much, my type of working out. Mm hmm.

Sensation Trip : Bangkok Day 4

Day 4 – the most tiring day ever!

‘Okay I’m waking up at 7 tomorrow for Chatuchak!’, that’s what I told them.
Well, I’m not that much of a shopaholic but we have to go for Sensation White on that same night and obviously I’m old so my energy is VERY limited.
A nap in between is a MUST!

#1 The early kakis on the way to Chatuchak.

#2 This Fatty, bought the most among the guys! Also, the street above is the street I love the most because they mainly sell local designer goods though the prices are a lot higher. Section 23 or something.

I told him that he’ll love it here and knowing him so well, there’s no way he can control himself. Haha!
‘Nolah, I wont buy much one, just a few only’ but obviously he bought a stack.

Chatuchak is too big and they basically sell everything from pets to dry food, from leather goods to clothing.
Do get yourself a map near the toilet area, it will save up a lot of time when you have easy navigation.

If you’re too knacker from all the walking, do get yourself a half an hour massage which I failed to notice the first time I was at Chatuchak.

That half an hour do make a lot of difference. I was recharged though still half dead when we left our hotel to Impact Arena for Sensation White.
It was an indoor rave which was very much different from the ones I went here in Malaysia but thank God for that, it was raining that evening.

#3 All of us in white!

#4 Zoe, me, Yan, Foon, and Aliana. :)

#5 The lengzais! :D

#6 Chilling while waiting for the party to start.

#7 Gavin and Zoe.

#8 Poh, the twin sisters, and Piao.

#9 How many laptops were there?

#10 And BAM! Welcome to Sensation White baby!

#11 Quite a magnificent view.

#12 Laser light.

#13 Huge balls bouncing around but pfft it didn’t reach us who were sitting at the top.

#14 Our Heineken wrist band suddenly lit up and it was amazing!

#15 :*

#16 Alcoholic Zoe is always drinking!

#17 Peekaboo Bryan.

#18 With the fats who love me the most. :D

#19 Lovebirds. Oh wait, this is actually a couple trip! :D

We took a few breaks in between and went out to rest while the boys smoke.
I was upset that I was tooooooo knackered from all the shopping, I do not have the energy to dance and have fun.
I was super lazy the entire time all I want to do is to just sit.
Not to mention the first dj, Mr.White was so boring my mood was gone after listening to him played.

#20 Infamous jellyfish.

#21 Hahahah Alvin pulling off a funny look.

#22 Though fat but he’s full with energy as you can tell. HAHA!

#23 Some were dead tired, some were drunk but all in all, all of us had fun!

#24 Sensation White, been there done that.

Music Conference Asia 2012 At Sepang

Third rave of the year, it is pretty insane I know.
At the same time pretty irresistible too. Most of us are hooked.

This time it was Music Conference Asia 2012 and we were there for Richard Durand and Dash Berlin.
It was fun but still not as fun as Heineken Thirst or Zouk @ Sepang.

It took use quite some time to get into the rave, I’m not too sure why.
Organizers should do something, it was mad stuffy and crowded while we line up to get in.
I am not exaggerating, a guy fainted while he’s in the queue.
It was so stuffy, I tiptoed non-stop and gasp for air.
At that very moment I wish I’m taller, pfft.

While we’re on our way. I prefer wearing shorts than anything else to rave.

Took pictures while the guys pre-drink. Pre-drink is a must unless you’re filthy rich. Buying alcohol inside a rave is too costly.
Fatty must have save up a lot because I don’t drink. Advantage of having a girlfriend that doesn’t drink. :P

Glow in the dark glasses this time! Party props are fun! :D

Dubzi dubzi.


My ticket was free, thanks to Tang Kok Hoe the guy in red tee. :D

We always said to each other, ‘Thank God you like to party!’

Look how happy Fatty was, with his funny pose. Haha.

As usual, Alvin conned me into taking off my top. Wise choice though, I was soaked in sweats.

When the rave gets high, the boys went higher.

Me too but at the same time I was hell afraid that I might fall. I grabbed onto Fatty and whoever that was beside me so hard, literally grabbing for life.

The best part of the rave was of course Dash Berlin.
I guess there wont be anymore upcoming rave for the moment.

Time to hit the club, perhaps. ;)


Zouk at Sepang, yet another last-minute-decision-rave for us last Saturday.
This time it was me who showed disinterest because I felt so lazy that day but of course I went anyway.
Thank God I did or else I’ll regret missing out some good music!

The line towards the entrance was pretty damn long, it took us awhile to enter into another world.

Bought smiley jelly ring this time instead of the car ring and I really like it, haha.

We stepped into the scene around 10 plus and we just missed out tyDi.
What  I saw then was Dj Goldfish and Dj Blink already spinning, bringing out the crowds’ party mood.

I’ve always like Dj Goldfish which explains why I’ve always prefer Zouk Mainroom than Zouk Phuture.
Phuture can seriously bore the crap out of me, no joke!

After Dj Goldfish and Dj Blink, it was Angger Dimas.
Angger Dimas is from Indonesia and boy, he can really spin some fkin sick music!
I was so surprised that he can be this good which at some point, I enjoyed the music he played more than Goldfish and Blink’s.
Plus he’s so young, only 22!

Wore my Bershka top, a surprise gift from Fatty which I friggin like!

Poh Juan and Fatty, the gym kakis.

I cant stop doing this peace sign, sue me.

Some random people decided to jump in as well. One second ago Alvin gave the wtf look and the next second he smiled so happily.

I cant believe Alvin put that smiley ring on his finger, hahaha. Spot it.

Hi boyfriend! :)

Haha! Funny funny expressions from the boys.

Afrojack stole the limelight of that night. He was  no.7 among the 100 top Dj in the world and he made his appearance after Bobby Burns. Everybody was rocking so hard!
I was really high and I enjoyed myself so much. Friends don’t understand how I can get this high without alcohol or drugs.
I cant help them understand either, my body react to music not booze. Hah.

Alvin challenged me to take off my top so challenge accepted.
I sometimes cannot believe the things I do. Like why am I so mischievousness and rebellious, haha.
But at the same time a housewife at heart wtf.

I don’t know what I’m like sometimes.

Afrojack ended the rave at 2.30 and one of the best part was when all of us sang ‘Give Me Everything’ together without any music played.
Had such a fun night at Zouk @ Sepang and in fact it was actually better than FMFA.

Next up : Music Conference Asia 2012. (Dash Berlin & Richard Durand)
Will I be going?

Future Music Festival Asia 2012 (FMFA) at Sepang

I love love love rave!
My last experience from Heineken Thirst 2010 was fuh-reakin awesome and I’ve been missing that feeling ever since.

Future Music Festival Asia it was on last Saturday at Sepang.
It was a rather last minute decision.

Since I’m the ‘small lady’ aka ‘siu nui yan’, most of the time I’ll let Fatty do the decision making unless I really want something real bad.
So this last minute decision to go for FMFA 2012 was made by him.

#Future Music Festival Asia 2012!

Our tickets to FMFA 2012 cost us Rm140 each. We could have cheaper tickets on hand if we bought it earlier but the indecisive Fatty just cant make up his mind till the very last minute.
I seriously feel stupid for paying more! Especially when we arrived kinda late!

Did I mentioned that the bff is back, yet again. Haha, for her visa this time.

The rave kakis! :)

Zoe and Gavin who was dead tired from his Penang trip.


Look at that stupid light up car ring on our fingers. Fatty bought it so that we can synchronized with the rave, haha.

I don’t know why they’re wearing shirts in a rave. I don’t even dare to imagine!

There were four different music stages at FMFA 2012 named Future, Las Venus, Gnome, & Flamingo and it kept reminding me of Zouk for it’s four different rooms.
Cosmic Gate, Tinie Tempah and Bass Agent were the bomb but I wish we could be there earlier because I missed out Flo Rida!

Tired from jumping, shaking, screaming, and walking from one music stages to another.

One thing I like about FMFA 2012 is that they don’t only feed us with music. Out of the sudden, there’s fireworks right in front of us for us to enjoy. :)

Look at his face and you can tell that he fell in love with rave right there and then.

Ferris wheel! Yes, there was even a ferris wheel inside a rave and it’s free of charge! How nice :D

So we decided to hop on and go for a ride.

I don’t know why he’s looking so emo here hahahaha! Probably cause I disturbed him savoring his pizza. And look at that green car ring on his finger, hahahah.

I had quite a lot of fun at FMFA 2012 but I was a little worn out from working and trying to go for Matta Fair in the afternoon that day.
I am really looking forward to Zouk Sepang 2012 but I wonder if anyone above is interested especially the indecisive Fatty.

Rave, till then. :)