Tag Archives: my birthday

Birthday Dinner at Bistro à Table

Bistro à Table (pronounced “ah t-ah-bl”) in French literally means “to the table!”, a common term used in French households to gather family and friends around the table to feast.
The bistro food pays homage to modern French comfort food, while adopting local elements – we like to call it “adaptive French cuisine”.

The boyfriend had been wanting to try out Bistro à Table since some time back and he finally did when he brought me there on my birthday.
French cuisine it is, we both share a common love.
And before that, sorry for the low quality picture because I did not use flash in this dimly lit restaurant.

* Bistro à Table

* Decorated with light bulbs and plants.

* A very simple and casual interior they have.

* I would prefer siting at the table behind of me because there’s curtain’s surrounding that table and it just feels nicer somehow.

* My fatty (:

* Complimentary bread.

* This prawn is so good, no joke! The slightly burnt prawn when dip in the avocado sauce became a match made in heaven.

* Baked onion with shaved black autumn truffles, organic egg and melted Gruyere. The chef shaved the black truffles right in front of us and I just somehow feel like it’s more worth the money haha. This dish requires lots of skills I guess, I don’t know how they stuff the egg inside the onion.

* Cannelloni of Seared Scallops & School Prawns in Lobster Bisque & Indonesian Black Nut Tapenade. This fusion dish is very well executed, brings out a little Thai flavour while both the scallops and prawns are mad fresh.

* Truffled Mash Potatoes, eat this and you’ll be full.

* 8 hour slow-cooked traditional Roast Lamb, not the most creative dish. Maybe we should have order another dish instead.

I had a great birthday dinner and I really enjoyed the food, thanks to the boyfriend. (:
It seems like he prefer Bistro à Table more than Nathalie’s but both to me are equally good.
Really appreciate French cuisine!

Total bill came up to about Rm250.

Bistro à Table

6 Jalan 17/54
46400 Petaling Jaya

03 7931 2831

There’s always reasons to Partay!

and one of the best reason is of course, birthdays.
second will be the come back of whichever friend from a foreign country.
third will be farewells.

but for whatever reasons, all we want is just to have fun and enjoy the partay!! :D
and these set of pictures were taken last week during my birthday eve at zouk. (:

* need no introduction.

* poh juan disturbing me and victor!

* me, bei-look-gavin and zoe.

* i don’t think i look nice in this picture but for some reason i feel like i look very happy and i like it. heh!

* my twins babe and me (:

* yan, me, ian the zouk ambassador, and foon.

* and there, poh juan kacau-ing again.

Something was bothering me that night and I was expecting to have an emotional birthday eve at zouk but hey, turned out to be not that bad after all.

Going to clubs and partying with friends have always been interesting to me.
For whatever reasons we gave ourself, it is usually less about celebrating a person or event.
Rather, it’s more about celebrating a bunch of people in an altered state which is often altered by alcohol, music, the darkness, lightings, great laughs and everything else.

This altered state where only partays can give me for the moment are the reason I so look forward to clubbing nights.
In this state, people hold hands with close friends, friends, not-so-close-friends, or even someone they just met.
People have fun together, dance together, giving all the warm hugs to friends, whoever the friends are.
And sometimes this state of being so close to someone gives me warmth and i’m happy.
We just have fun and dance without giving a care in the world, singing loudly and sometimes yelling our lungs out.
We just hold each other closer, so much closer than we normally would.

Sometimes I wonder why do I need such excuses and parties to make myself happy.
But then again why care? as long as i’m happy. that happiness that nothing can disrupt you and you’re so into that moment. all you focus on is the music, alcohol, friends, and dancing. how often do we stay at such moment?
well, i’m just glad that we get those moments to hold each other extra closer and enjoy the night together. (:

i guess you’ll only enjoy partying when you enjoy the people you’re with, when you enjoy the music and alcohol, when you enjoy dancing and not afraid of looking silly. such enjoyment (:

below are another set of pictures taken yesterday night for alvin’s birthday.

* cake made by aryil’s sister that taste pretty good.

* it’s a casino chip if you’re wondering what it is and i have extra relighting candles so i used it to make fun of birthday boy. he didn’t quite blow it all off, he just dump all the candles on the floow. he said he’ll throw up if he blows longer, wtf.

* emo boy is too happy. bwaha

* me and lie peh (:

* poh juan, victor, aryil, and alvin the birthday boy.

* boohoo blur picture plus victor’s hand disturbing us. pfft.

i enjoyed both the events. i enjoyed both nights.
i had great fun and i’m so looking forward to bryan’s come back.
*ngek ngek*

Pastel Birthday Party ♥

anticipating my birthday party post? bwaha.
i was too lazy and cant be bothered to snap pictures with my loves-to-vibrate-camera, plus since there’s so many cameras snapping away that night i might as well not take part in it.
so i waited for the girls to upload pictures from that night and ‘steal’ it.

pictures are from vivien’s, susan’s, and natalie’s camera (:

poco cafe & atelier is the place we held our birthday party at.
a very cosy cafe i must say, and we booked the entire cafe that manage to fit in 30 pax.

* that’s cindy peeping out from the glass door and our pretty pastel colour helium balloooons :D

* birthday girls! ♥ me, susan, vivien, and cindy. friends for 10 years (:

* pink heart shape helium balloon! and vivien’s handmade polaroid which is really cute! ♥ hsin ye, susan, vivien, me, and ginny. (:

* yi kye, victor, mia, ian, and me.
* alvin looking cute with the happy birthday prop. but natalie and ginny is even cuter :3

* the sweet looking cupcakes i ordered from wondermilk, with all our names on it. ♥

* ahh, we girls look so happy :D me and vivien are laughing inside our heart cause i bought magic relighting candles that will relight instantly once you blow it off and i put it on cindy’s and susan’s cake. HAHAHA! it was really fun seeing the girls keep blowing off their candles. :D

* cake cutting time! (:

* group picture with the girls.

* and the boys! gavin looks funny with the heart balloons while paul, kye, and victor fools around with the large size polaroid.

* finally, i real polaroid picture of us and our cupcakes, with our name written on it but you cant see in this picture U_U.

a very big thank you to my 3 lovely birthday girls.
and not to forget to those who came and the lovely presents.
if i could turn back time, i wish i wasn’t so bothered by stuff that night so that i can really enjoy having them around me.
but nonetheless, i’m still happy (:

can you sense my laziness in this post? vivien’s post is a lot more hardworking than mine. HAHA!
do read hers if mine is not entertaining enough (:

have a good day! (:

it’s ma burfday

*throws confetti*
happy deepavali to all malaysians!!
and of course, happy birthday to myself and not to forget, jukoon as well. (:

i’ll update once i get all the pictures from birthday party.
i have fun at zouk last night with my friends who care enough to spent some time with me (:

cant thank them enough.
thanks to my friends who showed up.
thanks to my friends who called all the way from oversea just to wish me happy birthday. that’s so sweet (:
thanks to my friends who wish me through sms.
thanks to my friends who wish me through tweets.
and of course thanks to a big bunch of friends who leaves birthday wishes on my facebook wall!

i’m happy (:
and i’ll enjoy my remaining 5th november (:


Pressiee for 21st

Pressieeeeeessss! :*D
Ahah, i totally ♥ presents. Who don’t? :P

* First birthday present from mom, a gold key pendant. It’s quite tiny but good enough. (: You can see it if you stick your eyeballs on the screen. mwahaha!

* Thankss Sean for giving me a hair cut for present. Not only that, he even dyed and highlighted my hair. Awww, thanks for the effort. (:

* Younger brother said I need not pay him the Rm400 that I owe, I can use that money and get whatever I want as my present. Elder brother wanted to get me Diana F full set but he’s short of cash. (Gor, don’t worry about it, it’s okay.) I ♥ both my brothers. They treat me so good, I’m so touch. ((:

* And also special thanks to Joshua for taking photographs at my party for me. I ♥ this picture but it’s a little too dark. His flash ran out of battery.

* It’s a PINK DIANA F!!!!!! From my bff, Wong Ee Cheeng. Thankiuu so much really. Sorry for the blur picture, I’m too lazy to capture a new one.

* I’m a happy little girl. Quite a number of presents are from my wishlist. (: Ms.Dior Cherie, I’ve been wanting to have this perfume for so long and it’s from Min Jer. It’s so nice of him to get me this perfume. Gucci Envy Me perfume from Teik Wei and Pui Yee. I was quite shocked when I unwrap the present and saw what it is, quite unexpected but I like it none the less. ((:

* These are from my babes; the twins sister and Esther. Ahh, they know me well enough. *grins* Both Loreal eyeshadow from twins while Esther present me Majolica Majorca mascara, Majolica Majorca eyeshadow, and Kose mask. I so wanna try buy the Majolica mascara but it’s so expensive, around Rm50 I think. Thankiuu so much babes, you girls bought me stuff that I wanna buy before this. ((:

* White Tree Face Shop mask by Shuea Yee and Vernon, Skin Food nail polish and some chocolates by Dexter and Jasper, and boxes of accessories by Esther De Silva, Eva, and Wilson. (:

* Bag from Jayson and Anna, yay a new bag . External harddisc from Cheras clan!! Though it’s not in pink but it’s so useful and I’m using it almost everyday. Haha..
Thanks guys. I’m gonna bejewel it someday. :*D

Ouh ouh, I get red packets too. :*D
Rm100 from my beloved uncle and another Rm100 from my mom’s friend (which I don’t know who).
And someone still haven’t got me present yet. That slow Loo!!
I’m gonna shop for clothes and pass him the receipt. Mwahahahha!
I cannot already, I’m not craving for food now. I’m craving for shopping, wtf.
I think I cant quite wait for Thailand. September, oo-mm-gg!

Anyway, this year’s birthday is one of the best birthday I ever had.
Banyak friends came, banyak wishes, banyak presents, and even red packets. :*D
Totally worth every single cent I spend on the party. (:

It will be even better if mom came.
and also if dad were here.

my big two-one at mnep !

Like finally, I know.
Takes me super long to do this birthday post. :\

This is my first time ever having a birthday party in my 21 years of life.
How sad can my life be? Haha..
I hesitate at first, whether to held a party or not. But damn, it’s my 21st.
Luckily I work a few weeks before my birthday, or else I wouldn’t have the money to throw myself a party. (:

I’m glad that quite a number of my friends came.
Though at the same time I feel really awkward because I’m really not so use to the ‘all-eyes-on-me’ kind of feeling but I’m really really glad. (:

* Happy 21st to myself !

* Birthday wishes from friends. ((:

* Both my lovely brothers.

* Cool-looking younger brother.

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* My elder brother, do we look alike? (:

* My college girlfriends. Esther De Silva and Eva on the left, twins on the right.

* My babess ! ♥ them.

* Jayson and Anna. You know, working is so much more bearable because of them. (:

* With Min Jer and his friend.

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* The ‘dai gors’; Kahz, Weng Kee, Jones, Wu, Sean. Wu looks like he’s about to kill people, wtf.

* Guess how I met these guys here. I met them when I’m Form3, we’re from the same school bus and we’re friends till now. (:

* Another group of ‘dai gors’? But hey, I like this picture. (:

* Haha, nice boobs. :*D

* Vamp and Wilson, and Cheras clan-ers behind.

* Jian Liang, Crystal, Michelle, Shuea Yee the nurse, and me.

* Dexter and Jasper!

* Yee! I like this picture too. (: Whenever there’s Sean and twins in pictures together, I’ll think of Thailand.

* Joshua the talented photographer camwhoring with me and Ee with his SLR.

* Me and Alex, who came late and left after awhile. Pfft, but I forgive you because you gave me awesome birthday wish. Haha..

* There, 21 years of life. By the way, that’s cheeeeeeseee cake! (:

I spend around Rm800 plus for the birthday bash.
From liquor to cake to snacks and finger-food to balloons.
Eh, the balloons damn costly but i like them. :|
I actually asked my mom to come but she tak layan me. ):
She never celebrate my 21st with me, not even a dinner or whatsoever.
. . . . . . .
But it’s okay, at least she gave me something. heh..

Presents on next post. (: