Tag Archives: melbourne

Party Animals

Exactly when was the last time I posted about clubbing!?
It’s like I retire from the party scene when in fact, not.
Just that I’m too lazy to sort the pictures out but here I am, doing what I should. (:

Clubbing in Melbourne is a pain in the ass during winter.
Imagine walking on the road with less than ten degree weather in a ‘skimpy’ clothing.
I mean, cant be expecting me to wear four layers of clothes like how I normally would, to a club right.
Just a cardigan over my short dress and that’s it. /freeze
And then what do I do with the cardigan in the club? Hang it in the cloak room for 5 dollars each time.
Annoying much.

And then normally there isn’t any table for us in the club, unlike here in Malaysia.
They just goes up to the bar and buy shots instead of opening bottles.
No tables, no chairs equals to no place for me to sit.
I cant be dancing in my heels for a few hours straight, I’ll probably die from exhaustion.
Unless I follow the guys to the smoking area, which is an outdoor, which means cold to death.

I guess I’m just not use to it.
But then again, the people I club with in Melbourne are nice people to hang out with (:

* first clubbing in Melbourne.

* the guys at Alumbra.

* bass lounge’s smoking area.

* look at that red face ben, haha.

* the guys enjoying their drinks at neverland.

* <3
* dennis the little brother and me.

* me and wesley, and he’s only 18!!

* moments when I’m lazy to use my camera.

* my fatty. HAHA!

* victoria and me.

* jovin (:

I feel like I’m too old for clubbing sometimes.

Just a few of the activities in Melbourne.

Friends complained to me that I update my blog too slow, not that I don’t know.
I better be a hardworking blogger or else no one will be bother to read my blog anymore.
And also, the boyf asked me to stop blogging so much about food. haha
That too, I realise. Food post, food post, and food post.

There’s so much more pictures I have yet to post from Melbourne, especially those from my camera.
Haven’t even take the initiative to transfer the pictures, my bad.

Went to Melbourne’s free exhibition. Forget what’s the exhibition called but something to do with tv, movies and games.

* old school games (:

* ben playing sonic.

* they sell really cute stuff but too expensive for me to bring it home.

* at a friend’s place, having fun and drinking.

* haha, the boys taking off their pants comparing boxers.

* paintball session, but i did not join. tried once in KL and it gives me hell the next day. body ache and bruises all over, pfft!

* but this paintball base in melbourne is pretty nice, there’s plane and all.

* i actually slept in the car while waiting for them to finish their game.

* ending this post with this eerie creature. saw this on the street and this is one of the best performer i saw at melbourne so far.

Guess it’s about time for me to transfer my pictures from camera soon :\

Sunset at St. Kilda

Sorry for the one week plus hiatus, I was extremely busy last week.
Getting up around 9 every morning, running up and down just to gather all my documents for the visa that I fail to get. ;(
I was already too late when I reached Australia Embassy, the application is full and the person in charge told me to try again next year since I’m still young.
I looked at him, blank face wanting to shout into his ears “NO!! I want it now!! NOW!!” ;(
There’s still a slight chance though, if they call me in these two weeks I might get it.
But I feel pretty hopeless already because I know that is quite impossible. Sigh, life.
For all the things that I’ve done! pfft ;(

And now blogging about Melbourne makes me miss it even more. Half of my soul stays there, in that house!!
This is the only beach Ben brought me to, St. Kilda beach. I totally forgot that I wanted to go to Brighton beach so badly, only remember it when I came back to Malaysia. Fail.

We not only went to St. Kilda for sunset, but for the cute penguins as well.
He said if I’m lucky then I’ll get to see penguins behind those rocks, after they swam back.
I was so excited when I heard funny sounds from the penguins and indeed I saw few of them hiding behind the rocks.
Cute and cuddly penguins. ;)

* It’s still Autumn when we have a little fun at St. Kilda or else I’ll be freeze to death.

* Sunny and breezy and loving it.

* And it just feels so good to lay down on the grass while the wind touches our face. Most of the couples there make out and there’s one right at the corner.

* (:

* I just wore a dress and a scarf but as time goes by, as winter visits us I wore four friggin layers and still shivers.

* Lotsa dead starfish.

* Ben sitting on rocks, no idea if he’s trying to look emo or cool.

* This beautiful sunset reminds me of Redang’s beautiful sunrise.

I had fun at St. Kilda eating ice-cream, laying down on grass, searching for penguins, looking at the sun set, and just exploring around. A very relaxing evening indeed and right now, I am so looking forward to step foot on Brighton beach and snapped tons of pictures with all the colourful huts. (;

Cumulus Inc

“CUMULUS INC. eating house and bar opened in 2008 in Melbourne’s famous art and fashion precinct, Flinders Lane.”
So from what I’ve found out Cumulus Inc is run by chef Andrew McConnell and architect partner Pascale Gomes-McNabb, creating a unique eating experience by serving excellent food and of course, a great interior design to go along with the food.

And in a few years time you’ll see bloggers blogging about this ‘XXX restaurant’ run by chef Peggy Chow and architect partner Ben Tay, creating an awesome pawsome eating experience.
What!? Still not too old for me to dream right, pfft! Dream has no boundaries okay. okay. okay!?

Back to Cumulus Inc, by far this is one of my favorite restaurant in Melbourne.
Food taste absolutely delicious and it just doesn’t taste delicious, as said it does taste unique in a way.
Something different. Nothing complicated, the taste is simple yet different.
I don’t even know how to put it into words, I just love it.

* Cumulus Inc , everything is great. I guess I must have been busy eating hence there isn’t any pictures of the interior but do visit their website if you’re interested. (:

* The bread itself looks so good and soft.

* Two different types of oyster but I cant remember what is what now. Each cost around $4.

* Soft shell mud crab, this taste absolutely delicious! $20

* Scallops, boyf’s favorite. As long as there’s scallop on the menu, he’ll order it. Cant seem to get the price from their website.

* I cannot remember what fish is this, too long ago ):

* The lady who served us asked if we’d like to have salad as well, we both don’t feel like it but ordered anyway. I don’t know why. When our salad came I told the boyf we shouldn’t have ordered this but I was very wrong. This is no ordinary salad, the sauce taste so different and good. I’m actually not a salad person and they can make salad taste this good.

* Selection of Petit Fours $8, dessert was a little disappointing though but I believe they do have better desserts.

Cumulus Inc do serve breakfast too, have yet to try but I’m anticipating.
One more thing I like about Cumulus Inc is that they have open kitchen and I can sit right at the bar seeing all those young handsome chefs cooking right in front of me.
Really really like seeing chef preparing my food in front of me.

I’d definitely go back if I have the chance to step foot in Melbourne again.
Oh and the bill came up to about $100+, pretty affordable if we count dollar to dollar.
I’m pretty sure I cant get food with such quality with Rm100+ here in Malaysia.

But then again, I hope I’m wrong.
Gonna try out this restaurant that I’ve been dying to try since last year.
I hope it wont fail me since I’ve read plenty of good reviews on the web.
Cant wait (;

45 Flinders Lane
Melbourne 3000.

+61 3 9650 1445

Back from Melbourne.

If you think that I’m lazy again to blog, nope you’re wrong.
Been dying to blog, like finally I have so much free time I can slowly blog about Melbourne.


Something has to come into the way, pfft!
This time, I cant seem to upload my pictures at all, garhh!!
Blog, facebook, or twitter it just doesn’t seem to work. I’m not sure if it’s the laptop I’m using or the lousy connection but whichever it is, it’s driving me crazy.

I’m just gonna leave the pictures behind for now since it’s not working no matter how hard I try.
All I can do is just to wait for my brother to be back and use his broadband or to wait for the boyf to be back so I can do it using his computer. Annoying much.

Friends been asking me so what do I actually do when I’m in Melbourne, what’s my daily routine like.
Nothing much actually.
Wake up, lunch, laze around, clean the house, grocery shopping, prepare for dinner, laze around, cook, do the dishes, go out and have a drink, play some pool, come home, watch HK drama, nag the boyf and go to bed. That’s about it, haha.
Oh, and bully the boyf. :D
This is my normal routine but of course every now and then we will just head out and explore Melbourne. (:
I like staying at home in Melbourne more than KL.

I did nothing since I came back and for your information I’m currently staying in Bukit Jalil cause my home is under renovation.
I cannot wait to go back to my home and especially my room.
Cant believe I still have to clean the house when I’m back here, boo. ):
And I actually like to clean the Melbourne house more, I hate to mop the floor!!
Vacuuming seems more bearable and sometimes I actually have fun doing it.

I don’t know I just miss Melbourne so much. I miss everything there.
Everything in Melbourne just seems so nice.
I feel sticky 24/7 since I’m back and how I hate it. Ugh.
Other than that, everything is pretty much normal.

I’m just bored for now, hence the rambling.
Boyf coming back tomorrow, cant wait! :D :D :D

3 Months In Melbourne

1) I didn’t come across any mosquito, not even one. I nearly forget the existence of mosquito but soon enough I’m going back to hell cause there’s tons and tons of it in my home.

2) No lizard!! Not one either and this could possibly be one of the best thing for me. Again, going back to hell cause there’s too tons of it at home. fml

3) I feel really really safe being here in Melbourne, I’m not afraid when I walk down the street during 4 in the morning and I absolutely love the feeling. No matter how, Malaysia can never never give me this feeling, I’ll only feel paranoid. ):

4) Good public transport if were to compare to home. From my house to KLCC by car will prolly take me 20 minutes without jam but if I were to use the public transport I have to take a bus to Taman Maluri Jusco then change to LRT to Masjid Jamek and THEN change again only to reach KLCC. And sometimes you just have to wait effing long for the bus PFFT. On normal days I only wait for trams for like 3 to 5 minutes and they even tell you how long you have to wait unlike Malaysia. PFFFFFT!

5) There’s traffic lights everywhere and there’s really nothing to worry about when we cross the roads. Back home, it might cost you your life wtf.

6) Good cafes. Very good cafes with beautiful decorations and not to forget food that taste heaven as well. And by cafes I don’t mean Asian food.

7) No stray dogs. I only get to see all the cute dogs (:

8) Some really creative advertisement and of course, you get to see pretty models wearing panties on TV commercial. I was pretty shock when I first saw it because you know if you get to see that on Malaysia’s TV, everyone in Malaysia is gonna be a billionaire wtf.

9) Sushi roll!!! Yes I love sushi roll!

10) Chai latte, not sure if there’s any in Malaysia. If yes, where?

11) But I hate the fact that their shops closes at 5 in the evening. *boring*

12) and it’s really expensive to eat out

13) and they don’t have nice shisha place here

14) and their roti canai cost $5!!! I can eat like 15 pieces in KL.

15) and not much yam cha place during the night.

16) and a movie ticket cost me $20!!

17) and 2 hours of public transport cost me $3.80!! (sorry i’m really kiamsiap wtf)

18) and everything here just seems ridiculously expensive to me ):

19) and it’s MAD COLD!!!

yah that’s about it for the time being. I’m going back real sooooooon. Less than 24 hours!!!!!!!!!1 ):