Tag Archives: melbourne

Not so instant instax.

Finding things to do, that’s what I do when I have nothing to do.

Scanned my instant pictures and uploaded it to the web.
Some of the instax was taken more than a year ago.
I was chasing time as it passed me by too quickly, I wasn’t being lazy. Definitely not!

1) More than a year ago at Melbourne Moomba Festival and Fatty won me a Kermit which I really like! I was playing with it all the time after it landed itself on my hands. I miss my Kermit frog! :(

2) With the guys at Moomba, my first day meeting Fatty’s friends who are now my friends. :)

3) Before we shift to our new place.

4) And after, at our new home! And that’s where my Kermit sits all the time, on a floor lamp.

5) It looks like I just finish washing the toilet, haha.

6) At Puffing Billy. Oh just look at the smoke!

7) Our day at the city, loitering around.

8) One of my happiest day at Melbourne is when I get to meet up with my friend, Foon!

9) And of course meeting up with Susan too at Joomak. I think I drank quite a bit of their Mango Rice Wine. From the above picture alone I can tell that I was burning inside!

10) At Kbox for Fatty’s birthday. Everyone was really happy or looked happy at least.

11) Before rocking the club on a Friday night. ;)

12) My graduation day with my babes!! /tears of joy

13) FATTY, Y U IS WAN TO ACT COOL!? but i is melts. Haha!

14) With Alvin and Ee Cheeng, another act cool fella.

15) With my weird family members. Just look at that wtf face given by my mom.

16) And lastly, on my birthday last year.

I am doing very well these days which is out of my expectation.
I guess I’m not that clingy after all or I shall say I do have a pretty good self control if I want to.
It all depends on my mood, heh.

For now, I am enjoying all the extra time I have but of course I do miss my Fatty dearly too.
Now I love whatsapp, viber and skype even more.

Little things make me happy. :)

Birdman Eating and The Hardware Société

I was expecting a blog post from myself last week but little did I know my ‘timetable’ was be jam packed.
Tuesday and Wednesday was spent watching ‘Bottled Passion’, a TVB drama.
The habit of watching drama all day, from episode to episode is no longer in me.
Or I should say, not much drama interest me nowadays.

Saw my mom and brother watching ‘Bottled Passion’ and it looks so interesting I have to get it from my brother.
It was real good I finished it in 3 days, mainly because it’s a love story with a twist.
But I hate the ending so it kind of made me feel like I wasted my time watching it.
TVB should know by now that ‘unhappy ending’ will not make us, the audience happy.

After the drama, the rest of my days were spent outside of home hanging out with friends from Melbourne cause most of them are at KL for now. (:
Speaking of Melbourne, here is the post as promised.

Food from Melbourne’s cafe.
You see, it’s been pretty long (very damn long in fact) since I came home from Melbourne so I guess I probably cant describe how the food taste like anymore except that it tasted good wtf.
But I’ll try my best to dig out whatever I can remember from my brain.

First off, Birdman Eating.
Yes, what a name I thought to myself when Fatty first told me about it.
Birdman Eating : Odd name, simple, and brilliantly done (food and ambiance).

I do not do any research about restaurant or cafes during my stay in Melbourne (unlike here in KL) because obviously, it’s the boyf’s job while I visit him.
Apparently Birdman Eating is very famous for their baked eggs as I’ve mentioned in my previous post.

* The first thing that caught my eye when I stepped into Birdman Eating is their hanging carrots in plastic bags. What a decoration. The first one is a bird man like figure with colourful feathers, second is the hanging plastic-bag-carrots and the third are flowers in vases which they changed it on the spot when we’re there.
Very creatively done.

* One of the best Chai Latte I’ve ever tried in Melbourne which came in a rather unique red tin. Very aromatic and I really like it that way. Damn, I seriously miss drinking Chai Latte. $5.50.

* I guess we ordered baked eggs of the day which you can made your decision based on what they have on their blackboard. Just imagine, on a chilly early noon you’re served with pipping hot baked eggs with runny yolks on a metal skillet and with a sliced of buttered toast. Your day will be a wonderful one after eating the baked eggs, hah. $14.

* Soup of the day which I cant remember much.

* A picture while we were walking towards the tram station. I will definitely be back for more baked eggs, some time this year. (:

So if you happened to be in Melbourne, do drop by on a Sunday morning for some perfectly bake baked eggs.
This will not disappoint you, I swear.
It’s located at Fitzroy and here’s the address.

Birdman Eating
238 Gertrude Street
Fitzroy, VIC 3065

Mon-Fri 7am–10:30pm
Sat-Sun 8am–10:30pm

Next on is The Hardware Société.
Did not bother much on why Birdman Eating is called Birdman Eating but how did The Hardware Société’s name came by is from the lane itself, located at Hardware street.
So next time if you cant figure what name to give your cafe, you can try ‘Hang Tuah Société’ if your cafe is at Jalan Hang Tuah.
Damn, Malaysia’s street name never sound right.

* Another perfect place for a warm hearty breakfast. I seriously love eating breakfast in Melbourne.

* If you pay attention enough, most of the newly opened cafes in KL look like the above picture. Probably inspired by cafes from the west.
The Hardware Société’s interior actually looked much better than the picture above. I was too busy catching up with my friend and too busy focusing on food. Cant be bothered with pictures that very moment. But do google for it if you’re interested and you’ll be amaze.

Expect to see a line of people waiting for tables when you’re there, probably a very normal scene for The Hardware Société.

Do forgive me because I am not able to name a single dish here, my brain failed me.
So this time round, I’ll just say I’ll let the pictures do the talking.

* Chai Latte in a pot wrapped by a cute and colourful knit. Told you I love Chai Latte, just simply irresistible.

* My friends were not quite used to the taste and the combination of ingredients the cafe offered.

* Just take a look at the peas/beans!

* This is the best dish but I cant remember what it is.

* I was really happy when I get to meet Foon in Melbourne and that’s where we enjoyed our breakfast together.

The Hardware Société is located in CBD, in the heart of Melbourne city.

The Hardware Société
120 Hardware Street
Melbourne VIC 3000

Opening hours:
Mon – Fri 7.30am – 3pm
Sat – 8.30am – 2pm

Now you see the difference between Malaysia’s cafe and Melbourne’s?
Or you still don’t?
Sometimes it just feels like these Melburnians put so much heart and effort in their food and drinks.
Damn, Melburnians can really cook!
Worth every penny you pay!

How I miss.

I am missing Melbourne so much right at this moment, it’s not even funny!!!
Yes, I always miss Melbourne on normal days but today the missing feeling is just so intense I don’t know why.

Here I am blogging from office because I just feel like I need to let it out plus I’ve got nothing much on hand right now.
Better not take me wrong, I’m not abandoning my work for this.

I miss taking the apartment’s lift, walking out to the street.
I miss crossing that street right in front of the apartment to Coles.
I miss grocery shopping at Coles.
I miss taking the train at Southern Cross.
I miss waiting for the tram.
I miss deciding whether I should buy the tram ticket while my boyf stares at me.
I miss walking in the cold. So cold I’m freeze to death.
I miss preparing breakfast while the boyf is soundly asleep.
I miss preparing dinner alone at home while the boyf is at the gym.
I miss preparing dinner while the boyf do his work.
I miss baking the frozen pizza for our supper.
I miss showering in that toilet.
I miss vacuuming the house.
I miss laying on the cheapest sofa bed we got from Ikea.
I miss locking the boyf while he’s at the balcony taking a puff.
I miss playing Lami with my friends while the guys plays Dota.
I miss playing pool at QV.
I miss QV’s mamak.
I miss drinking a hot cup of coffee in the cold.
I miss the autumn leaves.
I miss David Jones.
I miss the shops.
I miss Tien Ren.
I miss Lin Contro.
I miss San Churro.
I miss going to clubbing on Friday nights.
I miss seeing Dennis get drunk.
I miss Sam’s place.
I miss the egg benedicts and whatever it is.
I miss walking to Crown with the boyf.
I just really miss walking in Melbourne.
I even actually miss that brief moment staying in QV’s 3107.
I miss the room with a magnificent view.

Today or right now is just one of the days where I wish I could turn back time.
Those 3 months of memories, I wouldn’t trade with anything.
I just don’t know why I get really emotional thinking about it today.


Missing my favorite city on a Mid-Autumn

I should be flying tonight!!!
I should be in one of my favourite city tomorrow!!!
But here I am still in my pajamas sitting on my bed with a laptop on my lap filling my blog with nonsense.
The thought of it is unbearable ):

I miss all my friends in Melbourne so so much.
Miss the weekly clubbing routine where we’ll all go for supper at QV’s mamak afterwards.
Laughing at my friend for getting drunk and acting silly, it’s always him.
And he’ll get a hangover next day, refusing to eat anything for lunch. Haha!

I hope by the time I have the chance to be at Melbourne again, most of them are still there.
Because my chance will only come mid next year, hell long to go.

Meanwhile, I get to spend our first mid-autumn with the fatty (:
But I don’t think he’s even interested in lanterns and candles, haha.
Then again, it’s not childish or sissy okay! It’s a tradition!
It’s a festive that all of us once looked forward to during our childhood times.

I kind of miss the old school rabbit lantern that I once used to dislike cause I think it’s ugly.
Don’t you just miss being a kid?
Anyway, happy mid-autumn festival to all the Chinese in the world. (:

My one day road trip in Melbourne.

Yes, I do go to road trip too, I don’t just stay in the city.
But just one road trip for the entire three months if my memory did not fail me, it was way too cold for us to go on a road trip.

Ben rented a car and off we go to Mount Dandenong. (:
First stop was Puffing Billy. It’s a century old steam train that will bring us around the mountain allowing us to have a view at the scenic Dandenong ranges.
There’s a history to it but I cant quite remember it right now, haha.
The price is slightly expensive to me but I did had fun sitting on a steam train listening to the puff-puff sound that the train makes. (:

* Say hi to billy.

* Train stop.

* And the best part is of course we get to sit at the edge and put our legs outside!

* Like this! :D

* And stuck my head outside hoping that there aint any giant knife chopping my head away.

* ‘putt-putt’

* We didn’t go all the way, we just stop at the middle, get down and snapped some pictures.

* It’s really really cold.

Went for late lunch after saying bye to Billy at a place I cant remember.
I just remember seeing lots of cows when I was enjoying my meal. Or was it lots of sheep?
The restaurant is surrounded by beautiful trees.

* Lovely branches and dried leaves. Love it!

Leave the place and went uphill to enjoy the friggin cold breeze and beautiful view.
Boyf said I sure will like this and brought me to this Giant’s Chair.

* Trying to show how giant the chair is.

* I wonder how many times he sat on this Giant’s Chair, haha.

* If only my picture can tell you how cold it is at that very moment.

* This is a tree hole ….

* …for people like me to make a wish. ‘Dear tree hole, ………’

* Of all trees, why did I picked the one that look most pathetic?

* He’d been to all these places for a few times, yet he brought me there for me to enjoy my holiday. How nice of him (:

Since the boyf bought his i4, we’ve always been taking pictures with Instagram. Especially me because it can save me lotsa hassle from editing my pictures and I took all of ’em with his account.
He don’t really bother accepting requests or stuff like that, so three weeks back I took over and created my own account instead. muahaha!
Follow me if you wish, just look for ‘peggychow’. (:

Melbourne Museum, oh-so-interesting.

The word museum do not appeal to a lot of the people I know.
Whenever I am excitedly talking about museum or how badly I wish to go, I do get weird stares sometimes.
Like why?? Museum can be so interesting!
Well, maybe not the one in KL but I believe museums outside of the country is worth a visit.
Even the museum in Malacca thrills me. Have yet to visit Baba and Nyonya museum!!

I had much fun reading and learning and seeing all the stuffs in Melbourne museum.
We went twice on separate days because on the first day while half way enjoying the museum someone called and we need to go home instantly because that someone is coming over to fix the phone line.
Gawd, hate it like why cant they inform us earlier instead of calling and requesting us to go home of all sudden. PFFT!!

So we went back again after a week or two to continue the journey.
Lack of time still, there’s still parts which I have not explore yet. ):
Sigh. It really does take a lot of time to finish every part of the museum, there’s too many things for me to explore.
When I have the chance, I’ll definitely go back for the third time.

* museum day (:

* the use-to-be-tram, looking so cute and lovely. I’d love to take a ride to Richmond in that tram (:

* there’s all types of crystals, in so many different shapes, forms, and colours. never in my life saw such crystals before!

* and there’s even glow-in-the-dark crystal. how amazing.

* the museum not only showcase dinosaurs, but their poops and eggs as well.

* bugs, butterflies, spiders, bees, ants, and whatnot. there’s tons of them.

* real living bugs and their home.

There’s sections on human body and mind which Ben likes the most, and then there’s section on planets and earth which appears to be the most boring to me.
Exploring human minds are fun, I’m always somewhat drawn to that.
Funny how the part that I missed out exploring is the part that showcase things related to Australia.
What a waste.

After exploring we have a slow walk back to the city enjoying the autumn breeze.
Autumn is one of the four season I like the most. The sight of the fall leaves are just too beautiful for me to ignore.
My nickname for ICQ ten years ago was AutumnGal, hahahahahah.
And some of my friends still have the funniest email address ever, haha.

* strolling around the park.

* just look at the leaves. now i wonder, why didn’t I lay down on it once.

Visiting the museum worth every dollar I paid, it’s just 8 dollars.
And if you’re a student studying in Melbourne, or Oz it is absolutely free. Students are under concession.
Trust me, it’s fun. (:

p/s: my guest ‘blogger’ asked me to introduce him to the whole world that he’ll be guest blogging and i wonder when will that be.

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