Tag Archives: Langkawi

Off to Langkawi


Me ish going to Langkawi!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In case you’re too blind to see which is me and my brother cause the picture is soooo dark.
Went to Langkawi twice. The first was when I’m still a baby and the second is when I’m standard 4 or 5, with my family, including my dad. (:

I’m probably on the plane now, I set the time for my post to be publish. (:
I hope I’ll have heaps of fun there, I’m going with another 12 of my Cheras Clan-ers.
I’ll be back on Monday night and I’ll blog earliest on Tuesday.
Don’t miss me too much people, muahaha.
Lots of Love. ♥

LANGKAWI, HERE I COME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

Edit: Flight delay, and so I delay my post too.