Tag Archives: Fusion

PLOY With Your Food

How did Ploy climb it’s way up to get #1 title at TripAdvisor? I cant comprehend.

Ploy is a restaurant inspired by Thai and Japanese cuisine and when this two cuisine are match together, you can only think of bringing orgasm to your tastebud. Or that’s what I thought.
Ploy actually means ‘gem’ in Thai and the restaurant serves a modern fusion cuisine at WORK @ Clearwater.
Clearwater is located at Changkat Semantan, it did took us quite a while to get there.

#1 Signage made from mirror cutout to create a gem-like effect.

#2 Menu protected by a wood cover.

#3 Casual dimly lit ambience.

#4 Fatty browsing through the menu seriously.

#5 While I took a picture of myself after I’ve done selecting my choice.


#7 Ben’s Apple Sour (RM15) and my Thai Ice Tea (RM10) which is the only thing that captured our heart. The drinks was really good, though the glass was small. Instead of using normal ice, they put in frozen thai ice cubes into my drink and frozen sour plum into Ben’s drink. That way, our drinks will not turn out tasteless even after the ice has melted.

#8 Mixed Seafood Ceviche (RM31.50) which contains salmon, tuna, octopus, and raw prawn. I must say that this is one of the raw seafood platter that I enjoyed the least. The dressing (lime juice and shoyu) in my opinion was too watery, it didn’t looked and tasted appetizing. The size of the seafood was too small and it clearly wasn’t fresh enough. Raw prawns I ate at Jalan Alor Thai food was better than this.
It was dissapointing.

#9 Cant remember what sushi roll was this, too insignificant.

#10 Tender Beef Ribs (RM38) was served with Ploy’s herb sauce that tasted somewhat like our local satay sauce.

#11 Duck Confit (RM30) was the best dish among all. Other than the skin being real crispy and that they did not mess up the taste, there was nothing at all for me to rave about.

#12 If you’re an outdoor person, worry not as they do have an outdoor space to cater to your needs.

Note: Ploy was at the top of the chart while I blogged about this and after weeks of keeping this post in my draft, Ploy has now drop to #4 instead.

I don’t get why so many people seems to like dining at Ploy when the taste the chef created was no surprise.
Price wise, it is definitely affordable but with that price, Nathalie Gourmet win hands down.

Our bill came up to about RM120+ when it should be more because there was a promotion for buy 1 free 1 on ala carte menu.
There’s one thing I’ll go back for though, their drinks.

G-02 Ground Floor
Changkat Semantan,
Off Jalan Semantan,
Damansara Heights,
50490 Kuala Lumpur
03-2095 0999

How to : Japanized Pasta

This was one of the first few dishes that I learned when I was at Melbourne.
This is also one of Fatty’s favorite dish, he loves it. :D

Think of Japanized pasta as Pasta Zanmai’s pasta and you will get the picture.
Taste incredible while it’s incredibly easy to make, this is a winner.

#1 Ingredients.

Minced garlic
Matsutake mushroom or you can use mix mushrooms depending on your liking
Mentsuyu sauce
Japanese sesame dressing

#2 Bring water to boil, add in vegetable oil, salt, and spinach. Do the same for spaghetti on another pot.

Was supposed to use bacon but since I had mussels around, so I substitute it with mussels instead.
When spinach is soft, bring it out from the pot.
Cut spinach and bacon equally.

#3 Add in olive oil into pan, follow by minced garlic, mussels (bacon), mushroom, and spinach.

#4 Saute for a while before pouring pasta into the pan. Next add in mentsuyu, probably about half a cup.

It is entirely up to your preference as to how much mentsuyu to add in but do it the wet style and pour in more.
Finally add in Japanese sesame dressing as per your liking too.

#5 Boil yourself a hard boiled egg and add it on top of your pasta.

Feel free to add in chili flakes and dry seaweed if you wish, definitely taste better in my opinion.

So if you’re wondering what Mentsuyu is, it is a soup base or soup stock mostly use for udon or soba.
Buying Mentsuyu in Melbourne was as easy as pie, I could easily grab one from Asian grocery store.
But back here, it took me awhile to finally found it. Forget about supermarkets like Giant and Jusco unless I carelessly skipped the bottle of sauce.
I’m not sure where else have it but I bought mine from Empire Shopping Gallery’s supermarket for about Rm15 per bottle.

If you ever try it, let me know if it’s good. :)

Journey for the Soul : Siem Reap Day 4.

My previous Siem Reap day 3 post was to me, a little too heavy which is why I skipped rambling and rambling on what we did that night after exploring beautiful ruins.

We went to Pub Street for the second time, it’s like the only place you’ll feel like going during the night. Or more like the only place you can hangout at night.
The first thing we did upon reaching Pub Street was to look for a decent massage parlor.
We went to this massage parlor called Lemongrass Garden and we paid $10 for a full body massage which lasts for about one hour.
I cant remember much on the massage, I was falling asleep. Towards the end, we both wished we could continue sleeping till the dawn breaks.
After such a long and tiring day, it is definitely worth pampering yourself with a nice massage.

If you’re on a tight budget, you can opt for a $2 foot massage that last for half an hour.
There’re everywhere around Pub Street and for such a low price, I’ll just have to say that it is worth every penny you pay.

For days I told Fatty that I wanted to try their local bbq because I saw them everywhere and they look so tempting. I just had to, so bbq it was after our massage.
There’s a street of local food at Pub Street where you can spot easily. If you’re looking for cheap dinner, that’s the place to go.

Right before we stepped into Pub Street, where people enjoy their beer, music, and companion.

I randomly picked a stall and ordered what we saw on the menu.

Orgasmic ice blended fruit juice! Fatty’s mango banana ice blended juice and my coconut ice blended juice. These are seriously so good and rich, not just some lousy packet fruit drink. Their ice blended fruit juice will deoxidise and soon change colour after it is left for too long.

Fatty’s fried noodle for about a dollar a plate.

And the local bbq I ordered. You can choose up to four different type of meats plus vegetables, noodles, and rice will be included for just $4 a set. The portion is just nice for the two of us.

On the next day which is our 4th day at Siem Reap, we swapped hotel again.
We’re back to the first hotel that mistakenly booked our room wrongly, Golden Banana Boutique Hotel and Resort.
Among all three hotels which we picked, Golden Banana costs the most. We paid RM260 for a night which is indeed quite pricey.

Balconies that overlook the swimming pool.

Love it!

Anyone is welcome to lay down and enjoy their holiday.

But of course I prefer siting on this rattan chair while I let it swing. :)

The view from our balcony.

LOVE! Outdoor bathtub right at our balcony. We poured half the bottle of soap into the bathtub to create bubble bath. ♥

Where our shower is.

Part of our room.

That’s what he do when he cant be bothered about me snapping pictures.

Absolutely love their wardrobe!! Directly attached to the wall’s cement. And damn, I love their rattan hangers too. Was so tempted I almost wanted to take those lovely hangers home.

Not sure where to go after checking out our room, I decided to go to their local market for a walk. Yes, pasar. (:

Tried their local coffee and cup of ice coffee alone can cause the both of us diabetes! It was soooooooo sweet I wonder how much of condensed milk she poured it in.

Crickets, anyone?

Something from Siem Reap that made in fell in love with is their kampot black pepper.
I love the smell and the taste of their black pepper, very much different from those I’ve tasted.

Local spices and snacks. $2 for 3 packs if I’m not mistaken.
Don’t buy from shops or night markets, their definitely more pricey. The cheapest I saw are the ones selling in the market.

Delicious popiah found in the market.

The best food, most often than not can be found in the most unexpected place.
Nothing interesting, I know. Looks somewhat dirty even.

But this bowl of noodle completed my day. Every now and then I miss eating this bowl of noodle!! Fatty said it’s ‘la zah min’ as known as dirty noodles. Please someone enlighten me, do we have it here in Malaysia?

The friendly kids who were so eager to look at the photo after I captured it. :)

After our lunch, we went back to the thought provoking cafe called Art Deli to have a drink.

Have I mentioned that beers in Cambodia is amazingly cheap? Only $0.50 for glass of draft Angkor beer and $1.50 for a bottle of Asahi.
Now I really wish I can drink.

One of my favourite picture from Siem Reap!

I heart this cafe! How can you not love a place like this, right?

Such a creative idea.

Keep calm and carry one.

I enjoyed my short time in the cafe. Enjoyed looking at all the arts around and listen to one of my favourite music, Soledad.
Time constraint wont let me stay for long so I leave this little cafe knowing that one day, I’ll be back definitely.
We wanted to spend more time in the hotel since we paid quite a sum for it so we went back for a swim.

Sorry, I’m a girl. A vain one sometimes. :P

Time for my much awaited dinner after our swim.
Among all the restaurants that I’ve researched on, Wat Damnak Cuisine is the only restaurant that I told myself I cannot miss.

‘Cuisine Wat Damnak was founded on the simple concept of using only local fresh seasonal produce with which to create exquisite Cambodian food.’
Cuisine Wat Damnak is considered as a fine dining restaurant and they only have two set menus for you to choose from. However, their set menus are change every week depending on what’s available in the market as the chef will only pick the freshest and the best ingredients.

Don’t get me wrong, I was so eager to try Cuisine Wat Damnak is not for the reason that I want to dine in fancy restaurants. I was attracted by their concept, how their menus will change every week and how dedicated this french chef is. ‘French chef’, I cant say no.

There’s two tasting menu, one price at $17 and another price at $24.

Dimly lit ambience.

A very asian yet taste too good to be true amuse bouche.

The quality of the pictures I took are bad due to the dim light so I’ll forego posting it up.

Four course meal with a dessert for only about Rm75, that’s like a frigging good deal.
If you ever go to Siem Reap, please try this restaurant. This will not disappoint you, I swear. :)

Some fruit we’ve not tasted before.

And that’s how we end our last night in Siem Reap, with a very good meal.
That night, I was heavy hearted. I do not want to leave this inspiring place just yet.
Right there and then I wish I can have another week but I tell myself I shouldn’t be greedy.

Golden Banana’s cafe, where we had our breakfast.

Love those lights. I think I love almost everything I see in Siem Reap la.

Damn special right the clock!! I was staring at it for so long.

Fatty’s English breakfast before we leave the hotel. He’s always very eager to eat his meal, he cant even wait for 5 seconds for me to capture a picture. Pfft.

And my super hearty-warmy-yummy local porridge.

We were running late and I was so afraid that we might not make it to the airport on time.
But then again I realised, no such thing.

Goodbye Siem Reap for now.

I will definitely be back and the next time when I’m there, there’s one thing I will and must do.
Go for a cooking class because they do offer such classes there.

Next time.
Till then Siem Reap.

Golden Banana Boutique Hotel and Resort.
Phum Wat Damnak, Kumm Sala Komreuk, Krom 10, Siem Reap, Kingdom of Cambodia.
Tel: +885(0) 12654638 or +885(0) 63766655
Website: www.goldenbanana.info
Email: goldenbanana2@gmail.com

Cuisine Wat Damnak
Between Psa Dey Hoy market and Angkor High School,
Wat Damnak village, Sala Kamrek Commune, Siem Reap, Cambodia

Open Tuesday to Saturday from 6.30pm till 9.45pm (last order)
For any further information and booking, please fill in the contact form
or call +855 (0)63 965 491 / +855 (0)77 347 762
or email info@cuisinewatdamnak.com\

Dinner at 7atenine

Had a random-berdress up-dinner with ze bf last Tuesday.
No special occasion.
Have been wanting to try out 7atenine since ages ago when I saw some pictures of it on the net and when he said dinner at 7atenine I was really happy (inside my heart, didn’t show it to him haha).

* My Rm25 dress with a Rm7 thin belt. I love cheap bajus :twisted:

We shared a four course meal because we can never finish one by ourselves.
I always fail to remember the name of the food.

* Some shrimp salad thingy that taste o-k-a-y only.

* This I can remember. Soup of the day wtf. I like the soup, creamy enough but not too creamy till you feel bloated after drinking it.

* Foie gras with steak something something. Bf loves foie gras!! The beef is tender enough but will be better if it’s a little bit more raw.

* And of course our dessert, Tiramisu. We both quite like it as it’s not too sweet. Soulmate wtf, we both don’t really like sweet stuff.

* Was a little disappointed at the interior. I don’t know why but I thought the place will look super nice. I just have this very nice picture in my brain wtf. And I dislike their chair, not comfy ): but I do like their lighting.

Just chill and snap some pictures after meal.
So sorry now I’m gonna spam some shamless pictures, bwaha!

* fail. too dark.

* fail. his upper head went missing but I actually quite like this picture. heh.

* fail. i look ugly but since he looks so cute, i’ll sacrifice a little and post this up.

* fail. he said he looked like Aaron here which I agree. HAHAHA! the more I look at this picture, the more he looks like Aaron here. HAHAHAHA!!

Ascott Kuala Lumpur
no. 9, jalan pinang
50450 kuala lumpur, malaysia
reservations: 603 2161 7789, 6012 210 3055
operational hours: 4.30pm till closing,
mondays to fridays 6pm till closing, saturdays

Though the chairs aren’t comfy, though the interior aren’t as what I expected, though the food doesn’t taste as good as what we expected, I still had a great night. :)