Tag Archives: dessert


Went swimming with my buddies at Bukit Jalil and it was so much fun. Didn’t swim much because I forget my goggles. Haha, I can’t swim without goggles and I can’t really swim. Its so much fun playing with water. :)

And half way through playing the sky turns so dark and there is lightning. Terkejut aku.
Have to get out of the pool damn fast if not, kena struck by lightning then die. The rain starts pouring and it is so windy. Sejuk.

We ate steamboat at Sri Petaling later on.

Then dessert at Sweet Bean which is also located at Sri Petaling.
Mak Chuk.

Mango Lolo..

Peanut Paste match with Tau Foo Fa

Black Sesame something something..

There goes my Sunday.. :)

Random Sweet Photos

JCo Donuts – looks so delicious.

Cakes all from Secret Recipe.




Sweet Watermelon hanging on my ear.

Trying to look… erm, sweet?

I don’t know what I’m trying to do… Hehe.. :)

And lastly I bought I very cute and sweet slipper from Vincci+.
So cute right? Like the transparent feeling. :)


I’ve never been a fan of donut. I don’t hate it nor love it. Donut never cross my mind when I’m searching for food to eat. When I went to Pavilion with my friends, one of them told me that this shop sells amazing donut. Nope, not Dunkin Donut, I’ve never even try Dunkin Donuts before. The name is JCo Donuts & Coffee. Theres a lot of people queuing up just to buy donuts. But still it didn’t make me feel like trying it. My friend wanted to eat and so we queue up and since we queue up that long, I thought why shouldn’t I try. We bought half dozen and the price is Rm11. Each donut cost Rm2 to Rm2.50.


Look at these people, there are even more when I queue up.

Glazzy(The original), Oreo, Crunchy, and three Double Chocolate.

For chocolate lovers, this is definitely the donut for you. The chocolate is fill inside the donut and when you take a bite, it will flow into your mouth. I don’t like chocolate, so I don’t really like this. I know I’m weird.

Their donut is the nicest donut I’ve ever eaten so far. The bread is so soft, so so soft and it taste so good and even smells good. I heard from my friend there is a shop at Tesco, Taman Midah so I went to buy yesterday.

But how come different logo?

But they serve the same donut.
Cheese, Cappuccino, Spicy Floss, Double Chocolate, Durian, and Mango.

I’m a little confuse at first, so I ask the cashier.
Me: Is this the one same as Pavilion.
Cashier: Pavilion? Nope, our shop at Pavilion is not open yet.
Me: But there is this shop name JCo same as your shop. Are you all from the same branch?
Cashier: Nope, we are different.
Me: Different, but you sell the same thing. (Which looks 95% alike)
Cashier: Ya, we sell almost the same thing but we are from different company.
Me: Ok.. -.-‘

How come? Logo also almost same, donut also same, the plate they use also same, but price different. Big Apple is Rm9.50 for half dozen and JCo is Rm11 for half dozen.
Which one taste better? Definitely JCo because their bread is softer, but Big Apple also worth eating. Dunkin Donut? I don’t know.

Grandpa’s 80th Birthday

I went back to hometown last Saturday to celebrate my grandpa’s 80th birthday.
For your information, my hometown is at Bentong, Pahang.
The first destination we head to when we arrive hometown is Kow Po.
Kow Po sells damn nice ice-cream and cendol. Every time we went back, we sure will eat Kow Po’s ice-cream. If so happens you went there to have holiday (although that place have nothing much to visit) do stop by Kow Po and have a nice cendol mix ice-cream.



Haih, this picture don’t do any justice to the damn nice cendol.

And here, I present you my very cute (okay, at least I think so) baby cousin.
I damn like his pink baju, so cute. :)
Look at his cute face and cute baju, not the green boobs.

I told you he is cute.

That is my grandpa. They both look alike, they both look cute. :)

This is the birthday cake. My grandpa is very funny sometimes.
He asked his in law whether she wanted to eat cake, and when she asked who’s birthday, he said no one’s birthday. How weird. By the way, this cake sucks.


Alright, this picture is definitely a gold. Why do I say so is because they both are like enemies. They argue everyday, never sleep together, chasing each other with broom and parang. I sometimes wonder how they have 7 kids.

From Left to Right: Bleu Stripe [3rd Antie] , Green [5th Auntie], Carrying Baby [Big Uncle], Red Shirt [Small Uncle], Red Fat [Big Auntie], Hidden body behind Red [2nd Auntie], Blue [4th- my mom]

He damn tak layan.

She lagi tak layan. She looks young, right? No?
My face looks like I’m mabuk..

My younger brother and I, lucky he layan sikit.

Last but not least…..
A babi picture from me.

All my words sentences sound weird. Nevermind…