Tag Archives: clubbing

Takin back my love

har har. i know i’m updating so slow these days.
i did not do revision for the whole week and oh god. i feel like i cant catch up soon.

you know chinese new year is coming. i’ve been out the past few days to shop for new year clothings.
and playing ‘lami’ a lot. :X
i seriously need to start revising again. midterm is before cny.
so friggin fast !! 5 chapters in total if i’m not wrong which is really crazy.

i forced persuaded my mom to give me 300 bucks for new year clothings. :*D
she still owes me 100 now :X
actually 300 is not enough for me to shop lorh .500 will be nice. bwahah
or maybe i’ll go to the mall with her and force persuade her to pay for my stuff. :X

that 300 .now i’m only left with 70 bucks. and i’ve still got a lot more to buy. tsk tsk
i want heels. i want pants. i want tops. i want bags. and baju dalaman wtf. ouh, and my sandals ahh!
but i’ll buy my own bag after i got my salary.
aih wtf. i don’t know why i’m talking about shopping here. so annoying.

a couple of pictures from mike’s birthday at Gosh!
Gosh is not bad. pretty spacious and music was okay. got lots of chicks also. bwaha

* my kakilang. happy birthday dude (:

* the girlfriend .awww so sweet.

* this guy here is pretty wasted. because he couldn’t recall taking any of the pictures. :\

* the usual four.

* meet up with susu, the one next to me after the party ends. seriously. my first time seeing her after ten years ago.

errm. i’m getting a new tattoo soon.
on next wednesday. :X
i hope my mom wont kill me for that. actually i very gan chiong lor wth.

someone told me to stop daydreaming. stop thinking about it so much and stuff.
but that’s like my hobby haha. i don’t know how to not daydream.
you teach me how.

Lets get it poppin. I’m in Miami bitch

second day of the year . i spend it at warehouse.
no. not the warehouse that sell loads of pweeeety dress.
it’s a club by poppy.

* i saw thomas behind, lol.

* love foon’s dress. looks like the one from forever 21.

* cheeky mike.

* ivan teng! you’re the best. and thanks for the sony pouch. (:

* surprise. lee zan shaun.

* thomas very mafan one. cannot tag him at facebook. can only do that after he goes back to perth. pfft

* yo nigga!

* haha, why yan look so cute. o.o

* he damn not sober okay. cannot simply kiss okay. have to pay money okay. hmph.

that leezanshaun damn drunk. need weng kee to drive his car back.
then i left my stupid house key in the car .!! have to call my brother at 4 plus in the morning to open the door for me, kena wtf by my brother! hurhur

so leezanshaun passed me the key this noon. my mom’s at the living room.

mom: *smile sheepishly*
me: (wtf)
mom: yao hei fan mai yat chei ah? (get back together again?)
me: (zzz -_________- wtf) mehh? bin dou yao! (what? where got?)
mom: mou?? (no??)
me: yi goh sai gai, yao yeh giu peng yao geh. san jor dou hor yi zou peng yao. soh gah lei. mou hor leng okay. (in this world, there’s such things as friend. break up already also can be friend. you crazy. impossible okay.)

sighhh.. my mom!
see him means must ask me the same question wtf.
me is grown up girl. me see things differently now mama. not all things is possible okay.

*gasp* class is starting tomorrow and i have yet to check my timetable.
*pulls hair and run around* omg!! i’ll go check in sooooooooon!!

healthy lifestyle .no more

Howdy peeps! (:
No more so call healthy lifestyle for me .
I don’t have to go to bed early cause I’m not working so……. :X

Add on top of that, Thomas is back from Perth which means it’s time to hit the club.
I know larh, it’s just another excuse but I don’t care. pfft.
So Mike asked us to Poppy, a place we used to club together before Thom left but……….
I stop going there since September and gosh, it sucks so bad now.
Full with seafoods and ‘neighborhood hoe’ .It’s like the girls took off their tops and everything.
I know you guys like it, wth. *terbalik kereta* -__-‘
And I’m not sure if they changed their deejay as well, cause the music sucks max too.

* I know we look kinda topless. :X

* Thom keeps doing that thing where he moves his tongue between the fingers and when we asked what is that suppose to mean, he said google it. Now you tell me, wth is that?

Like what Ee said, Poppy is full with memories but memories also no use larh now, too many neighborhood hoe, wtf.

Went to Sanctuary on Thursday for some deejay competition thingy.
The deejay which I like did not win, boooo. I forgot his name, lol.

* Free Heineken and I just took a few sips as usual. I kinda dislike beer.

*big grin* :X
Mike asked, ‘apa buat, ada free ka’ on Saturday and there we go talking in Malay, lol.
So I answerd ‘kenapa? mau ajak aku ke?’..
And he replied, ‘pergi masa depan’……………..

I stone for a second. Masa depan?
Ouh Phuture, wtf man. Laugh die me, bwahahaha.

* While waiting for the others to arrive.

* Me likey this picture. :3

* Mike kacau.

* Why is she stoning? -___-‘

* Every time I ‘ying shiong’ with this guy, I don’t look good wth. But this one oklarh, like finally a ‘good’ one.

I’ve been sleeping real late everyday.
Not good, not good at all. :\
And that day me and my gang watched Paranormal Activity, effing scary can die.


I did not turn off the light when I sleep. damn.
Google it if you don’t know what movie is that.
And it’s gonna be in the cinema next year January. Watch it people. Watch it.

Go pay and scare the shit out of yourself.
That’s what dumb people do. Like me. LOL. :X

Hot & Steamy night at Maison

The Cheras Clan-ers are back from their university once again.
I wonder if this is our routine, go party every time their back. :X
Anyway, it was last Thursday’s night at Maison.
But damn, no ladies night because the next day is public holiday.
I didn’t know the next day is public holiday, wth.
Super duper crowded with people. Gahh, soooo freaking stuffy I’m almost stuffed to death.

* Disco balll.

* :3

* The girls asked for beers while me, hah. I just grab the liquor beside me.

* Why Wah Foon always wanna close her eyes one?? And who cut out Yan’s face? Gosh.

* We’re suppose to take pictures together but it looks like two groups of people taking their own picture. -__-

* Cool picture, hah! Ee and Jones.

* Cant stand the heat any longer, we just went out and chill while the guys sober up. Why Jones holding my phone? :\

* With Kee Pok and Kok Hoe. We’re all suppose to dress in black btw.

Not a very great night but because I’ve got great friends partying together, it became a great night. Heh. (: