and one of the best reason is of course, birthdays.
second will be the come back of whichever friend from a foreign country.
third will be farewells.
but for whatever reasons, all we want is just to have fun and enjoy the partay!! :D
and these set of pictures were taken last week during my birthday eve at zouk. (:

* need no introduction.

* poh juan disturbing me and victor!

* me, bei-look-gavin and zoe.

* i don’t think i look nice in this picture but for some reason i feel like i look very happy and i like it. heh!

* my twins babe and me (:

* yan, me, ian the zouk ambassador, and foon.

* and there, poh juan kacau-ing again.
Something was bothering me that night and I was expecting to have an emotional birthday eve at zouk but hey, turned out to be not that bad after all.
Going to clubs and partying with friends have always been interesting to me.
For whatever reasons we gave ourself, it is usually less about celebrating a person or event.
Rather, it’s more about celebrating a bunch of people in an altered state which is often altered by alcohol, music, the darkness, lightings, great laughs and everything else.
This altered state where only partays can give me for the moment are the reason I so look forward to clubbing nights.
In this state, people hold hands with close friends, friends, not-so-close-friends, or even someone they just met.
People have fun together, dance together, giving all the warm hugs to friends, whoever the friends are.
And sometimes this state of being so close to someone gives me warmth and i’m happy.
We just have fun and dance without giving a care in the world, singing loudly and sometimes yelling our lungs out.
We just hold each other closer, so much closer than we normally would.
Sometimes I wonder why do I need such excuses and parties to make myself happy.
But then again why care? as long as i’m happy. that happiness that nothing can disrupt you and you’re so into that moment. all you focus on is the music, alcohol, friends, and dancing. how often do we stay at such moment?
well, i’m just glad that we get those moments to hold each other extra closer and enjoy the night together. (:
i guess you’ll only enjoy partying when you enjoy the people you’re with, when you enjoy the music and alcohol, when you enjoy dancing and not afraid of looking silly. such enjoyment (:
below are another set of pictures taken yesterday night for alvin’s birthday.

* cake made by aryil’s sister that taste pretty good.

* it’s a casino chip if you’re wondering what it is and i have extra relighting candles so i used it to make fun of birthday boy. he didn’t quite blow it all off, he just dump all the candles on the floow. he said he’ll throw up if he blows longer, wtf.

* emo boy is too happy. bwaha

* me and lie peh (:

* poh juan, victor, aryil, and alvin the birthday boy.

* boohoo blur picture plus victor’s hand disturbing us. pfft.
i enjoyed both the events. i enjoyed both nights.
i had great fun and i’m so looking forward to bryan’s come back.
*ngek ngek*