Tag Archives: cheap eats

♥ at Penang

Finally, I’ve got the time to update my Penang post. It has been a lot of years since I last went to Penang.
Ee came up with the suggestion that we go for a 2 days 1 night trip with Aaron before he ✈ to Switzerland.

* On the ferry, shipping our car to Penang.

* Great suggestion, btw.

* Mah Weng Kee looks cute, but the one on his shirt is cuter. :’D

Once we reached Penang, the boys checked-in at Tune Hotel and then we head for food straight away.
All of us is sooooo hungry!

* The very famous Penang Char Kuey Teow, this is the most expensive Char Kuey Teow you can find in Penang according to Ee. I think its Rm6 plus for a small plate.

* Super mouth-watering with big prawns. Damn nice lorh….

* Not to forget the famous Asam Laksa as well.

* Much cheaper than Char Kuey Teow, only Rm2 plus. Was kinda shocked cause its so cheap!

* We then head over to Bukit Bendera after our scrumptious meal.

* While waiting for the super slow train to move.

* Why she put her shades like that? @.@

* On top of the hill. (: Eh! Why everyone so tall except me? ):

* Yes, we rent bicycles and cycle around. It was kinda fun but tiring as well.

* And the place is extremely beautiful with cottage houses.

* The four of us. (:

* Super ♥ this picture. I miss u.

* ♥ this picure too. Pretty. (:

to be continue………………….

Day 1 in Malacca

Yiip, I’m back from Malacca. Omigod, Malacca is extremely freaking hot. Its so much hotter than KL because there isn’t much trees.

* This is the place we sleep in. Twenty, a guest house.

* Our room, which cost us RM40 each person. My bed, Yin Yee’s bed, and Esther’s bed.

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He Just Left

I’m so tired and sleepy right now. My eyes are so bengkak right now. We were suppose to spend our last night sleeping together. I want to be with him for the last few hours. Unfortunately, his dad don’t allow me to stay sleep in his room and ask Shaun to send me back. I cried so hard in the car. His dad say that a girl shouldn’t be so ‘cin cai‘ as in ‘tak apa‘ or so never mind. Its not that I sleep around with guys or what. Its just that I wanna spend the time that I could with him. Argh, whatever, his dad makes us so sad last night.

I was crying in the car so badly and its even worse when I sent him into the gate. I hug him and I cry so hard until I forget to give him a kiss. How I wish I can kiss him now. Such sad feeling..
Suddenly he is gone and is not beside me anymore. I hope he can come back on February for Chinese New Year and I will be going over to New Zealand at the end of April to visit him.

So many pictures I want to share..

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