Tag Archives: cheap eats

Singapore : Fifth Stop – Orchard Road.

Where: Orchard Road
What: Shopping Mall

The only place that I can truly remember about Singapore besides Sentosa is Orchard Road.
I remember how I once walked along Orchard Road which was filled with fairy lights and christmas decoration, bringing the entire christmas spirit alive.

Christmas decoration at Orchard Road is one of the many things which I really look forward to during my trip to Singapore.
We headed down to Orchard Road on Sunday morning and I must say I was a little disappointed.
Perhaps it was day time or perhaps the decoration this year weren’t as extravagant.
Fatty tried driving into Orchard Road at night just to let me see the christmas decoration but those lights weren’t even on. :(
Maybe it’s a go green thing. :(

#1 Ion Orchard, one of the shopping mall at Orchard Road.

#2 Playing with shapes and curves.

Our first stop at Orchard Road was at Shaw House because I wanted to get my Mos Burger fix!
I’ve heard from Singaporeans that Mos Burger tastes really good and I missed my chance to try it once when I was at Bangkok.
Almost became my regret of the year!
In addition to that, having Fatty told me how delicious it was when he ate it at Japan just made me crave for it even more.
So I kept telling Fatty that I have to eat my Mos Burger no matter how.

#3 Mos Burger is a japanese fast food chain offering terriyaki burger, yakiniku burger and even rice burgers.

#4 Fatty ordered Mos Wagyu Cheeseburger for $6.10 and the burger tasted so frigging good! The wagyu beef was so tender and juicy I almost wanted to snatch his burger and gobble it down.

#5 I ordered Yakiniku Rice Burger ($3.80) which was good too but I do prefer normal burger than rice burger. Burger is burger, rice burger is burger trying to be funny.

Mos Burger’s portion is a little small so if you’re a big eater, you definitely need two to fill you up.
Price wise, it isn’t cheap for a burger with that size but then again you cant go wrong with wagyu beef.
I swear Mos Burger’s Wagyu Cheeseburger is so much better than Mc Donald’s beef burger.

We took a walk after our sinful burger from Shaw House to Takashimaya, the only shopping mall I remember because of it’s Japanese name.

#6 Saw this cute grandpa performing giddily and I stood there for a while to watch while the two boys ignored me. Really very cute grandpa but poor him, doing stunts on a Sunday. Shouldn’t he be resting at home? :(

#7 Upon entering Takashimaya, the first thing that caught my attention was the queue outside Chanel. People do really queue up for Chanel, am I the only one who is so surprise?

#8 While I queue up for yakitori wtf. /plays sad music

#9 But this yakitori from Tori Q is seriously damn good, Fatty brought me here. :D

#10 Each stick is price at $1.10 or above and if you buy ten sticks, you’ll get one free. They have chicken, pork, chicken skin, pork with asparagus, chicken balls and many more.

#11 Fatty bought ten sticks for about $15. I dare say this is the best yakitori I’ve ever tried and it tasted so much better compared to Japanese restaurant even. The sauce was good and I especially love the burnt crisp on each piece of meat.

#12 Didn’t get to stay at Orchard Road for long as Dennis was tired because he was still having slight fever, so we took a complimentary shutter bus back to Studio M.

Fatty and I went back to Orchard Road again the next day after Dennis left for his flight back to Sabah to walk around for a bit.

#13 Super long escalator at Orchard Central which directly take you up from the first floor to the third.

#14 I had fun taking the escalator and I had even more fun disturbing Fatty cause he was afraid of the height, haha. He forced me to stay away from him!

#15 Hahahahah, look at his stupid face!

#16 Damn annoyed by me can.

#17 Went up to fourth floor for The Editor’s Market which I’ve been paying attention for quite some while.

#18 They source their street fashion clothing from around the globe and although their prices are not cheap, you can still buy it for a cheaper price if you buy it in bulk.

#19 Love their store interior design.

#20 Last stop was at Tanuki, a newly opened Japanese restaurant which was a random choice because I was mad craving for Japanese food.

#21 Tanuki did not put out any signage, probably still new but it was really quite difficult to locate.

#22 Fatty ordered Tanuki Balls, truffled beef carpaccio draped over deep fried cheese potato balls for $12.

#23 While I ordered Salmon Don, the ultimate salmon rice bowl with sashimi, salmon belly, aburi, and ikura for $20.

First off, it was such a waste to combine beef carpaccio with cheese potato balls as the taste doesn’t blends at all. I’d say it didn’t worth the $12 that we paid.
As for Salmon Don, the amount of salmon given was generous and the cut was thick.
However, service at Tanuki was rather bad seeing that we were the only customers at that moment.
I needed to remind them that I do not have any cutlery for my Salmon Don and it took them quite some while to get it for me.

Fatty thinks that I am demanding but I think that it is my right as a customer to demand.
I mean, I didn’t ask for the waiter to lap dance on me or something but isn’t it the most basic service to get ready your customer’s cutlery once they order?

You can do that if I’m at a hawker stall but not when I pay a frigging RM50 for my bowl of Salmon Don.

Oklah I forgive the waiter because he looks like he just finished his secondary school and this is his first job but after telling a higher ranking waitress, I still have to remind for a second time.

I get very agitated at bad services. I don’t mind mistakes because mistakes and bad services are different.
Don’t you agree?

So unless you hear better reviews about Tanuki from the near future, you might want to reconsider.
Tons of other Japanese restaurants nearby anyway.

Isetan Scotts
350 Orchard Road B1 Shaw House 238868
(+65) 6735 0507
*And a lot more outlets

Tori Q
Takashimaya S.C.
391 Orchard Road
Takashimaya Shopping Centre
Singapore 238873
Operating Hours: 10am to 9.30pm

181 Orchard Road
#02-03 Orchard Central
Singapore 238896


24th Birthday Getaway : Melaka (Day 2)

Continuation of my Melaka post, just pure captions actually.

#1 Rise and shine.

#2 I’ve never really walked around Melaka as early as about 9am but it’s really great. Fresh air, less crowd, and especially windy that day.

#3 We walked into random back alleys…

#4 …and take silly pictures.

#5 After walking for a while we went over to a Lung Ann Refreshments to try out another famous duck noodle.

#6 Service was really weird because we don’t get to order anything and all we do was just to sit and wait until they come to us. Which kinda took like 25 minutes after we sat down. Mm hmm.

#7 Typical Malaysian Chinese breakfast, half boiled eggs.

#8 Fatty’s fish ball noodle that I have absolute no interest at. Me no do fish ball noodle, not my bowl of mee.

#9 My duck noodle which is better than the duck noodle from Kedai Kopi & Makanan Soon Yen. The duck meat weren’t so shredded and the sauce taste just nice.

There’s also a very famous Pork Satay at Lung Ann Refreshment but we were there too early so we didn’t get to try.
Another next time maybe.

Lung Ann Refreshment
93/807, Lorong Hang Jebat, 75200 Melaka

#10 After our breakfast we rushed over to Baba and Nyonya Heritage Museum to catch their first session. There are two sessions everyday and visiting hours are from 10am to 12.30pm and from 2pm to 4.30pm.

#11 Unfortunately no pictures are allowed in the museum or else I would have snap a lot. Don’t worry about heat and all, it’s air conditioned. Entry is RM10 per person. Worth a visit but I kind of like Laksaman Cheng Ho Museum more because I get to play around and stuff.

We both walked back to The Stable for a short rest before packing our things up and continue the last part of our journey.

#12 Also, making a full use on the sunlight beaming in from the window.

#13 My silly fat boy.

#14 You see, I really enjoy staying at The Stable and I even asked myself if this is my house I seriously wouldn’t mind. It’s small but the space is sufficient just for the both of us. Just the way I like it. (:


#16 The view from our window, pretty ain’t it?

#17 ‘The Stable’, it’ll be better if the rate is RM200 per night. #cheapskate

#18 A lame picture of Mr.Choi Lan. Never trust what he recommends.

#19 We walked around at Hereen street and came across something interesting. ‘8 Heeren Street is a two-storey building that was originally built in the 18th century, and was restored by local heritage body, Badan Warisan Malaysia, as a showcase of how a building of that period look like.” It’s a project to persevere the building by volunteered architects and organizations.’

“#20 Fatty paid so much attention reading all the facts and terms while I was too pissed at mosquitoes sucking my blood.

#21 There’s no entrance fee needed and a guy will explain the rest of the stories.

#22 I was so distracted by those mosquitoes I cant be bothered listening to the guy explain, so I randomly took pictures of the place instead.

#23 And here he’s explaining something about roof tiles.

#24 The Baboon House.

After getting pissed at the mosquitoes and fatty getting pissed at me getting pissed at the mosquitoes we went to our last stop at Melaka.

#25 You’ll mistaken this place as an art gallery if you decide not to walk further in.

#26 Walk pass all the arts and you’ll come to a nice cafe inside. The Baboon House is just a really long house, keep walking and you’ll be surprised.

#27 Surrounded by greens and plants under the sunlight, no better place to have a cup of coffee.

#28 Baboon, they have none but there’s a cute Golden Retriever for you to go awww. He was being really lazy that day but he did come to our table and greet us, how cute.

#29 They also have a cat for you to play with if you’re more of a cat person. I heard they used to have a duck but the duck got lost and went missing.

#30 And mini fishes in a jar on our table.

#31 Fatty’s coffee.

#32 My ice blended mango.

#33 Burger from The Baboon House surprised us, it was really good. In fact, it was a lot better than the ones I had in KL.

#34 I ordered BLT Sandwich which is equally just as good, though the taste wasn’t that much of a difference since both had bacon in it.

#35 As I said, the house is really long so walk further in if you’d like to explore more.

#36 Different kind of settings to suit your liking.

#37 This could just be the one I like most. :)

The Baboon House
89, Jalan Tun Tan Cheng Lok, Melaka, Malaysia

I will definitely be back to The Baboon’s House the next time I’m at Melaka.
It was meant to be Mods Cafe but they weren’t in town when we were there but I’m glad I gave The Baboon House a go.

I was feeling really lazy and it took me days and days to finally publish this.
So lazy to the point where I only wrote a few captions a day and closed the tab later on.
Somebody please shake my lazy bugs off.

24th Birthday Getaway : Melaka

Birthday post! :)
Or maybe not so much of a birthday post since there’s no cake in my post.

I celebrated my birthday weekend at Melaka, with a swollen neck and a fat boyfriend.
It was somewhere around end of September that this ‘I-want-to-go-to-Melaka’ feeling bugs me but we both just couldn’t find the right time.
So after waiting for more than a month the best time to go turns out to be my birthday weekend.

This time, we ditched the commons. No chicken rice, no satay celup, and no Jonker Walk foods.
I have a list of eateries waiting for us to try them out.
I always have lists and itineraries when it come to travelling for I believe that doing research before hand will gain me the most out of those trips. And along the way, that’s where the random exploration takes place.

We reached Melaka early and checking in early was out of the dictionary so filling up our empty stomachs seems like the best thing to do.

#1 First stop : Kedai Kopi & Makanan Soon Yen.

#2 Famous duck noodles is what brought us here.

#3 I was hoping that the first bite I take will take me by surprise but unfortunately it did not. The duck noodle with gravy sauce was okay but I felt like there was a lack of taste. I also regretted ordering a large portion because this should be our makan trip but the hunger in me made me lost my self control for that little while. If it’s a makan trip, just go for the smallest portion at all times.

#4 Fish ball is normally what I’d stay away from but since we’re on an eating spree, I gave it the green light.

#5 Also can be called as Melaka Loh Bak which contains fish ball, fish skin fritters, and prawn fritters that came with sweet chilli sauce. I like the prawn fritters the most and when dipped in the sweet chilli sauce, it opened up my appetite.

Kedai Kopi & Makanan Soon Yen
596 Jalan Tengkera, 75250 Melaka

#6 Second stop : Baba Low. It took us some while to search for Baba Low, the colonial style bungalow right in front block the entire view.

#7 I ordered Nyonya Laksa for myself and I really like the laksa broth a lot for being extremely flavorful. Downside was that I wasn’t feeling too well and I’m not advised to take in spicy food AND COCKLES or else I would have whack the entire bowl. I was also a little full from that big portion of duck noodle.

#8 Boyfriend ordered Pai Tee which I am not interested at. If my tummy allows me, I will go for mee siam anytime.

#9 Le bf.

Visiting Baba Low will definitely be in my list again for the next round.
I want to really enjoy my nyonya laksa and try their mee siam as well, it’s a must!

Baba Low (behind a bungalow)
486 Jalan Tengkera, 75250 Melaka.

After eating so much, it’s time for us to check in and sleep (LOL).
We stayed at ‘The Stable’, which is extremely convenient for us because it’s right smack in Jonker Walk.

#10 We paid RM380 nett (weekend) for a night stay or if you’re on a budget you can always opt for weekdays (RM300 nett).

#11 The Stable welcomes us with a pantry and a coffee machine.

#12 Small living area with magazines and games for you to play if you need to entertain yourself.

#13 History of Melaka hangs on the wall.

#14 Behind that glass door is where the toilet is and two umbrellas in case of rainy days which we make full use of.

#15 Worry not on toiletries, they provided everything.

#16 Small and cozy, perfect for couple.

#17 Take the stairs up and that’s where the room is. Yes, it’s a two stories boutique guesthouse all to yourself and your partner.

#18 Love the bricks and definitely loving the huge mirror that gives a baroque feeling to the room.

#19 An inviting and comfortable bed greets us, waiting for us to sink in.

#20 Flat screen tv with Astro channels and some dvds for us.

‘Original wooden beams dances around richly-textured rooms of rough exposed bricks, Peranakan tiles, quaint louvered windows and reclaimed lumber floor. An inviting bed beckons you to relax while looking out the window to the lively street below. With a brilliant collision of influences – from the modern to the baroque to the local Peranakan heritage, this small guesthouse is an inspired fusion of old-world charm with distinctly contemporary style and energy’

#21 Fatty sitting by the window enjoying the street’s view.


#23 Absolutely love my stay in this guesthouse.

#24 Haha! I asked for a picture and there he was, acting all silly.

The Stable Melaka Guesthouse
No. D, Jalan Hang Kasturi,
75200 Malacca
Email: enquiries@musanglena.com
Contact: David Chang: +6012 6234459
Soon Lum: +6012 626 6977 / +6012 6235459

We took a nap before heading out again but I was pretty reluctant seeing that Melaka was raining at that moment.
Why don’t we stay in and continue sleeping instead?

#25 In such a cold weather, we needed coffee and after walking under the rain going into cafes that are closing we finally settled for Limau-limau cafe.

#26 Who cares about the rain? We had a good laugh at our legs getting real dirty so often because of it.

#27 Getting my coffee fix.


Limau-Limau Cafe
No. 9 Jalan Hang Lekiu, 75200 Melaka.

#29 Third stop : Dinner at Medan Ikan Bakar Muara Sungai Duyong.

#30 Lots of fresh seafood for us to choose from.

#31 Forgot what it’s called in Malay.

#32 Sotong goreng which Fatty really like.

#33 Bakar ikan pari which turns out to be TASTELESS. We didn’t ordered bakar bercili afraid that it might get too spicy for us but I didn’t expect it to be this tasteless either.

#34 There’re packets of nasi lemak on the table and it was the best from the dinner. Fatty ordered a plate of nasi putih that is too wet and towards the end of our meal I suggested that we should really try their nasi lemak. Thank God we did, everything tasted so much better with their nasi lemak.

Bill came up to Rm49 including 2 coconuts and 2 otak-otak (too sweet for my liking). Price is rather decent but I still prefer seafood cook in chinese style. I kinda crave for the seafood we had in Penang, a place where I will definitely go every time I’m there.

Medan Ikan Bakar Muara Sungai Duyong
KM 4-5, Jalan Padang Temu,
Permatang Pasir,
74560, Melaka.
Contact: Azmi: 012 6362339

We went back to The Stable after our meal, to rest and to wait for the time to pass.

#35 How The Stable looks like from the outside, at night.

#36 Fatty took the scrap book he made for my birthday and surprised me.

He told me he was really busy before Melaka and acting all weird, going into his room without me telling me that he’s taking his charger where in fact I took it. I knew he’s up to something. :)
It was very very sweet of him because I can tell that he put in a lot of effort and patience into making the scrap book.
His creativeness, his wittiness, and his sweetness, I appreciate all of that.

#37 The woman I fancy the most, I turned the page and saw my reflection. Hah!

#38 After all the cuddling, it’s his football time. So if you’re like my Fatty who cant live without watching Football, you can head over to Eleven Bistro to catch some football game. Walk into the street where Geographer cafe is and you’ll find a few bistros with football channel on.

#39 It was resting time again so we went back to The Stable, to watch some shows and played Jenga. I took half an hour nap before heading out for supper. My long awaited supper!

#40 Restoran Pak Putra, famous for it’s tandoori and naan.

#41 I was happily noming my favourite food until I remembered I forgot to take a picture of it, hence my pathetic tandoori.

#42 The best naan I’ve ever tried. Onions, garlic, cheese, egg, and butter. Add everything in and this naan will never fail you.

#43 Dhaal which taste just as good.

They also offered Indian food like butter chicken but we were too full to try.
This will also be another restaurant that I will definitely be coming back. Cant get enough of em naans.

Restoran Pak Putra
Jalan Laksamana 4, Melaka, Malaysia.

We both enjoyed this Melaka trip quite a lot. It was different, we found quite a number of new things and I’m glad that Melaka now seems like an interesting place all again.
I especially love staying at The Stable and the next time if all else permits, I’ll go for ’45 Lekiu’.
45 Lekiu has got the same concept as The Stable, under the same management. What’s better is that 45 Lekiu is so much more bigger than The Stable and they even have a pool to it.

#44 45 Lekiu’s private pool.

#45 Roof patio, probably the best place to chill with a bottle of wine.

#46 Living area with more and more bricks.

#47 3 stories all together, with 2 rooms.

#48 Master bedroom.

#49 That one thing which caught my attention the most, bathtub!

#50 Kitchenette.

You know what, I might as well just wait for my bff to be back and force her and her boyfriend to stay a night with me at 45 Lekiu.
And I’m gonna force her to let me sleep in master bedroom so that I can stay in the bathtub as long as I want.
Both of them can sleep in another room, two single beds. HAHAHAHA! I’m so bad.

Rm999 nett for weekdays and RM1099 net for weekends. I sure do need a number of friends to enjoy such an elegant guesthouse with me.
Don’t you just love it? :)

45 Lekiu
45, Jalan Hang Lekiu,
75200 Malacca
Email : enquiries@musanglena.com

Remaining bits from Bangkok

Stating the obvious, I am turning old.
I actually missed out on posting something from Bangkok.
It’s not much of a big deal and it might not matter but as a responsible blogger *aherm* I will now post it up.

1. Bangkok’s 7-11 or probably Thailand’s 7-11 to be exact is a gem to me.

My appetite always increase while I’m travelling and I am constantly on the hunt for food.
Unlike Fatty, who ate so little comparing to the amount intake here at home.
When hunger strikes during midnight, I just have to thank God that there’re so many 7-11 nearby. At every other corner, there stands a 7-11.

7-11 here in Malaysia is not so much of a gem, unlike Thailand’s 7-11.

A variety of instant meal boxes for you to choose from when taking a cab in search of food is not an option.

The brand for all these instant meal boxes is Ezygo and here’s the list for available choices.

Basil salted pork rice.
Shrimp dumplings.
Rice with pork, garlic and pepper.
Fried Tiger Prawns.
Rice steamed with chicken soup
Basil fried rice drunken pig.
Spaghetti in a drunken pork.
Basil chicken rice.
Pork Green Curry with rice.
Rice noodles with pork.
Chicken fried rice vermicelli noodles.
Curry rice with pork.
Boiled pork.
Basil Pork Rice.
Fried rice with seafood.
It shrimp fried rice.
Shrimp omelet rice.

Spoiled with choices, it did took me awhile to finally settled down on my box of instant food.
I set my mind on Pork Green Curry with rice and boy, the green curry was so so good!
It was creamy and aromatic, instant food instantly satisfies my green curry craving at that point.
Not to mention, preparing my Pork Green Curry with rice (39 Baht) is not preparing at all.
Cashier at 7-11 counter will heat it up for me which takes about a minute or two and you’re good to savour it right there and then if you wish.
Prices for these instant meal box is 30 Baht and above, which is quite reasonably price.

If you’re looking for something less heavy, you can go for burgers which is just as heavenly.

Shrimp burger is to die for and Fatty who is ever so picky when it comes to food loves his 20 Baht juicy shrimp burger like a fat boy love his ice-cream.
There is no way I can deny that the food from Bangkok’s 7-11 is so enjoyable and appetizing.

2. Thai Girl Show in Bangkok.

How can I be this forgetful to not ramble on Thai Girl Show in my previous post?
At the very start, I was interested in watching Thai Girl Show as I’ve always heard of them and indeed whatever I heard of sounds interesting and amusing.
Not until when I was told that it will cost me a whooping 700+ Baht to watch it.
It was a BURDEN to have my 700 Baht taken away but it was a rather different experience, none the less.
Also, I cant say no when everyone agrees to the plan so I sticked with it.

We were brought to this dodgy looking place which the name I couldn’t remember and in we went with our ticket.
I was hoping for something more glamorous instead of dodgy to be frank because we were brought by a local tour guide who was Bryan’s friend.
But I guess with the price we paid, there’s no way we can ever get into a glamorous one if there’s any.

There were 7 rounds of stunts and for each round there’ll be a girl performing nonchalantly.
Note: Please do not expect pretty looking girls with nice body figure like I did, it will disappoint you.

I cant deny that the stunts these girls pulled off was impressive.
They can smoke 3 cigarettes at one go with their p***y, blow a whistle with their p***y, write with their p***y, and the rest I wouldn’t reveal.
You need some surprise if you’re going for one in the future.
You also need to take note that if you’re going for Thai Girl Show, make sure you’re going for the right one because they’re a lot of scams around which the tour guide told us.
The bill will suddenly came up to thousands and if you do not have the money to pay or you do not want to pay, they then will attempt to hurt you or scare you with needles that contain AIDS as what they say.

Do take note too, to not take any pictures or videos because it is prohibited.
These are just not the type of people you will want to mess with, especially at a place called Thailand.

It is that scary so please make sure.
It’s a been there done that, so this will be my first and last Thai Girl Show.

Sensation Trip : Bangkok Day 5

Even typing out the last day at Bangkok post makes me feel heavy hearted, what more being in that moment.
Twins, Poh, Piao, and Alvin went home the next day after Sensation White while Fatty, me, and the others stayed for another day.
I’d stay for five more days if I could, haha.

Since Alvin wont be staying with Fatty and I, we decided to book another hotel.
Trying out hotels has now since become my not-so-often-hobby. :)

So Muse Hotel it was, located at Chidlom and we paid Rm400+ for a night stay.
It was an expensive stay for my standard but since we saved up quite a lot on the first four days so I gave it a green light.
5 days of accommodation at Bangkok cost me Rm400+. Reasonable, ain’t it?

Here comes my heavy post and please do excuse my pictures’ quality because Iphone’s flash SUCKS!
Or my boyfriend’s Iphone flash sucks, one way or another.

#1 Hotel Muse Bangkok Langsuan, a little outdoor corner for smokers to take their ciggie break.

#2 Stepping into Bangkok’s finest design boutique hotel, you’re welcome by a classy European style lobby.

#3 Check in area.

#4 I love this boutique hotel the moment I saw it on the net while Fatty argued that it might not be as nice as the pictures we saw.

Honestly, we both do have distinct choices when it comes to picking hotel but most of the time he gave in and let me choose what I like. How nice. :)

#5 Bringing together the essence of western and eastern cultures with a modern blend. Cant say no to European decoration with a touch of class and luxury.

#6 Complimentary Macbook Air usage for the guests.

#7 Welcome drink for us, two shots with alcohol and another two without.

#8 We booked Deluxe King bedroom which comes with ultra soft mattress and fine bed linen.

#9 Working table and a no-ordinary-cabinet. I might be jakun or this might be something different, I asked Fatty ‘Where’s the tv? There’s no tv in this hotel after paying such a sum? Couldn’t be!’.
Ahh, it must be the cabinet so I tried operating it by opening up all the drawers and finally trying to press the top of the cabinet with both my hands. Fail.

We later found out that there’s a remote control by our bed and the tv will automatically move up from the cabinet when we operate it with the remote. Canggih. Or me being jakun.

#10 No fighting over basin and everything else just looked so well placed.

#11 One major reason that leads me into choosing a hotel are the bath tub and toilet. As long as the hotel has got a rather unique bath tub, I’ll want to stay in it. It’s called soft spot.

#12 Glowing toilet or stupid flash. Everything is of the best quality or second best, if not the best.

#13 Bathrobes. :)

#14 Of course, full length mirror in the room is a must.

#15 Going for a vacation together could easily be the best thing!

#16 Free tuktuk service provided by Muse Hotel to Chidlom’s BTS which we took.

The last day was meant for exploration since we dedicated our first four days to shopping and partying.
Also because we doubt any of our friends are interested at the place we both wanna go, so we kept it for the last.

Bangkok shouldn’t only be about shopping, there’s so much more to it.

#17 Soi Thonglor or known as Sukhumvit 55 is a whole new different place from Pratunam.

Soi Thonglor used to be all about wedding shops but recent years has changed itself into a fashion extravaganza.
If you’re at the right corner, you’ll get to meet designers, architectures, photographers or sort.

 #18 If you love art and design, you’ll love this area.

‘At one end of Thonglor, you’ll hit Sukhumvit Road, which is lined with Bangkok’s most upmarket malls, and at the other you’ll discover H1, a modest but sleek collection of businesses – an ice-cream parlor, two restaurants, a club, an art-book store and a furniture showroom – clustered around two relatively serene courtyards. In between these points are more shopping centers frequented by both expats and wealthy Thais, as well as hip pubs like Escudo and Red Bar and, down the labyrinth of alleyways that connect Soi Thonglor and Sukhumvit Road, some of Bangkok’s most expensive residential real estate.’

#19 Creative pubs.

‘Open since late March, Playground! is, according to its developer, the real-estate mogul Thongchai Busrapan, Thailand’s first “concept store,” modeled after shops like Colette, in Paris, where a selective collection of high-end housewares, clothing, CD’s and art books are displayed side by side (some would say willy-nilly).’
We tried looking around for Playground! but it’s not in sight, how sad is that. :(

#20 The Iron Fairies, a blacksmith workshop, bar, restaurant, and a gallery owned by an Aussie.

#21 Enter into a whole new world of fairy mysteries behind those wood doors.

#22 Seriously, excuse my hideous pictures. :( Spot fairies and potions if you can.

#23 Creature.

#24 My pictures do not do justice of how interesting Iron Fairies is!

#25 Toilet with a creepy bathtub and a mini tv airing some black and white movie.

Time constraint crossover unpredictable weather, we didn’t stay for long seeing that it’s about to rain after Fatty’s glass of beer and my plate of pancake.

Our legs were in so much pain from all the walking I started to suspect if my muscles tore.

#26 Most kesian look ever!

We went for another foot massage before we roamed the street in search of food.
There’re lots of Japanese and Korean food around Soi Thonglor but how can I let myself do that, not eating Thai food at Thailand?

#27 Japanese, Korean, or expensive Thai food made me indecisive and then I came across this food stall called ‘Thai Food Very Good And Very Cheap’.

I burst out laughing at the restaurant’s name. I was thinking, seriously!?
Due to the reason that I could no longer wait for another second for food, we gave it a try while I prayed that the food better be good.

Cant blame me for being skeptical when the name itself is so self-promoting, or amusing I must say.

#28 And let me tell you this is the best tomyam soup ever! Fatty was like, ‘Omg this tomyam soup is so goooood!’.

#29 Stir-fry seafood basil.

#30 Green curry chicken.

#31 Thai steam fish for only 150 baht!!

#32 One of the most satisfying meal at Bangkok!

#31 Gobbled down everything and the bill came up to 350 baht ++ ONLY!

I almost couldn’t believe the price! Indeed, thai food very good and very cheap! Haha!
Use Foursquare for direction if you’re planning to have your dinner there. I bet you wont regret. :D

After dinner, it was sky bar moment for the both of us.
There’s a sky bar at Muse Hotel called Speakeasy but we just went up to catch a glimpse.

#32 Travelling with your partner, make or break.

#33 Nothing beats Lebua State Tower’s sky bar, overlooking the city and Sirocco roof top restaurant.

#34 ‘Suspended in the sky on the 63rd floor of The Dome at State Tower, the Skybar is one of the world’s highest open air bars, overlooking a panoramic view of Bangkok and the Chao Phraya River. ‘

#35 Bangkok city under our feet. :)

#36 Drinks are really pricey as expected, about 1000 baht for both drinks but then again it’s your choice to order a drink for yourself.

There are no seats at the bar area, so you’re welcome to just go up and have a view for a short moment.

#37 Yours truly.

#38 We then head down to 52nd floor and this purple lighted bridge took my breath away. It’s like walking down a beautiful aisle HAHAH!

#39 Breeze, just a few floors below Skybar is far less crowded and is definitely a great place if you prefer somewhere with less noise. If you see clearly, the mirror reflects hotel rooms which sits right opposite.

#40. Bar on your right and restaurant on your left.

Sirocco or Breeze, looking at their tasting menu excites me especially on an open air roof top.
After a glass of drink and exploring around, we head for supper and finally back to our hotel.
Sleep was five star, though short because we’ve got an early flight to catch.

There’s one restaurant at Bangkok that I’m dying to try but our budget disagree, so it’ll be in my list for the next time round.
The name of the restaurant is ‘Dine in the Dark’ and from the name itself you can partly guess what the restaurant has got to offer.

Dine in the Dark is a fine dining restaurant located at Sathorn road, inside The Ascott Hotel. Their unique concept attracts me, providing customers an unique culinary experience whereby customers will of course, dine in the dark.
There will be no lights, no candles and phones plus watches will be temporary confiscated to maximize the experience.
You are allow to choose between Thai cuisine, International dishes, or Vegeterian menu where you will be served a three course.
Prices ranging between 750 baht and 850 baht, I must say that the price is not at all expensive.
Don’t you hate it when you’re out of budget when travelling?

Back to Dine in the Dark, you will not know what you’re served and will only be revealed at the end of course. Your sight will be temporary unavailable while you try to eat your dish, trying to figure out the food while you savour it. You will also get to pour yourself a glass of wine but make sure you don’t spill em.

Also, you’ll most likely be serve by a waiter/waitress that is blind and they will guide you along the way.
It’s nice to feel what they feel so that we’ll appreciate what we always take granted for.
Do try out this restaurant if you’re ever going to Bangkok, bet you wont regret bringing home an unique experience. :)

Bangkok, till then.

Hotel Muse Bangkok Langsuan
55/555 Langsuan Road, Ploenchit Road, Lumpini, Pathumwan, Bangkok 10330 Thailand
Tel: +66 (0) 2 630 4000
Fax: +66 (0) 2 630 4100

For general inquiries, please contact H7174@accor.com

Iron Fairies
395 Sukhumvit Soi 55 (Thong Lor) Thailand

Lebua State Tower
1055 Silom Road, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500 Thailand
Tel: (66) 2624-9999 Fax: (66)2624-9889

Journey for the Soul : Siem Reap Day 4.

My previous Siem Reap day 3 post was to me, a little too heavy which is why I skipped rambling and rambling on what we did that night after exploring beautiful ruins.

We went to Pub Street for the second time, it’s like the only place you’ll feel like going during the night. Or more like the only place you can hangout at night.
The first thing we did upon reaching Pub Street was to look for a decent massage parlor.
We went to this massage parlor called Lemongrass Garden and we paid $10 for a full body massage which lasts for about one hour.
I cant remember much on the massage, I was falling asleep. Towards the end, we both wished we could continue sleeping till the dawn breaks.
After such a long and tiring day, it is definitely worth pampering yourself with a nice massage.

If you’re on a tight budget, you can opt for a $2 foot massage that last for half an hour.
There’re everywhere around Pub Street and for such a low price, I’ll just have to say that it is worth every penny you pay.

For days I told Fatty that I wanted to try their local bbq because I saw them everywhere and they look so tempting. I just had to, so bbq it was after our massage.
There’s a street of local food at Pub Street where you can spot easily. If you’re looking for cheap dinner, that’s the place to go.

Right before we stepped into Pub Street, where people enjoy their beer, music, and companion.

I randomly picked a stall and ordered what we saw on the menu.

Orgasmic ice blended fruit juice! Fatty’s mango banana ice blended juice and my coconut ice blended juice. These are seriously so good and rich, not just some lousy packet fruit drink. Their ice blended fruit juice will deoxidise and soon change colour after it is left for too long.

Fatty’s fried noodle for about a dollar a plate.

And the local bbq I ordered. You can choose up to four different type of meats plus vegetables, noodles, and rice will be included for just $4 a set. The portion is just nice for the two of us.

On the next day which is our 4th day at Siem Reap, we swapped hotel again.
We’re back to the first hotel that mistakenly booked our room wrongly, Golden Banana Boutique Hotel and Resort.
Among all three hotels which we picked, Golden Banana costs the most. We paid RM260 for a night which is indeed quite pricey.

Balconies that overlook the swimming pool.

Love it!

Anyone is welcome to lay down and enjoy their holiday.

But of course I prefer siting on this rattan chair while I let it swing. :)

The view from our balcony.

LOVE! Outdoor bathtub right at our balcony. We poured half the bottle of soap into the bathtub to create bubble bath. ♥

Where our shower is.

Part of our room.

That’s what he do when he cant be bothered about me snapping pictures.

Absolutely love their wardrobe!! Directly attached to the wall’s cement. And damn, I love their rattan hangers too. Was so tempted I almost wanted to take those lovely hangers home.

Not sure where to go after checking out our room, I decided to go to their local market for a walk. Yes, pasar. (:

Tried their local coffee and cup of ice coffee alone can cause the both of us diabetes! It was soooooooo sweet I wonder how much of condensed milk she poured it in.

Crickets, anyone?

Something from Siem Reap that made in fell in love with is their kampot black pepper.
I love the smell and the taste of their black pepper, very much different from those I’ve tasted.

Local spices and snacks. $2 for 3 packs if I’m not mistaken.
Don’t buy from shops or night markets, their definitely more pricey. The cheapest I saw are the ones selling in the market.

Delicious popiah found in the market.

The best food, most often than not can be found in the most unexpected place.
Nothing interesting, I know. Looks somewhat dirty even.

But this bowl of noodle completed my day. Every now and then I miss eating this bowl of noodle!! Fatty said it’s ‘la zah min’ as known as dirty noodles. Please someone enlighten me, do we have it here in Malaysia?

The friendly kids who were so eager to look at the photo after I captured it. :)

After our lunch, we went back to the thought provoking cafe called Art Deli to have a drink.

Have I mentioned that beers in Cambodia is amazingly cheap? Only $0.50 for glass of draft Angkor beer and $1.50 for a bottle of Asahi.
Now I really wish I can drink.

One of my favourite picture from Siem Reap!

I heart this cafe! How can you not love a place like this, right?

Such a creative idea.

Keep calm and carry one.

I enjoyed my short time in the cafe. Enjoyed looking at all the arts around and listen to one of my favourite music, Soledad.
Time constraint wont let me stay for long so I leave this little cafe knowing that one day, I’ll be back definitely.
We wanted to spend more time in the hotel since we paid quite a sum for it so we went back for a swim.

Sorry, I’m a girl. A vain one sometimes. :P

Time for my much awaited dinner after our swim.
Among all the restaurants that I’ve researched on, Wat Damnak Cuisine is the only restaurant that I told myself I cannot miss.

‘Cuisine Wat Damnak was founded on the simple concept of using only local fresh seasonal produce with which to create exquisite Cambodian food.’
Cuisine Wat Damnak is considered as a fine dining restaurant and they only have two set menus for you to choose from. However, their set menus are change every week depending on what’s available in the market as the chef will only pick the freshest and the best ingredients.

Don’t get me wrong, I was so eager to try Cuisine Wat Damnak is not for the reason that I want to dine in fancy restaurants. I was attracted by their concept, how their menus will change every week and how dedicated this french chef is. ‘French chef’, I cant say no.

There’s two tasting menu, one price at $17 and another price at $24.

Dimly lit ambience.

A very asian yet taste too good to be true amuse bouche.

The quality of the pictures I took are bad due to the dim light so I’ll forego posting it up.

Four course meal with a dessert for only about Rm75, that’s like a frigging good deal.
If you ever go to Siem Reap, please try this restaurant. This will not disappoint you, I swear. :)

Some fruit we’ve not tasted before.

And that’s how we end our last night in Siem Reap, with a very good meal.
That night, I was heavy hearted. I do not want to leave this inspiring place just yet.
Right there and then I wish I can have another week but I tell myself I shouldn’t be greedy.

Golden Banana’s cafe, where we had our breakfast.

Love those lights. I think I love almost everything I see in Siem Reap la.

Damn special right the clock!! I was staring at it for so long.

Fatty’s English breakfast before we leave the hotel. He’s always very eager to eat his meal, he cant even wait for 5 seconds for me to capture a picture. Pfft.

And my super hearty-warmy-yummy local porridge.

We were running late and I was so afraid that we might not make it to the airport on time.
But then again I realised, no such thing.

Goodbye Siem Reap for now.

I will definitely be back and the next time when I’m there, there’s one thing I will and must do.
Go for a cooking class because they do offer such classes there.

Next time.
Till then Siem Reap.

Golden Banana Boutique Hotel and Resort.
Phum Wat Damnak, Kumm Sala Komreuk, Krom 10, Siem Reap, Kingdom of Cambodia.
Tel: +885(0) 12654638 or +885(0) 63766655
Website: www.goldenbanana.info
Email: goldenbanana2@gmail.com

Cuisine Wat Damnak
Between Psa Dey Hoy market and Angkor High School,
Wat Damnak village, Sala Kamrek Commune, Siem Reap, Cambodia

Open Tuesday to Saturday from 6.30pm till 9.45pm (last order)
For any further information and booking, please fill in the contact form
or call +855 (0)63 965 491 / +855 (0)77 347 762
or email info@cuisinewatdamnak.com\

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