Tag Archives: Cambodia

Journey for the Soul : Siem Reap Day 4.

My previous Siem Reap day 3 post was to me, a little too heavy which is why I skipped rambling and rambling on what we did that night after exploring beautiful ruins.

We went to Pub Street for the second time, it’s like the only place you’ll feel like going during the night. Or more like the only place you can hangout at night.
The first thing we did upon reaching Pub Street was to look for a decent massage parlor.
We went to this massage parlor called Lemongrass Garden and we paid $10 for a full body massage which lasts for about one hour.
I cant remember much on the massage, I was falling asleep. Towards the end, we both wished we could continue sleeping till the dawn breaks.
After such a long and tiring day, it is definitely worth pampering yourself with a nice massage.

If you’re on a tight budget, you can opt for a $2 foot massage that last for half an hour.
There’re everywhere around Pub Street and for such a low price, I’ll just have to say that it is worth every penny you pay.

For days I told Fatty that I wanted to try their local bbq because I saw them everywhere and they look so tempting. I just had to, so bbq it was after our massage.
There’s a street of local food at Pub Street where you can spot easily. If you’re looking for cheap dinner, that’s the place to go.

Right before we stepped into Pub Street, where people enjoy their beer, music, and companion.

I randomly picked a stall and ordered what we saw on the menu.

Orgasmic ice blended fruit juice! Fatty’s mango banana ice blended juice and my coconut ice blended juice. These are seriously so good and rich, not just some lousy packet fruit drink. Their ice blended fruit juice will deoxidise and soon change colour after it is left for too long.

Fatty’s fried noodle for about a dollar a plate.

And the local bbq I ordered. You can choose up to four different type of meats plus vegetables, noodles, and rice will be included for just $4 a set. The portion is just nice for the two of us.

On the next day which is our 4th day at Siem Reap, we swapped hotel again.
We’re back to the first hotel that mistakenly booked our room wrongly, Golden Banana Boutique Hotel and Resort.
Among all three hotels which we picked, Golden Banana costs the most. We paid RM260 for a night which is indeed quite pricey.

Balconies that overlook the swimming pool.

Love it!

Anyone is welcome to lay down and enjoy their holiday.

But of course I prefer siting on this rattan chair while I let it swing. :)

The view from our balcony.

LOVE! Outdoor bathtub right at our balcony. We poured half the bottle of soap into the bathtub to create bubble bath. ♥

Where our shower is.

Part of our room.

That’s what he do when he cant be bothered about me snapping pictures.

Absolutely love their wardrobe!! Directly attached to the wall’s cement. And damn, I love their rattan hangers too. Was so tempted I almost wanted to take those lovely hangers home.

Not sure where to go after checking out our room, I decided to go to their local market for a walk. Yes, pasar. (:

Tried their local coffee and cup of ice coffee alone can cause the both of us diabetes! It was soooooooo sweet I wonder how much of condensed milk she poured it in.

Crickets, anyone?

Something from Siem Reap that made in fell in love with is their kampot black pepper.
I love the smell and the taste of their black pepper, very much different from those I’ve tasted.

Local spices and snacks. $2 for 3 packs if I’m not mistaken.
Don’t buy from shops or night markets, their definitely more pricey. The cheapest I saw are the ones selling in the market.

Delicious popiah found in the market.

The best food, most often than not can be found in the most unexpected place.
Nothing interesting, I know. Looks somewhat dirty even.

But this bowl of noodle completed my day. Every now and then I miss eating this bowl of noodle!! Fatty said it’s ‘la zah min’ as known as dirty noodles. Please someone enlighten me, do we have it here in Malaysia?

The friendly kids who were so eager to look at the photo after I captured it. :)

After our lunch, we went back to the thought provoking cafe called Art Deli to have a drink.

Have I mentioned that beers in Cambodia is amazingly cheap? Only $0.50 for glass of draft Angkor beer and $1.50 for a bottle of Asahi.
Now I really wish I can drink.

One of my favourite picture from Siem Reap!

I heart this cafe! How can you not love a place like this, right?

Such a creative idea.

Keep calm and carry one.

I enjoyed my short time in the cafe. Enjoyed looking at all the arts around and listen to one of my favourite music, Soledad.
Time constraint wont let me stay for long so I leave this little cafe knowing that one day, I’ll be back definitely.
We wanted to spend more time in the hotel since we paid quite a sum for it so we went back for a swim.

Sorry, I’m a girl. A vain one sometimes. :P

Time for my much awaited dinner after our swim.
Among all the restaurants that I’ve researched on, Wat Damnak Cuisine is the only restaurant that I told myself I cannot miss.

‘Cuisine Wat Damnak was founded on the simple concept of using only local fresh seasonal produce with which to create exquisite Cambodian food.’
Cuisine Wat Damnak is considered as a fine dining restaurant and they only have two set menus for you to choose from. However, their set menus are change every week depending on what’s available in the market as the chef will only pick the freshest and the best ingredients.

Don’t get me wrong, I was so eager to try Cuisine Wat Damnak is not for the reason that I want to dine in fancy restaurants. I was attracted by their concept, how their menus will change every week and how dedicated this french chef is. ‘French chef’, I cant say no.

There’s two tasting menu, one price at $17 and another price at $24.

Dimly lit ambience.

A very asian yet taste too good to be true amuse bouche.

The quality of the pictures I took are bad due to the dim light so I’ll forego posting it up.

Four course meal with a dessert for only about Rm75, that’s like a frigging good deal.
If you ever go to Siem Reap, please try this restaurant. This will not disappoint you, I swear. :)

Some fruit we’ve not tasted before.

And that’s how we end our last night in Siem Reap, with a very good meal.
That night, I was heavy hearted. I do not want to leave this inspiring place just yet.
Right there and then I wish I can have another week but I tell myself I shouldn’t be greedy.

Golden Banana’s cafe, where we had our breakfast.

Love those lights. I think I love almost everything I see in Siem Reap la.

Damn special right the clock!! I was staring at it for so long.

Fatty’s English breakfast before we leave the hotel. He’s always very eager to eat his meal, he cant even wait for 5 seconds for me to capture a picture. Pfft.

And my super hearty-warmy-yummy local porridge.

We were running late and I was so afraid that we might not make it to the airport on time.
But then again I realised, no such thing.

Goodbye Siem Reap for now.

I will definitely be back and the next time when I’m there, there’s one thing I will and must do.
Go for a cooking class because they do offer such classes there.

Next time.
Till then Siem Reap.

Golden Banana Boutique Hotel and Resort.
Phum Wat Damnak, Kumm Sala Komreuk, Krom 10, Siem Reap, Kingdom of Cambodia.
Tel: +885(0) 12654638 or +885(0) 63766655
Website: www.goldenbanana.info
Email: goldenbanana2@gmail.com

Cuisine Wat Damnak
Between Psa Dey Hoy market and Angkor High School,
Wat Damnak village, Sala Kamrek Commune, Siem Reap, Cambodia

Open Tuesday to Saturday from 6.30pm till 9.45pm (last order)
For any further information and booking, please fill in the contact form
or call +855 (0)63 965 491 / +855 (0)77 347 762
or email info@cuisinewatdamnak.com\

Journey for the Soul : Siem Reap Day 3.

Sunrise to me is not just a sunrise.
That same sun that rises every single day means something to me after I watched a ‘fail’ sunrise with someone special.

Waking up at 4am in the morning was how we started our third day at Siem Reap.
Reason being we planned to catch sunrise at Angkor Wat and at the same time to avoid big crowd.
The period we went to Siem Reap was low season because rain pours in almost every single day but the crowd at Angkor Wat were nothing near to the word ‘small’.

We hired a tour guide who is a friend of our tuk tuk driver and he speaks good English.
I have to repeat this again. THEY ARE SUCH NICE PEOPLE!!

Visiting Angkor Wat was not free, we need to purchase a pass.
One day pass costs $20, three days pass cost $40, while one week pass cost $60 and we bought ourselves a one day pass.
Hiring a tour guide for a day at Angkor Wat is $25 and to us, it is a must. No point visiting such spectacular places without a person explaining what actually happened.

Tuk tuk for the day was about $30+ which is supposed to be $15 but we went to a place much further and also we went back to our hotel halfway. So all in all, it is worth the money.

And here is what you have to bring to Angkor Wat :
1. A big bottle of water. Dehydration to the maximum level, I sweat so much I swear my shorts keep getting looser and looser towards the end of the day.
2. A fan.
3. Small towel.
4. Sunglasses to block the sun and the sand.
5. Face mist if you have one. Best way to freshen up.
6. Flip flop or a good pair of shoes. I personally prefer flip flop, the weather is too hot to keep my feet wrap up.

Beautiful even before the sun rises.

Angkor Wat’s silhouette on the right.

What a way to start our morning, looking at impressive ruins.

And look at the crowd behind!

We did not walked into Angkor Wat after watching the sunrise. Maybe nothing is as important as having a nice breakfast for someone like me.

Kehpohchi refused to buy a sunglass, he prefers stealing mine.

Bought a fake Rayban which by far look the best on me. I look like a retarded toad whenever I tried shades on and I kind of gave up on trying. But I have to buy one here in Siem Reap to protect my eyes, sands just kept getting into my eyes. It hurts.

Real good noodle soup, with kahfir lime and kampot black pepper to taste.

It was time to explore Angkor Wat after our hearty breakfast, something that I’ve been looking forward to.

I looked at the statue and thought to myself people from a thousand years ago prayed to this statue, to this God.
And by looking at the face itself calmed me down.



Energetic still.

Still smiling until I found out that I have to…

…climb up those steep stairs.

My legs were shaking while I climb up the stairs and I told myself to not fucking look down or I’ll die.
Forget about climbing down, I thought I was dead.

But at least it was worth the climb. Our tour guide did not bother climbing up the stairs, he wanted to gave us some alone time. I know, he was just lazy haha.

Angkor Wat is in effect a three tiered pyramid, with each level bounded by galleries incorporating four gopuras and corner towers – the upper terrace is square, forming a quincunx of towers, and the lower two, though concentric on three of their sides, have become rectangular by their elongation towards the west.

There was no problem in wearing tank tops and short shorts while I visited Angkor Wat but there was a problem when I’m about to go to third/upper tier of Angkor Wat.
There’s a dress code. Cover up your arms and your thighs.

So here I am wearing like a retard. Thank God I brought an extra tee and also thank God fatty has got an extra shorts for me.

The view from where we stood.

After visiting the infamous Angkor Wat, we headed over to Bayon Temple which is about as famous as Angkor Wat.
I personally like Bayon Temple more.

Some of the heads you see in this picture are new heads to replace the old heads that were destroyed.

One of the many faces of Bayon Temple.

Fatty managed to climb this very-steep-stairs while I watch from below. I haven’t quite recover from the mini heart attack given by the stairs at Angkor Wat.

Local children. I see the word freedom.

Impressive is not even the right word to describe what I saw. I wish I will have the chance to visit Bayon Temple again, to see such beautiful faces again even if it means literally melting under the hot sun.

Admiring the ruins.

I took an instax of fatty’s upper body and later on combined the instax picture with his lower body and captured it. There were too many people around so this is quite a fail attempt, especially when the camera did not focus on the instax. Must try again! (:

With one stick in his hand, our tour guide drew on the wet sand and explained to us how did Cambodia’s war happened, as well as Cambodia’s relationship with Vietnam and Thailand.

From there, we took a break and made a request to go back to our hotel.
Phone’s battery was dying and so was our’s. So we made a decision to charge our phone and to recharge ourselves.

I decided to go to this place called Kbal Spean after looking at it’s pictures online.
It was far away from Angkor Wat, almost 45 minutes drive away.

The site consists of a series of stone carvings in sandstone formations carved in the river bed and banks. It is commonly known as the “Valley of a 1000 Lingas” or “The River of a Thousand Lingas”.

Carvings in the river, that was what attracted me to this place despite having to climb uphill to the waterfall.
Jungle trekking is not in my dictionary but I did it, 1.5km uphill and 1.5km downhill.
I am so proud of myself because I hate jungle trekking a lot but I climbed and walked non-stop and Fatty said I’ve got potential due to my steadiness.
But then again, screw the potential I’m not doing it here in Malaysia. Haha.

Half dead!

A huge rock, out of nowhere.

Carvings and water flowing.

This little darling followed us all the way up, our companion throughout the journey. How cute!

The water flowing was so cold and for a moment I wished that I could stand there forever. That refreshing feeling is to die for after sweating so much from climbing uphill.

After the hectic climbing, we went to Banteay Srei, a temple dedicated to Hindu God, Shiva.

Banteay Srei is built largely of red sandstone, a medium that lends itself to the elaborate decorative wall carvings which are still observable today. The buildings themselves are miniature in scale, unusually so when measured by the standards of Angkorian construction. These factors have made the temple extremely popular with tourists, and have led to its being widely praised as a “precious gem”, or the “jewel of Khmer art.”[2]

Beautiful red standstone.

Looked dead tired after all the climbing.

The carvings at Banteay Srei are exceptionally more detail than the other temples.

After Banteay Srei, we headed to our last destination called Ta Phrom.
Ta Phrom was where Tomb Raider was filmed and we were excited to see architecture and nature merged together.

Beautiful even before entering.

And then you see a view like such right in front of you. Tree roots looking like fingers almost ready to uplift the entire building.

How is this not spectacular? I asked our tour guide, how did this happened?
Birds, fruits, and seeds. And that’s where the tree came from.

Been there, done that.

Such an amazing tree.

While we were leaving, we saw kids walking without adults by their side.
Maybe these kids are happy with their life but in a way I do feel sad for them, most of the time they look dirty.
Sometimes naked, sometimes barefoot. I just hope they can grow up healthily seeing that Siem Reap is a sandy place with floods. Sorry, I don’t know how to describe what I saw.

Went back to our hotel, feeling as tired as a slave.
I cant feel my legs and my brain wasn’t even functioning at that moment.
I just sat on the floor and stone, too worn out.

Even typing all these out sounds tiring to me.
I will have to stop here or else this post is gonna be too draggy, not that it isn’t already.

I cant linger on my blog for too long, I’ve got too much to do.
So, till then.

Journey for the Soul : Siem Reap Day 2.

Our second day at Siem Reap was a rather relaxing one.

I fell in love with Siem Reap the moment I reached Golden Banana’s hotel although they made a mistake.
Most of the Khmerian are nice people. Friendly, polite, helpful and also with an eager to learn attitude.
They’re eager to find out where we came from and how is our home country like.
They’re nice and humble, making me feel so comfortable being at Siem Reap.

We woke up really early on the second day and we went for a morning swim before we checked out.

I enjoyed swimming in Siem Reap so much, I swam everyday. I love jumping into the pool when the sun is scorching hot, one of the best feeling. (:

We headed to Angkor National Museum to further understand Cambodia, Angkor empire and their beliefs.
The entrance is expensive but I can ensure you that it is worth the money.
12USD entrance fee and an additional of 3USD for the audio tour which is a must or else you wouldn’t know what you’re about to look at.

Pictures are not allow in the museum but well, I just cant resist taking a few.


A mini version of the infamous Angkor Wat.

After spending hours at Angkor National Museum, our tummy were pretty much growling.
We told our tuk tuk driver to bring us to a place where he usually had his lunch, we were opting for something cheap. We want local food.

5.50USD for everything that’s on the table, rice included. The place was dirty and we both were skeptical about the food served and it really did took us by surprise.
The food taste so good!

I brought over some medicine just in case if we both are down with diarrhea and thank god there’s no need for that.
The place is dirty but I guess the food served was clean, or that we both have a pretty strong immune system.

Just look at the amount of tissues on the floor and flies flying around that you can’t see.

One thing I noticed in Siem Reap is that they do have a lot of cute doggies around.
Not the usual medium size mix breed that you see here in Malaysia, theirs are the furry mini shih tzu type kind of dogs.
We see them everywhere and they look so cute, despite being dirty.

You get what I mean? They’re really adorable. (:

We took a walk after our lunch and for a moment I knew Fatty was trying to plan a revenge.
I ALMOST MELTED WALKING UNDER THE SUN!! My exposed feet was literally burning!
Because I choose to walk in the dark while flying insects flew around, he wanted me to be burn alive!

It’s a nice place to explore especially when there’s a lot of artistic and designer shops or cafes, but maybe just not under the 40 degree sun. :\

Creative fence with the lyrics of a song that I really love. Imagine by John Lennon.

Walked into a thought provoking cafe and I wish this cafe is mine.
It was so hot I wasn’t in the mood to sit and have a drink, so I went back on the fourth day. More on that later.

Seriously so hot even the umbrella cant stop the midget above from melting.

We walked back to our hotel and damn, that was a right choice.
If we continue walking, I swear I’m gonna pant and god knows what happens next.

I booked Frangipani Villa Hotel for our second and third night stay which is about Rm90 per night only.
Repeat after me; ‘cheap’.

Bicycles are available for rent, in between 1USD to 2USD for the whole day.

Decorated with plants and lotus, soothing for the eyes.

Swimming pool and right opposite is where we had our breakfast.

Bed and…

…our bathroom.

The room is smaller compared to Petit Villa’s, as well as the bathroom but at least it is kept really clean by the hotel.
Also, the price is 50% cheaper. It’s even better than our First World Hotel where you can see baby roaches walking pass you easily.

We went for a swim and we took a rest which was our daily routine when we were there before we head out for dinner.

At our hotel’s lobby waiting for someone to pick us up to dinner.

Their rattan couch is so comfortable I wish I could have one at home.

Touich Restaurant whereby they’ll offer a free pick up from our hotel to the restaurant.

I researched on places to eat at Siem Reap through Trip Advisor and Touich Restaurant tops the list.
I made a list of restaurants that I wanted to try and my advise to you guys is ‘stick with the local foods’.
Most of the restaurants that were recommended by travelers on Trip Advisor are pricey restaurants and there’s something lacking in these restaurants. Some kind of flavours that I cant explain.
That Siem Reap flavour.

Trust me, save those money and try whatever you can see by the roadside, under the trees, in their market or just wherever.

Don’t take me wrong, the food was nice. Just that I’d prefer to eat what the locals eat everyday and taste their life in Siem Reap while I can.



Baked fish.


Sorry lah I cant remember what are the names of these dishes and how much it costs us. Around 25USD, if I’m not mistaken.
Skipped Pub Street for day two, we both need to wake up for Angkor Wat at 4am the next day.

Stay tune for my 3rd day at Siem Reap post. (:

Frangipani Hotel
Address: No. 0603, Street Wat Bo, Siem Reap Town, Cambodia

Tel : +855 16 581 045

+855 63 963 030

+855 63 965 050

E-mai: reservations@frangipanihotel.com

Journey for the Soul : Siem Reap Day 1.

Siem Reap, a place I never knew existed.
Siem Reap, a place I never thought of going.
Siem Reap, a place I’ve been.
And Siem Reap, a place I will never regret going.

I still do not know what to expect from this place called Siem Reap despite all those researches I’ve made for our itinerary.
I was excited and worried all together. Excited to explore a new place yet worried that this place might not suit my liking.

Our flight was at 6.50 on a Saturday morning. I was such a sleepyhead I almost wanted to say screw this and let me continue my sleep.
We both slept as long as we could and before we’re done getting ready, our taxi was here waiting for us.
Fatty’s mom wanted to fetch the both of us to airport but this fatty doesn’t want his mom to wake up early and drove us all the way, especially when the sky is still dark.
He can be such a nice guy sometimes. Just sometimes, haha.

Our 5 days 4 nights trip to Siem Reap cost the both of us about Rm1550 each.
Will break it down along the post.

We took AirAsia to Siem Reap and my two way tickets total up to Rm610.
Also I took out Rm600 to exchange it into USD.
Yes , the currency they use in Siem Reap are their Riaul and also USD. Mainly on USD though.
And the remaining Rm350 is to cover our 4 nights accomodation.

We stayed for 4 nights but we booked a total of 3 different hotels and to be frank I like it that way.
I’m a greedy person when it comes to experience and memories. Or you can call me undecisive.
I want to try as many hotels as possible, as much food as I can, to go to as many different places as I can and create lots and lots of different new memories.
It feels like the more places I go to, the more inspired I am by different kinds of people and their culture.
I cant tell how much I love this really.

Sleepy and naked face.

I saw a few japanese girls at LCCT, all dolled up and dressed up in style at 6am in the morning.
I respect their efforts, I am so lazy I rather sleep for 20 more minutes.

We were on the plane for a total of 2 hours before the plane touched down.
Fatty was so sleepy he slept even before the plane took off.

We took a taxi to our hotel in the city and it costs us 7USD.
Unfortunately our hotel’s staff made a mistake and made the wrong booking, so we have to swapped dates with the hotel we booked for our last day of stay.
I did not make a fuss about it, it’s the same anyway and they’re really nice people. So it’s okay. (:

We reached Siem Reap pretty early and we weren’t able to check in yet so we head out and go to our first destination, which is ‘The Killing Field’.

Our Tuk Tuk driver named Chanyit (not sure if I got his name right). He’s a really nice guy, we booked him for our entire stay at Siem Reap.

Before we went to Killing Field, I told Chanyit that I wanted to buy a simcard with 3g so that I can go online.
What a great move, their data plan is so incredibly cheap! I paid 3USD for a 1GB data which will only expire after a month.
It’s only about Rm9+!! By far the cheapest data plan I’ve came by.

‘The Killing Field’ at Wat Thmey which is free of charge.
These are real skeletons from their civil war. It’s a scary one when you know how many of them actually perished in the war.

Buddha, our God.

I miss sitting on this Tuk Tuk, very much.

After ‘The Killing Field’ we went to the ‘War Musuem’ which was suggested by Chanyit.
5USD per entrance.

This is our ‘tour guide’ inside the war musuem. Sorry I cant remember his name.
He explained to us what happened during the war, he introduced us to Pal Pot who was a friend of Mao Zedong (yeah you get the picture) and he showed us what weapon was used back then to take peoples’ life.
He was once a soldier which explains why he lost one of his arm. I am truly sympathetic.

I wasn’t at ease when he told me what happened during Cambodia’s civil war, yet I was eager to know.
I never understand the reason behind wars. I mean I know why these people want to start a war, but WHY?
It is unavoidable as some say it but I cant comprehend. I never can.
I remembered my friend once said, ‘Don’t talk to her about wars or anything related to that, she’s too weak she cant take it’.
Yes, I can cry in the middle of discussion on wars, I just CANNOT! T_T

I do pity the ‘tour guide’ BUT after he finished telling us stories he asked for a donation.
Which is fine of course, and we gave him a dollar each. Then he said, ‘Maybe you all can give 5 dollars or 10 dollars each?’.
My bulging eyes almost dropped. Oooookay so I gave him 4 dollars all together and he said, ‘I’m sorry your donation is too small.’
I was screaming inside of me, ‘WHAT!? YOU MUST BE KIDDING ME!’.

What kind of a person will said that ‘Your donation is too small’? Donation is from heart, dude!

And this dummy above said, ‘I don’t have small change.’.
I had to scream for a second time inside of me, ‘DUDE SO YOU MEAN YOU”RE SO RICH YOU DON’T HAVE SMALL CHANGE? OMG SO STUPID!’
He is indeed very bad at these, my god.


I walked into that area where Fatty was standing and I almost tripped on a wire. I was so afraid I ran out straight away.
Fatty said I’d be dead if the bombs were still there. Scare the crap out of me.

Soldiers who drove this tank above had their legs locked up so that they cant run and eventually will die because there’s no way they can escape.

Fatty asked me to climb into the plane! A lot of spirits okay, I don’t wanna risk my peaceful days.

Fei zai, nei hou yau ying ahhh!

Went to Green Star to have lunch after our trip to ‘War Museum’. Food was okay, but not worth a mention. Not so much, but Fatty ate a cricket when the lady boss offered him. I was shocked!!
When offered the second piece, he figured it’s a bad idea, haha. We chit chat a little with her husband who was an Australian and the guys were enjoying their Australia talk.

Petit Villa Boutique and Spa, our hotel for first night which was just a stone throw away from Green Star.

The first sight that greeted us as we walked in.

Where we had our breakfast the next morning.

And this is where we stayed. I really love this boutique hotel!
I always prefer boutique hotels than normal hotels because there’ll be lesser crowds and boutique hotels often have a unique taste to it.
Of course luxury hotel is always nice but I really fancy boutique hotels a lot. Attentive to details. (:

Welcome drinks and cold towels to refresh ourselves. All of the hotels gave us welcome drinks and cold towels and it is little things like this that makes me happy. And damn, their welcome drink was so good! Blended mango, real mangos!

And look how sweet and nice of them, it says ‘Welcome Peggy’. (:

And this is what attracted me to booked this boutique hotel, their bathroom. Such a nice and unique bathroom, I enjoyed my time showering in it. Haha.

Not to mention it’s spacious too.

I enjoyed dipping in the bathtub…

…while Fatty enjoyed his sunbathing.

Swimming pool. (:

Hotels in Siem Reap are so much cheaper compared to hotels in other countries, I wonder why.
Our one night stay in Petit Villa Boutique and Spa including free breakfast costs us about Rm180+.
So worth it I’m about to cry, hahaha.

After swimming and resting and what not, we went out for some adventurous ride.

Siem Reap is a really dusty place, it is a good idea to bring a towel or scarf to protect yourself from the dusts.

We head over to Quad Adventure for a sunset ride at Siem Reap’s countryside.

All geared up.

I wish I was brave enough to try riding it at least for awhile but I’m still traumatized by the stupid car accident few years ago. I dare not drive or ride anything except for bicycle.
Fatty had a fun time riding it and I too had a fun time sitting behind of him, enjoying the breeze and the countryside.

One of the house we passed by.

Of all the activities, he loves this the most. Specially picked this just for him. (:

We took about half an hour to reach the paddy fields, the spot where we watched the beautiful sunset.

Paddy fields! It was nice staring at paddy fields while seeing the sun set slowly.

Especially when you enjoy such a view with the love of your life. (:

Did I mentioned it’s a breathtaking one?

A total of 14km ride, it costs us 38USD and it is a must do if you ever visit Siem Reap.
It’s fun and thrilling plus we get to see how Siem Reap’s countryside is like.

We head to dinner straight after at Tangram, just a few walks away from Petit Boutique Hotel.

A nice restaurant, just that there were a little too many mosquitoes and insects flying around but other than that everything else was great.
There’s only three tables of people when we were there, probably because it is a little expensive for the locals.

Pork chop with mushroom cream sauce – 7.50USD.
The pork chop was tender and juicy and Fatty was impressed because it is not at all easy to not turn a pork chop into a hard and dry one.

After our dinner we walked to Pub Street and Fatty hated me so much at that moment because the roads were so dark he thought that it was a very bad idea to walk but I insisted.
Especially when there ware all these flying insects flying around, he hates flying insects to the core.
We did not hang out at Pub Street for long, we were dead tired from waking up at 4am in the morning.

That is all for our first day at Siem Reap. Off to bed and had a good rest for our second day.

Petit Villa Boutique & Spa
Wat Damnak, Salakomrouk Commune, Siem Reap Angkor Wat, Kingdom of Cambodia.
Walking distance to Pubstreet, night market
Mobile : +855 888 575 388, Office: +855 63 764 234 , Fax: +855 64 764 235

Quad Adventure Cambodia ATV
We’re only 500 metres from the Old Market (we’re signposted from Martini Disco and Wat Bo Road junction). You can walk or call us and we’ll provide a free pick up from anywhere in town.
Telephone: +855(0)17 784 727 – +855(0)92 787 216
*Go to their website and send them an email to make a reservation, hassle free.