Tag Archives: cafe

Bangkok with Tays : Day 4 & Day 5

Someone needs to smack my lazy ass!!
Sometimes I dislike doing travel posts, I always have too many pictures!

I’ve been really busy during Chinese New Year, busy enjoying the festive season hehe.
Lotsa this and that. Now that I’m slightly less busy (I guess or I hope) I can finally continue updating what’s needed to be update.

I do blame Dayre at the same time too because I update my Dayre really often instead of my blog. :(
Dayre makes blogging or rambling a lot more easier which explains why.

So back to my last Bangkok post, I requested for a room change from wood element to metal element because when I showered, water leaked out from the door.

#1 Here’s the metal element room that we changed to.



Everything’s decent, clean and the room was really comfortable.
I do highly recommend Sofitel So hotel for everything that it is. Attentive, clean, smells and looks good. Even their employees look good, they have quite a number of pretty Thai ladies working on the front desk. ;)

#4 Fatty’s mom was craving for breakfast buffet so we had it at the hotel that morning.


#6 I love how they put in effort into decorations.

I love seeing nice decorations and designs, it makes me happy. :)



#9 First stop for the day was Erawan Shrine or Four Face Bhuddha, that one place I’ll go back to every time I visit Bangkok.

#10 Second stop was Siam Centre. I kinda love Siam Centre because they have a lot of awesome boutiques with great interior designs.

I don’t get to buy anything from Siam Centre cause there’s nothing cheap from there but I love looking around at decos.

#11 So inspired!

#13 Third stop was Mr.Jones Orphanage, a cafe inside Siam Centre.

Ashely Sutton is the man behind this quirky pastry venue. It was established in 2012, while its name was based on a children’s book of the same name. His newest creation, Mr. Jones’ Orphanage, is a Milk Bar featuring age-old recipes from Ash’s own grandmother, Amy Hipkin. The entire interior are made of the light color of wood, which give you a warm feeling and relaxed atmosphere. Its fairy-tale-like design and decoration with fluffy teddy bears, vintage prints, and toys also gives you a feeling like you’ve have experienced the moment in your childhood once again. Some people say it was like you are in a kid’s toy store.

#14 The Jones Orphanage at Siam Centre is based on choo-choo train and the seating is really cute. The only downside is that with these seating they cant accommodate a very big bunch of guests.

#15 Love the train tracks. They should make these train tracks move like a conveyor belt and have their cakes move around like sushi. It’s gonna be so cute haha.

#16 Spoilt for choice.

#17 I ordered a piece of carrot cake which was pretty good.

#18 And here’s our mini chocolate drink.

#19 So cute right!? One’s not enough for Fatty so he ordered another mini milk lol.


We shopped around at Siam Centre for a few hours and headed back to hotel later on to take a short rest.
We only had one massage session during the trip and to help ease the pain on my leg, I filled our bathtub with hot steamy water and dipped in my feet in it.

#21 Felt so much better after dipping my feet into the hot bathtub.

#22 We really needed it.

#23 Like really. Okay the water was too hot for me for a moment.

#24 :)

#25 Dinner was at Thip Samai for Pad Thai and Thip Samai is one of the most famous Pad Thai restaurant in Bangkok.

#26 Their Pad Thais’ are cook using charcoal and when you hear the word charcoal you know it’s gonna be good.

#27 There’s a few versions of Pad Thai, some with eggs wrapped around, some with crab meats and what not.

#28 It was really good and I’m really craving for a plate right now!

They’re open around 5pm and when we were there about 8.30pm it wasn’t really pack.
I’m so gonna go back the next time I”m at Bangkok!

#29 Because Fatty’s dad love eating (that’s the only thing he wants to do during this trip haha), we went to the restaurant few shops away from Thip Samai and eat for another round. Nothing much to shout about, just a random restaurant.

The next day, we didn’t do much except for some last minute shopping at Platinum Mall and we had some desserts and drinks at a cafe because we’ve got a flight to catch at 9pm.

#30 Here’s the cafe that Fatty’s sister picked, it’s called Un-Fashion cafe. Love the rustic look on this weird shape building.

#31 It’s located at Ekamai and along the way, there’s a lot of nice shops and exteriors for us to take a good look at.

#32 There’s nothing to not love about it.


#34 It’s a little small inside the cafe but small means cosy.

#35 Cosy right? I can imagine spending the entire afternoon here catching up with friends or catching up with notes if I’m still a student.

#36 Could possibly just turn this thing into a cosy house, how frigging nice.





#41 Thai ice tea.

#42 Bye-bye one of my favourite city, I’ll see you again.

Once again, a big thank you to Tay’s family for having me with them throughout this trip.
I hope they enjoyed it as much as I did.

Address: Seenspace Thonglor 13, Siam Center, Bangkok, Thailand

Address: 313 313 Thanon Mahachai, Phra Nakorn
Hours: 5 pm – 3 am daily
Phone: 022216280

Address: Ekkamai Soi 10, Bangkok

25th Birthday Getaway : Johor Bahru – Day 1

A quarter of century gone!
I’m afraid I have to agree to the saying that age is just a number.
I am still very much a kid at heart, my boyfriend knows best.

I guess the only part that makes me feel like a 25 is that I get tired more often compared to few years ago.
There are times where I used to conflict myself by very looking forward to my own birthday but at the same time dislike the aging part.
Then it strikes me, why am I dreading the aging part? It’s a blessing in disguise.
We should all feel blessed to have the chance to age and to grow, despite the number. It’s just a number after all.

Even if we look older, even if we have more wrinkles and what not we should all be grateful that we stand a chance at all.
I feel especially blessed to have another year surrounded by people I love, my family, my other half and my friends. :)

For this year’s birthday I actually planned for a getaway at Alang Rawa but I never seemed to get a reply from them after sending a few emails. Are they close during monsoon season or are they just that bad in replying? :(
I’ve been telling Fatty that I wanted to go to Alang Rawa since ages ago but it just didn’t happen.
I’ll just have to wait for my bff to be back next year and make this happen, pfft.

Fatty suggested Japamala Resort at Tioman and since I also wanted to go check out Johor Bahru because I’ve never really been there, my plan to Alang Rawa changed.
Johor Bahru and Tioman Island it is.

We occupied our time at Johor Bahru on the first day and drove to Mersing on the second.
Due to the fact that we’re gonna spend quite an amount of money at Tioman, I decided to choose a much more affordable hotel for our stay at Johor Bahru.

#1 I am Jazz Hotel at Bandar Baru Permas Jaya for only Rm100 a night.

#2 It’s a decent hotel with basic amnesties.

#3 It’s not that bad for a Rm100 room isn’t it? Pictures are from their website by the way.

We arrived at Johor Bahru during noon time, almost evening.
First stop was IT Roo cafe to get our hunger fix at Johor Bahru Old Town.
Claimed as ‘Best Chicken Chop in Malaysia’, IT Roo is one of the oldest established Hainanese restaurant in Johor Bahru.

#4 I ordered Grilled Black Pepper Chicken Chop while Fatty ordered Fried Chicken Chop in Mushroom sauce. Fried chicken chop was a lot better than the grilled one, it was crispy and crunchy with the batter mix which I quite like. Fatty however prefer Yut Kee’s chicken chop more than IT Roo’s.

#5 Root beer float will always be the bomb no matter where.

#6 Contrast, love the colours of the door and the grills. I also dyed my hair, violet brown or something like that and red ends.

#7 <3 20131110-124403.jpg
#8 Took a walk around Johor Bahru Old Town after our late lunch.

#9 How so true when we really have the ability to give. :)

#10 A little reminder.

#11 Second stop : Chaiwalla & Co, a container cafe.

#12 Container is love! But I wish they sell better drinks instead of drinks like bubble tea.

#13 Chaiwalla do sell desserts too.


#15 :)


#17 Cute saloon and rooftop cafe but the cafe seemed close, so we didn’t get to try.


#19 Roost.

#20 Roost Repurposed & Recycled that’s just few shops away from Roost. They mainly serve drinks, yogurts, and salads.

#21 Fascinated by the fact that the shop owner built almost all the furniture himself, I made it a point that I have to at least drop by.

#22 When I have a house of my own, I really do prefer doing-it-myself too instead of buying because that way I get to have what I really want. I only wish that Fatty will agree with me and we can get our hands dirty together in the future. :D

#23 A rather different approach from KL’s cafes designs.

#24 Don’t you agree?



#27 Open air where you can gaze at pedestrians passing by.

#28 How you can make full use of unwanted cups.

#29 My Fatty who dreaded going to JB with me but it’s not so bad after all.

We were really full from all the coffees but my boyfriend has got this hope that we can actually eat some Johor Bak Kut Teh. Unfortunately Bak Kut Teh restaurants at Johor closes really early. Would actually love to try it.
I also secretly wanted to go to Danga Bay after I saw online that there’s a funfair over there but I kept quiet because funfair doesn’t sound so much like a Fatty’s thing.
To my surprise, he said he wanted to bring me over without me even mentioning anything about Danga Bay. :D

#30 Yay!! Funfair!! :D

#31 I was extremely happy like a little kid.

It’s a permanent funfair and I must say it’s a really good one. It’s big, filled with a lot of rides.
A really good place for family on a Sunday evening.


#33 You gotta love a two tier merry-go-round. :)


#35 Blur picture in the train. And yes, Fatty bought me a heart shape helium balloon. Hehehe.

It was very fun especially when Fatty agrees to go on rides with me.
It’s rare that he will agree to go on a merry-go-round with me you’ve got no idea. <3 But the bumper car which he enjoyed the most made me feel like I'm about to die. The collisions were so hard I actually felt pain. Pfft! Despite that, it was a lovely lovely day. I only wish that we could arrive at Johor earlier so that I can cafe hop more. 20131110-125559.jpg
#36 Days like this is what makes me happy. :)

I Am Jazz Hotel
Add: 122-124 Jalan Permas 10 (Bandar Baru Permas Jaya), Masai, Johor 81750

IT Roo Cafe
Add: 17, Jalan Dhoby, Johor Bahru, Johor 80000.

Chaiwalla & Co
Add: Lot 2810, Jalan Tan Hiok Nee (Wong Ah Fook), Johor Bahru, Johor 80000.

Roost Repurposed & Recycled.
Add: 1, Jalan Dhoby, Johor Bahru, Johor.

Mods Cafe at Melaka

Here’s another really late post on Mods Cafe at Melaka which I visited with my best friends on the next day of our stay in Melaka before leaving back to KL.
Just the 3 of us because Fatty left to work early morning while I continue snoozing.

#1 We used GPS to help us get to Mods Cafe located in Jalan Tokong but our GPS brought us out of Jonker which was wrong. It is located around Jonker Walk in Jalan Tokong, do not let GPS screw you up.

#2 As the shop’s name suggest, the cafe’s theme is inspired by mods culture during the sixties.

#3 Mods cafe stands out from the usual industrial-looking cafe or one that builds around wood planks and brick walls.


#5 What attracted me to the cafe was of course their orange colour 1978 Volkswagen Combi Campervan which is parked inside the shop.

There are just a few tables and chairs in Mods cafe and they could hardly accommodate more than 6 groups of people, so I guess you really have to try your luck especially on weekends.

#6 A glass of iced latte for myself after walking under the scorching hot sun.

#7 A miniature version of their Volkswagen van sits at the back of their shop.

#8 Barista doing her thing.

#9 Absolute love for their red switches.

#10 No idea what this is but this is pretty old school.



#13 This big ass machine used up quite an amount of space from the shop too and from this I can tell the owners who are operating Mods Cafe are very serious about their coffee.

No food available, just dessert and drinks so be sure to not go with an empty stomach. :)

14 Jalan Tokong, Melaka 75200 , Malaysia

LOKL Coffee Company

LOKL is currently one of my favourite cafe!
Fatty and I, we both love exploring and spending our time at cafes but due to his busy schedule I had my first visit to LOKL with my bff instead when she was back here.

#1 LOKL is situated on Jalan Tun H.S.Lee about ten minutes walk from Petaling Street and they share a common place with Backhome hostel, which is also a very lovely place for backpackers.

I went to LOKL twice, as mentioned the first time with my bff and the second time with Fatty because I needed to share my experience with him.
The first time, we parked our car beside Reggae’s Hotel which is just one traffic light away from LOKL and the second time we walked from Petaling street under the hot sun.
It’s your call whether to park nearby or to take a long walk.

#2 Decos in the cafe.

#3 Although it was scorching hot outside but once you step into LOKL, it’ll take you no time to cool down as they really blast their air-cond.

#4 Ample amount of natural sunlight.

#5 Arts hanged on the wall which we Malaysians can definitely relate to.

#6 I of course do not have much chance to enjoy LOKL’s indoor because I have smoker friends, so outdoor it was.

#7 This is the outdoor area which LOKL and Backhome hostel share.

#8 Love the wall.

#9 Thank God it wasn’t at all hot at the outdoor area, to my surprise. Even though there isn’t any fan around, it was very bearable but having a fan or two sure doesn’t hurt as well.

#10 Simple menu.



#13 I love drinking coffee but I really do not know what’s good and what’s not unless they really do suck.

#14 Mango pudding which is rather pricey. Rm7 or so, I couldn’t remember.

#15 Homemade quiche, with chicken and mushroom in it for Rm8.90 which taste really decent.

#16 Me bff with her ever changing hair.

#17 I ordered afogato on my second visit and I love it. I dislike my coffee with a tinge of sourness, I like it with a little sweetness but not the sugar kind of sweetness. LOL I don’t know what the hell I’m saying, I just like it with vanilla ice-cream in short. Or cream wtf.

#18 Hainanese Meatloaf, sandwich bread stuffed with chicken, chestnuts, and prawns, then fried till golden brown for Rm15.90.

#19 It really does live up to it’s description, golden brown and crispy on the outside. It smells uber good once we’re served with Hainanese Meatloaf and in a weird way, it smells like fillet-o-fish. When dip in the Worcestershire sauce they provided, it gave the dish a tinge of sourness to balance the taste.

LOKL was also own by Cheryl Samad which I wasn’t aware of.
I thought to myself, ‘This waitress look really pretty and she has a beautiful smile’ but it struck me to realise she is Cheryl Samad.
I used to watch her on TV during my teenage days and she still looks the same, haven’t age a day.

One thing that I dislike about LOKL though is that they operate in within a very weird time.
They’re not open on Sundays and they closed at 5pm everyday. PFFT!

LOKL Coffee Co,
30, Jalan Tun H.S. Lee, Kuala Lumpur.
Tel: 03-2022-0788
Opening times: Mon-Fri, 7.30am-5pm; Sat, 8am-5pm

Singapore: Second, Third & Fourth Stop – Tiong Bahru, Haji Lane and Bugis.

Delicious food, aromatic coffee, unique interior, hipster area, friendly people – I’ll be there.
These are the kind of places whereby I really look forward to whenever I travel with Fatty, instead of the usual tourism spot.

Where: Tiong Bahru Bakery
What: Pastries and Coffee

So I heard that Tiong Bahru Bakery has got the best croissant in Singapore and yours truly here is a very croissant kind of person.
I love eating a good croissant.
I too heard that Tiong Bahru is one of Singapore’s hipster area as there are more and more unique cafes opening up in this rather old area.
I’d say, old is definitely the new black.

#1 Don’t let their name fool you.

#2 I thought it was a grab and go concept and I was shocked when I saw all the seats filled up with people. And so I thought to myself, this must be good.

#3 They sell croissants, danish, tarts, and even hamburgers.

#4 They too have brownies and cakes, you will be spoil by choices.

#5 A guide for you if you do not know how to differentiate coffees.

#6 Spot the tote bag? I WANT! I also like their wooden door that swings both way.

I bought a croissant ($3.20) and a raisin danish ($3.50) for me and fatty to share.
I’d love to try out their coffee too in the future if I ever goes back.
Both the croissant and danish were pretty decent but only if I can eat it while it’s hot, it’ll be even better.
Fatty who loves croissant as much as I do thinks that Tiong Bahru Bakery’s croissant tasted normal kind of good.
Then he started telling me how AWESOME this croissant he had in Hong Kong was whereby he queue for an hour just to buy it.

OKAY! Don’t be so cocky next time I fly to Hong Kong just for croissant!

56 Eng Hoon St
#01-70 Singapore 160056
+65 6220 3430
8am – 8pm daily (Close on Tuesday)

Where: Open Door Policy (ODP)
What: Modern Bistro

For lunch, we headed to ODP as knows as Open Door Policy which is just few streets away from Tiong Bahru Bakery.

#7 Is this the most creative name or the most random name?


#9 I absolutely love their interior and it was full too when we were there. /Jackpot

#10 These steel ceilings used by ODP reminded me of Acme’s.

#11 We sat by the open kitchen which I do not have a single problem with. I love seeing chefs do their thing.

#12 Latte, $5.50.

#13 Wild mushroom risotto with truffle crumbs, $22. Mushroom risotto was great as it tasted slightly different from the normal ones I ate and the white mushroom you saw on top of that risotto, it is actually raw.

#14 Green gazpacho with scallop ceviche and fresh coriander, $16. I haven’t tasted anything quite like this before, it was a cold soup. Every mouth I took is full with surprise and the scallops aren’t cook which is the way it’s meant to be. It doesn’t taste awful at all, it just tasted different. I cant take in a big amount as my tummy started acting weird but this soup taste nothing like bad.

#15 Smoked salmon and scrambled eggs on toasted ciabatta with spinach and fresh herbs, $21. Love this dish, portion was big and the amount of smoked salmon they gave was generous. Scrambled eggs were soft and the best part was that the ciabatta wasn’t hard and chewy.

#16 The three of us.

#17 Why cant they just give me a decent look?

19 Yong Siak Street
(Yong Siak View)
Singapore 168650
Tel: +65 6221 9307
Fax: +65 6221 9032

Where: Tiong Bahru
What: Cafes and Shops

Walked around Tiong Bahru’s neighbourhood to check out more cafes and shops.

#18 There he go again, appearing in my picture nonchalantly.

#19 Social Haus, a cafe I’d like to try out someday in the future too.

#20 Books Actually that obviously sells books.

#21 Books Actually is not your ordinary book store as the books they sell is a lot more different from all the mainstream books. Just go and have a look if you’re a book lover and happens to be around Tiong Bahru.


Where: Haji Lane
What: Boutiques

Told you my days at Singapore was jam packed, we went from one stop to another.
Haji Lane was next and this is the place Fatty suggested that we go have a look at.


#24 Fatty and mini me at Haji Lane.

#25 Haji Lane is somewhat like our Bangsar Telawi conquered by boutiques but I adore Haji Lane’s building more.
Love the windows on the upper level.

#26 Displays were a lot nice compared to Bangsar’s too, very creative and put together.

#27 Love the plants! Now you get what I meant?


#29 Don’t spoil market lah you.

#30 Must kacau and try on glasses.

#31 And I must take picture of self.

#32 Just a candid of me and Dennis while we rest outside a bar that was closed.

Where: Bugis Street
What: Affordable shopping

Bugis Street is the only shopping place for me at Singapore because everything sold there is so much cheaper compared to malls.
The area was big enough for me to shop and what was on their display rack was a lot more similiar to what I saw at Bangkok or Sungai Wang.
The prices were hiked up quite a lot since I know how incredibly cheap it is to get the stocks from Bangkok which made me reluctant to shop anymore.

My legs were really sore too so we made it a quick one and I managed to buy 2 pair of shorts.
At least I bought something, so mission accomplished.

#33 Fatty bought something too, a pair of sunnies for his rave. But no, not this pair.

#34 This is one of the cutest sunglasses I’ve came across and I hesitated for awhile if I should bring it home. $15, not wise.

Where: Maison Ikkoku
What: Cafe, Boutique and Bar

Last stop for the day before Zouk Out Day 2 was Maison Ikkoku.
There’s three floors altogether and the first floor is a cafe, second is a boutique, while the highest floor rest their bar.

#35 Felt like I walked into an entirely different country, with mosque right in front of me and coconut trees along the way. A very nice place to just sit and relax.

#36 From the name of it, I was hoping to have our dinner there expecting some Japanese or Fusion food but all I got in the menu was all day breakfast.

Cant do breakfast after our meal at ODP so we just sat and have coffee instead since coffee is their main specialty anyway.

#37 My pictures don’t do this place any justice.

#38 Dennis’ tea as he’s not quite a coffee person.

#39 Our Vanilla Latte which I absolutely love.

We wanted to check out Maison Ikkoku’s bar too but it was closed. :(
It’ll be really nice to sit on the top floor overlooking the mosque and people passing by.

Maison Ikokku
20 Kandahar Street Singapore 198885
T +65 6294 0078
F +65 6294 2616

Love all the cafes we went, love all the food we ate, and love all the coffee we drank.

24th Birthday Getaway : Melaka (Day 2)

Continuation of my Melaka post, just pure captions actually.

#1 Rise and shine.

#2 I’ve never really walked around Melaka as early as about 9am but it’s really great. Fresh air, less crowd, and especially windy that day.

#3 We walked into random back alleys…

#4 …and take silly pictures.

#5 After walking for a while we went over to a Lung Ann Refreshments to try out another famous duck noodle.

#6 Service was really weird because we don’t get to order anything and all we do was just to sit and wait until they come to us. Which kinda took like 25 minutes after we sat down. Mm hmm.

#7 Typical Malaysian Chinese breakfast, half boiled eggs.

#8 Fatty’s fish ball noodle that I have absolute no interest at. Me no do fish ball noodle, not my bowl of mee.

#9 My duck noodle which is better than the duck noodle from Kedai Kopi & Makanan Soon Yen. The duck meat weren’t so shredded and the sauce taste just nice.

There’s also a very famous Pork Satay at Lung Ann Refreshment but we were there too early so we didn’t get to try.
Another next time maybe.

Lung Ann Refreshment
93/807, Lorong Hang Jebat, 75200 Melaka

#10 After our breakfast we rushed over to Baba and Nyonya Heritage Museum to catch their first session. There are two sessions everyday and visiting hours are from 10am to 12.30pm and from 2pm to 4.30pm.

#11 Unfortunately no pictures are allowed in the museum or else I would have snap a lot. Don’t worry about heat and all, it’s air conditioned. Entry is RM10 per person. Worth a visit but I kind of like Laksaman Cheng Ho Museum more because I get to play around and stuff.

We both walked back to The Stable for a short rest before packing our things up and continue the last part of our journey.

#12 Also, making a full use on the sunlight beaming in from the window.

#13 My silly fat boy.

#14 You see, I really enjoy staying at The Stable and I even asked myself if this is my house I seriously wouldn’t mind. It’s small but the space is sufficient just for the both of us. Just the way I like it. (:


#16 The view from our window, pretty ain’t it?

#17 ‘The Stable’, it’ll be better if the rate is RM200 per night. #cheapskate

#18 A lame picture of Mr.Choi Lan. Never trust what he recommends.

#19 We walked around at Hereen street and came across something interesting. ‘8 Heeren Street is a two-storey building that was originally built in the 18th century, and was restored by local heritage body, Badan Warisan Malaysia, as a showcase of how a building of that period look like.” It’s a project to persevere the building by volunteered architects and organizations.’

“#20 Fatty paid so much attention reading all the facts and terms while I was too pissed at mosquitoes sucking my blood.

#21 There’s no entrance fee needed and a guy will explain the rest of the stories.

#22 I was so distracted by those mosquitoes I cant be bothered listening to the guy explain, so I randomly took pictures of the place instead.

#23 And here he’s explaining something about roof tiles.

#24 The Baboon House.

After getting pissed at the mosquitoes and fatty getting pissed at me getting pissed at the mosquitoes we went to our last stop at Melaka.

#25 You’ll mistaken this place as an art gallery if you decide not to walk further in.

#26 Walk pass all the arts and you’ll come to a nice cafe inside. The Baboon House is just a really long house, keep walking and you’ll be surprised.

#27 Surrounded by greens and plants under the sunlight, no better place to have a cup of coffee.

#28 Baboon, they have none but there’s a cute Golden Retriever for you to go awww. He was being really lazy that day but he did come to our table and greet us, how cute.

#29 They also have a cat for you to play with if you’re more of a cat person. I heard they used to have a duck but the duck got lost and went missing.

#30 And mini fishes in a jar on our table.

#31 Fatty’s coffee.

#32 My ice blended mango.

#33 Burger from The Baboon House surprised us, it was really good. In fact, it was a lot better than the ones I had in KL.

#34 I ordered BLT Sandwich which is equally just as good, though the taste wasn’t that much of a difference since both had bacon in it.

#35 As I said, the house is really long so walk further in if you’d like to explore more.

#36 Different kind of settings to suit your liking.

#37 This could just be the one I like most. :)

The Baboon House
89, Jalan Tun Tan Cheng Lok, Melaka, Malaysia

I will definitely be back to The Baboon’s House the next time I’m at Melaka.
It was meant to be Mods Cafe but they weren’t in town when we were there but I’m glad I gave The Baboon House a go.

I was feeling really lazy and it took me days and days to finally publish this.
So lazy to the point where I only wrote a few captions a day and closed the tab later on.
Somebody please shake my lazy bugs off.

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