Tag Archives: barbecue

A trip to Bali with family – Day 2 / Pura Luhur Uluwatu

Looking at the amount of pictures from Bali that I have to sort out and upload makes me want to cry.
Realising that my brain most of the time functions a lot slower when I try to cramp out a blog post makes me want to cry even more. Hur hur.
So please appreciate all my blog posts. Lol.

So after leaving Suluban Beach which I’ve blogged here, we went to Pura Luhur Uluwatu.

Pura Luhur Uluwatu is about one hour plus drive from Kuta and it is a Balinese sea temple that is meant to protect Balinese from evil spirits.
We went there for the sunset and to take a good look at the Balinese temple.
Watching sunset at Uluwatu is one of the must do when you visit Bali.

#1 Just some trees’ shadows and mine.

Take note : There’ll be a lot of monkeys around where drivers park their car and you have to be extra careful of your belongings especially your glasses, sunglasses, cameras or phones.

From what I heard, these monkeys will snatch your belongings and trade it for food. So unless you bribe these monkeys with some fruit, you’re unlikely to get your belongings back. Damn these little cunning furry fellas.

#2 Entrance to Pura Luhur Uluwatu is IDR20,000 (RM6).

#3 There are two different vantage point for you to enjoy the great view and this is the right portion where the temple stands.

#4 While this is on the left where the Kecak dance performance takes place everyday. To watch the dance, you’ll have to pay IDR70,000 (RM21).

We didn’t go for the Kecak dance performance as we weren’t really interested and the price was somewhat pricey.

#5 Me Vinci lego man says hi to Uluwatu.

#6 He’s a lucky lego man, he flew all the way to Bali. Haha.


Proper attire is needed to visit Pura Luhur Uluwatu, you either wear long pants, bring your own sarong, or rent a sarong for free.

#8 I of course brought my own sarong that I bought from Bangkok three years ago. It was my first time wearing my sarong after it sits in my wardrobe for so long. Couldn’t find an occasion that suits.

#9 My sarong’s colour somehow matches the sarong that is available for rent.

#10 Love the view behind.

#11 Me brother.

#12 Me mom.

#13 And wont you look at that beautiful sunset.

#14 It was pretty amazing seeing the sky changed it’s colour.

After the sunset we went for dinner at Jimbaran Beach before calling it a day.
There’s a whole stretch of seafood restaurant along Jimbaran Beach and the one we went to is Lia Cafe Jimbaran Seafood which is suppose to be cheaper according to my brother.

#15 It was dinner by the beach.

#16 So near to the beach that when there were waves, the table in front of us could actually feel the sea water under their feet.

#17 We ordered Paket A which includes 8 pieces of prawns, 0.5kg of fish, 8 pieces of clams, and 0.5kg of squids for IDR230,000 (RM69). There’re also 2 coconuts, soups, salads, and rice that goes with the set.

#18 This is my mom trying to look like a ghost.

Dinner was pretty worth it, squid was grilled to perfection although the fish was a little too hard.
It was quite a good meal that we had to go back for lunch on the last day. :)

Badung Regency – 80364
Uluwatu, Bali, Indonesia

Jl Pemalisan Agung,
Jimbaran, Bali, Indonesia

Broga Hill on a Saturday

Broga Hill, I remembered my last experience there wasn’t quite a pleasant one.
No, there’s nothing wrong with Broga.
Just that I’m not quite interested in hiking itself.
People head over to Broga Hill and hike up to the peak for an awesome sunrise view.
Even without the sunrise, hiking up to the peak is still worth it.

The first time I went hiking at Broga is on the first day of 2011 in hope that I’ll get to reach the top and catch the sunrise.
But I did not make it, so were my friends.
I don’t normally hike, or even do any exercise at all for that matter.
Which makes this journey even harder for me, especially the sloppiness of the hill.

On one Saturday, I went to Broga for the second time but not for hiking this time.
Thank God.
We’re all there to escape our bustling city, to have some quiet time all by ourselves.
Poh Juan’s father own this place called Broga Eco Farm Resort and that’s how we decided to spend our Saturday.

* The view from where the resort is.

* Walkway filled with fruits.

* This is the resort, just three rooms for now.

* And this is the room we all slept in. This room is so huge, fitting in the 9 of us.

* Two of Poh Juan’s manual ATV (all-terrain vehicle).

* Pretty cool ay!? Poh Juan and Victor ready to roll while I enjoyed my Mahjong session in the living room.

* Saw lots of stray dogs walking around before I spot this cute puppy.

* So cute I was playing with it all day and the poor puppy slept on our shoes outside the door when we were all soundly asleep in the room.

* Me trying out the swing.

* Yan who prepared the barbecue.

* And that’s my fatty, forced to take a picture with me.

* Our char siew. Yes, we barbecued char siew this time.

* Guy’s job, nuff said.

* Lambs from previous barbecue session at Poh Juan’s house tasted much better. This was pre-marinated from supermarket.

* Chicken wings. Again, the chicken wing that Poh Juan marinated at Malacca tasted better too. In fact, what he marinated was pretty damn good, malay style it is.

* Girls taking care of the food while the guys getting the karaoke set fix. As for me, doing something real important which is snapping pictures. Hey, don’t look at me like that!!

* My bff’s bf enjoying his hot dog bun.

* Fatty likes the cute puppy too! (:

* Foon was back that day from Hong Kong and I was happy to see her.

* Taking a ride with ATV in between meals.

We ate, we sang, we drank, we gambled, and we chit-chat.
Not everyone appeared in my pictures, I was too lazy after my meal.
It was a simple so called getaway with a bunch of my friends. (:

Broga Eco Farm Resort is not for rent yet but soon it will be.
I’ll probably put more information by then.

Ben’s Birthday (:

As promised, a blog post in a day with pictures (:
A post that was supposed to come a month earlier. That shows how lazy I am, maybe I can blame it on the winter here. You know, winter just makes people lazy.

It was his birthday last week (pending post) month and we had a japanese birthday dinner because we cant help craving for japanese food after watching that hongkong sushi drama.
For the entire week I crave for sushi and it didn’t help, I miss sushi zanmai even more.
We went to this Japanese restaurant in Crown called Nobu, a restaurant opened by a celebrated Japanese chef, Nobu Matsuhisa and Robert De Niro himself.

* Sushi bar, I just love sitting there taking a quick look at these sushi masters doing their thing in between my meal. (:

* Tuna Tataki with Tozasu $22

* New Style Salmon Sashimi $18.5

* Sea Urchin $10, Japanese Chu-Toro $18 if I’m not wrong , and King Fish $5.

* Black Cod with Miso $45.5 (boyf’s favourite)

* Lobster with Wasabi Pepper Sauce $60

* Kurobuta Pork Belly with Karashi Su Miso and Nashi pear $37

Dinner was great, especially the Tuna Tataki and Salmon sashimi. *orgasmic*
But we both agreed that we should have ordered something else instead of lobster and pork belly because there really isn’t much for us to rave about on both the dishes.
Maybe we should just stick with seafood next time but nonetheless I love the dinner.
The bill came up to about $250 and if you ask me if it’s worth the price, I cant say that it’s not because indeed the food is good.
But I’ll never like the idea that it is actually that expensive.
Since it’s the boy’s birthday, I guess it’s okaaaaayyyyyyyyy. (:

We came home after dinner and I surprised him with a cake and the present I bought him all the way from Malaysia. Which is a piece of art. Yes you heard me right, a piece of art.

* Birthday boy with the lousy birthday cake I bake when he went to class that afternoon.

* Tadaaaa!! Cute isn’t?? ngehehe, really look quite like the both of us :D

And of course, camwhore a little :P

As for his birthday party surprise, well………..
Long before his birthday I asked myself, what kind of surprise should I give him.
If you didn’t know, I love giving people surprises. It makes me happy (:
Anyway, two weeks ago my friend suggested to have a barbecue session at our place.
But I suggested the following week instead with the excuse that we are short of cash but in fact I secretly told them that it’s Ben’s birthday next week. (:
Everyone agreed and keep it as a secret from the birthday boy,and he still thought that it’s because we’re short of cash.

This blur friend of mine, accidentally spill it out when we’re having our coffee.
my blur friend: next saturday barbecue right? for your birthday..
me: stare at him intensely.
my blur friend: no meh? i thought it’s for your birthday
me: staring at him even more intense my eyeballs almost fall off with the thinking that i’m gonna kill him anytime soon.
ben: huh. for my birthday meh. *looks at me*
me: (FML!!!)
my blur friend: ooooo……………ooooooo………..sorry.
me: kill me please.

i’m not sure if i wanted to kill him or myself. like O-M-G!!!
Pfft but nehmind I planned for a back up surprise right away. I secretly changed it to friday without the birthday boy noticing.
Informed everyone secretly, and even asked my blur friend to ask him out on friday itself so that i can stay home alone and prepare everything.
It was quite a mess due to the time constraint.

I prepared all the marinates the day before.
Beef, lamb, chicken, prawn, and squid. Typing it all out now here reminds me how painstakingly I prepared all of these.
And the most horrible of all, is no doubt the friggin squid.

* I was cutting the squid into half and half way through I saw something looking back at me. I shriek so loud and throw the eerie squid back into the sink. The squid ate the fish and it’s still inside WTF!!!! I know it’s just a fish but it really is uber disgusting.

Enough of the squid. On the day itself as I planned, boyf went out without me and I stayed home preparing for the food all day. My kitchen looks exactly like a war zone that day.

* let’s barbecueeeee.

* cooked creamy tomato spaghetti, baked mushroom, caesar salad, …..

* …… and baked egg, potato and cherry tomato.

* Man, I love the candles here in Melbourne I wanna buy them all home!! So special!!

Fat Ben, I’m such a good girlfriend right? *flips hair*


The Organizing Committee President Of Random Event, Cheah Kam Wei decided to come up with a barbeque session for us Cheras clan-ers. Yes, very the random.
But I’m glad because these bunch of jokers really crack me up. Something that I need recently. (:

* Noob, so blur.

* Me and Yee Wah, the host.

* Lamb, sausages and ham. *yum*

* Ee Cheeng and Yee Wah barbeque-ing.

* Chicken wingsssss.

* The guys chicken wing-ing.

* Wilson helped me to barbeque those chicken wings and stuff. Thankiuuuu. I’m lazy, very very lazy. Haha..

* Red face girl peeling potato skin.

* Hi, Keith gor. Hahahaha..

* Lol, noob noob noob. Noob Ng Jian Yi, the one beside me who moves for no reason.

* Bunch of jokers, some didn’t join in though.

These guys!! Always bully me and only me.
They forced me to play this ghost thingy, off all the lights and stuff just to scare the shit out of me. Krazy!!
So not fun but if you wanna try, you can go google it. It’s called ‘Hotel 626’ and they said you can only play it from 6pm to 6am.
Warning : it is very the creepy.

I have lots of fun and I love them to bits although they always bully me.
And they never fail to make me laugh even though I feel like shit. (:
Thankiuuu guys. ♥