Sweet Tooth

Yes, desserts.
Which girl doesn’t like eating desserts? Especially the oh-so-good ones. But wait………
Desserts sounds really fattening, isn’t it? Fear not, because we still have some really healthy desserts or at least that is what they claim to be. (:

* Before leaving the house and for your information, I’m wearing pants. -.-

So, I went to Subang for this really famous dessert named Snowflake. People who is from Subang or those who always go there will definitely heard of Snowflake and by right, tasted their desserts before too.

* They have this very cute ‘UFO’ that will beep when your food is prepared.

* Nam Hon’s ‘Touhua + redbean’.

* My milky red bean ice which taste real gooooood.

* Weng Kee’s ‘Kidney bean + glutinous rice’.

* Ee Cheeng’s ‘Snowflake bestseller which consist of grass jelly ice + taroball + creamer’.

In case you didn’t know, grass jelly ice is cincau and taroball is some yam thingy. Well, for me its kinda hard to pick the dessert because there’s a lot of beans and peanuts in it which I don’t really eat.
However, what I like about Snowflake is that they have this super yummy milk or creamer thingy. They taste really gooood and I love dairy products. :D

* Weng Kee and Ee Cheeng.

Oh ya, forget to mention that this shop is opened by a Taiwanese.

* Nam Hon and me. Excuse my terrible look please.

You should really go try it if you have the chance, they also have Soya bean plus ‘you tiao’ and they claim that their beans and all is really fresh and healthy. It is just located right opposite Asia Cafe, the same row as Starbucks.

Ouh, I went to Sungai Wang to buy my stuff just the other day and Ee Cheeng wanna eat this ice-cream at Timesquare.
Its called Kindori Ice Cream and its from Japan and Taiwan.
Alright, how is this suppose to work? Its no ordinary ice-cream I can assure you.
Well, basically what they have is a fresh-milk base which means the ice-cream at first do not have any flavour in it and its white in colour.
And then you pick the flavour that you want which is basically fruits and they are ‘blast-frozen’. Freezing fruits don’t sound too appealing and healthy right?
If you think so, then its definitely wrong. It state that frozen foods more often than not is more nutritious than fresh ones because they are frozen quickly after it is picked ripe. Whereas fresh ones may lose some nutrients along the way.

Now, that’s some information isn’t it?
* Its located at Timesquare 3rd floor, somewhere near the cinema.

* This is the machine, where they’ll blend the fruit you picked into the fresh milk.

* The frozen fruits.

* More frozen fruits.

* If you don’t like fruits, there’s always other options. They do have coffee beans, chocolate, black sesame, mocha, and wasabi. Yes, wasabi.

* If you prefer seating, there’s always a place for you too.

* My ice-cream that taste so delicious and it is Sumiyaki coffee. It is not sweet at all and the coffee is so strong, me likey. (:
My ice-cream cost me Rm9.90, I know it sounds expensive. The lowest price is Rm6.90 without the cone and some are Rm8.90 without the cone. Yah, the cone cost me Rm1.

And then I went down to get Krispy Kreme. Of course, since I’m already at Time Square how can I not get Krispy Kreme when that is what everyone raves about.
* Krispy Kreme : Original glazed.

* Kinda old school feeling there.

* Where the donuts are process.

* Whole lot of variety for you to choose from.

I tried the original glazed because people keep saying that it taste the best. Well, it is way too sweet for my liking.
It is sooooooo sweet, I find it a little difficult to eat. I’m not too sure about other flavours though.
And oh, they give out free donuts as well, the original ones but I’m not too sure why. :D

What are you waiting for? Now go and try these healthy desserts, maybe not Krispy Kreme. Haha..
Maybe you would like to tell me what you think of these desserts if you have try them out. (:


  1. Joshua Chay June 4, 2009

    Love the outfit

  2. Peggy June 5, 2009

    Joshua: Thank you.. (:

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