
I am typing this using metapad and not wordpress because there is some problem with the line.
So, being the smart ass I am, I type using metapad first, to save time. *evil grins*
Yah, I know I am not smart, but you don’t have to say that.. -.-

Ok, I am back from Oldtown Kopitiam.
Went there to study Economics with Shaun.
I have to do this because I am not paying much attention when the lecturer teached.
Yah, you can call me lazy or whatever you like, but Economics is just not really my thing.
It is so so boring and it sucks. Almost every class I sit there day dreaming.
I rather study my own then listen to the lecturer, I don’t know why.
And since the final exam is nearer and nearer and this is the last semester for me in foundation, so I must pass all the subject.
Ans so, I study Economics with my Shaun.. Hehe..
I am at Chapter 3 now, supply and demand. Ok, enough for this, this is not what I actually want to talk about.

I slept at 4am last night which is because I am not tired and I am thinking…..
Shaun told me that he might study his degree at overseas. Suck right??
Bf going to overseas and you study alone at Malaysia.
But this is the best choice for him, I wont tie him up here.
I want to go overseas too, unfortunately, I CANT!!!
Reason – $$
Even studying at UCSI is already a problem to me. I am going to borrow money from PTPTN to support my fees.
My mom is definetely not going to pay for me, even she ada the duit..
Why? I also don’t know. At first she called me to study Form6 and I was like no way man..
This don’t work for me and I know it.

Mom: Study Form6!!
Me: NO. It is just a waste of time for me. I know I cant do it. I know what is best for me.
Mom: I know, you want to follow your friends ma, all go college, you also go college la, got face ma..
Me: !!!! Half of my friends go to Form6, OK???
Mom: I don’t have money for you. You don’t have to study, go to work.
Me: (wtf) I can borrow money…
Mom: Who say you can?? You thought you are very clever..
Me: (wtf again) I am not that stupid. I can study, OK? Don’t (f*king) look down on me, can or not?
Mom: You so geng, you borrow and let me see la..

And I will borrow the money next semester because I can’t borrow while I am still at foundation.
She is like so not supporting me and all I wanna do is study.. Duh..
I know, you will say then choose Form6, but those course don’t suit me and it really will waste my time.
And now, you tell me, the very unfortunate me how to go overseas?
Ownself sea also almost cant go already, say what overseas..
Those of you who can go overseas, you are so bless you know. Appreciate it..
I really want to go because I can gain more experience, be more independent, and my certificate will definetely smell a lot nicer..
So, anyone willing to sponsor me?? Please, I am really serious..
How I wish some uncle (not gold fish uncle) will keep me at their ‘kei’ daughter and let me study overseas.
If you know anyone who is willing to do that, do let me know.
My life is not as easy as you think it is..

The connections is so sot I have to post this today, instead of yesterday… -.-


  1. firewire March 14, 2007

    if you can do well in your foundation, maybe can apply for scholarship and your dream will come true. or maybe you can work and save some $$$ to go overseas to continue your studies.

  2. vvens March 14, 2007

    but do you know that taking form6 and countinue your degree later is better and faster than taking foundations.

    foundations.. well maybe you can work now (like me) to save for the future! :)

  3. tips March 15, 2007

    if you know where are those places where all the sugar daddies hang out usually..

    it’s time to pack your luggage.

  4. LanPaKia March 15, 2007

    i heard from my friends in sarawak malaysia they got some loan that even support foundation and no interest at all. I have no idea on this kind of thing …. anyway the best is to get the freaking paper. I still remember last time i told my mom that i want to stop study and go to work and she ask me what can you work as??? Can you support your family in the future??? So better think clearly

  5. Peggy March 16, 2007

    firewire: Wow, scholarship is a bit too tough for me…

    vvens: Why taking Form6 is faster?? Am trying to find job already..

    tips: I want good daddies..

    Lanpakia: Is it? But nevermind, I am finishing my foundation already.. Of course I am not going to stop study and go to work..

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