Slowing down..

I have slow down on my blog-ing.
Reason?? I am to busy shopping and hanging out with friends especially now, when Chinese New Year is here.
I’m out all day long, from morning till midnight, busy playing cards and collecting ang pau’s.
Hehe.. :D

I will be going to Malacca this Sunday, and will be back on Monday.
Lots and lots of pictures will be post by then.

In case you guys forget how I look..
This is a picture of me.. :)



  1. demikids February 23, 2007

    from malacca here , need help for direction , i could be da 1st person to help u out LOL! anyways, enjoy ur trip to malaka!!

  2. Paris exposed video footage…

    Recently leaked footage of the new Paris Hilton sex tape…

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