Yay, at last! I finished my last paper and my holidays are here. New semester will start on the 2nd January. There is a gathering last night, I always love gathering. I just miss all my secondary friends so much. But, when all my guy friends saw me, they will run away from me. Because I will pinch their nipples. I cant help it, it is beyond my control. I just love, love, love to pinch guys nipples. I know I am a bit psycho, please forgive me. I am so sorry, Haha. Please don’t go away from me, you know I love you all. :)
Talking about psycho, there is this neighbour of mine, who is a psychotic retarded idiot stupid looking man. Damn. He lives beside me for so many damn many years, and until few years back, only I know that he is this crazy. @.@
He will stare at me or my mother or my auntie until he cant see our shadows. He will keep staring, with a very retarded look. He will say things like, ‘Peggy, you are so pretty’; ‘Peggy, going to college ah’; ‘Peggy, new puppy ah? Don’t name it Bebe la (which is one of my dog’s name); ‘Peggy, going out ah’; and he will just keep on Peggy this ah, Peggy that ah!!
He will talk to my family members, and no one will reply him BECAUSE HE IS CRAZY!!
He just keep talking to us and stares at us. I don’t know what is wrong with him, and frankly, I really am afraid of him, he is a threat to me.
He has that ‘I am thinking of a way to rape you’ look. How can I get rid of him?
Wth, I want to burn down his house but too bad, I stay next to him. I still want my home. :(