Not so instant instax.

Finding things to do, that’s what I do when I have nothing to do.

Scanned my instant pictures and uploaded it to the web.
Some of the instax was taken more than a year ago.
I was chasing time as it passed me by too quickly, I wasn’t being lazy. Definitely not!

1) More than a year ago at Melbourne Moomba Festival and Fatty won me a Kermit which I really like! I was playing with it all the time after it landed itself on my hands. I miss my Kermit frog! :(

2) With the guys at Moomba, my first day meeting Fatty’s friends who are now my friends. :)

3) Before we shift to our new place.

4) And after, at our new home! And that’s where my Kermit sits all the time, on a floor lamp.

5) It looks like I just finish washing the toilet, haha.

6) At Puffing Billy. Oh just look at the smoke!

7) Our day at the city, loitering around.

8) One of my happiest day at Melbourne is when I get to meet up with my friend, Foon!

9) And of course meeting up with Susan too at Joomak. I think I drank quite a bit of their Mango Rice Wine. From the above picture alone I can tell that I was burning inside!

10) At Kbox for Fatty’s birthday. Everyone was really happy or looked happy at least.

11) Before rocking the club on a Friday night. ;)

12) My graduation day with my babes!! /tears of joy

13) FATTY, Y U IS WAN TO ACT COOL!? but i is melts. Haha!

14) With Alvin and Ee Cheeng, another act cool fella.

15) With my weird family members. Just look at that wtf face given by my mom.

16) And lastly, on my birthday last year.

I am doing very well these days which is out of my expectation.
I guess I’m not that clingy after all or I shall say I do have a pretty good self control if I want to.
It all depends on my mood, heh.

For now, I am enjoying all the extra time I have but of course I do miss my Fatty dearly too.
Now I love whatsapp, viber and skype even more.

Little things make me happy. :)

1 Comment

  1. vvens April 24, 2012

    <3 <3

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