7th November : 8pm
It all started about a little over a month back when I felt a slight pain on the right side of my neck. It got swollen afterwards.
I remembered that I tweeted about how afraid I was.
Fatty suggested that it might has got something to do with my lymph node (I supposed he googled and researched on what could happen to my neck) and he was right.
I went to see a doctor at the clinic that I’ve been visiting for the past 20 years and the doctor told me that my lymph node was swollen and he prescribed me some medicine. What he said to me was if the swell stays, I’ll have to go to hospital for a check up.
I was terrified so I prayed that my swell will be gone after my set of medication. My neck did went back to normal and I was hell relieved.
But about one week plus ago, I felt a slight pain again at the exact same area. I went back to the same clinic and get another set of medication.
I finished my medicine but the swell instead of going down, it got worse. The swell on my neck was so obvious and big, I was worried. So was fatty.
He suggested that I go for his doctor at OUG, telling me how good and detailed the doctor is.
There was hope. Seeing this doctor, you have to be prepared to wait for hours. He is that good.
Fatty’s mom took a number for me, it was too nice of her.
Unfortunately, the doctor didn’t give me any good news. He didn’t even bother giving me any antibiotics because it didn’t work on me the last round. He asked me to go for ENT (Ear, nose, and throat specialist) and get a thorough check up.
I get out of his room and that was the first time I broke down because of this shit.
Fatty asked me not to be worry and told me, if it’s painful it wont be too bad. It’s a nice way to keep me calm but I am still extremely worried.
As suggested, yesterday I went to Pantai Hospital Cheras.
Fatty woke up really early and fetched me to the hospital, keeping me company all the while.
Doctor said I’ll get antibiotic injections and see how the swell goes. If it remains, I’ll have to go for biopsy.
Nurses took blood test for me, I was hell scared.
I’d rather go for a two hour tattoo then to go through all this shit.
#1 By injection, I actually meant poking a needle on my arm or buttock but it seems that their definition of injection is a little different.
#2 And this is what I have to go through for 3 days, twice a day.
#3 My big bottle of antibiotic, not liking it. :(
Today, I get my usual injection and about half way through I was asked to go for xray and scan.
I don’t know what kind of scan but it turns out to be CT Scan and I HATE IT!
I was so scared I almost shivered but I tried to keep myself together. They injected different kinds of medicine and one of the medicine was so painful my whole body was so hot right after.
When everything was done, I went back to my ward and I broke down the second time.
It broke Fatty’s heart to see me in such a state but that CT Scan really took the better of me for a moment.
9th November: 6pm
I am finally discharged from the hospital, I am also finally taking a break from all those injections.
I took six doses all together and I thank God that my swell did came down because to be frank it’s no fun.
If my antibiotic drips too fast, my entire hand feels a sharp pain and sometimes I feel nausea.
I sure do hope that now my swelling is slowing coming down, I do not have anything to worry about. My doctor just didn’t explain to me thoroughly enough, I sometimes do not know what is going on.
Let’s just say, I am praying for the best.
All year round, I wasn’t feeling too healthy.
I got stomachache often, headache, nausea, and wind is always in my tummy. It’s just everything else together.
Even after all the pain and suffering I went through, I wouldn’t say that I am not blessed.
In fact, I am so very blessed despite everything.
For days, Fatty woke up extremely early (7am) to bring me to the hospital and stayed there for hours accompanying me.
He did not complain a single bit, he was just there for me physically and emotionally all the time.
I just really cant imagine going through all these without him, going through life without him.
Also, I’ve got a bunch of friends who really cared for me as well calling me asking how I am doing.
For now, I hope I’ll get well soon.
And I hope everyone who’s reading this will stay in good health.