I’m back from Malacca

I’m back I’m back..
I know I should have post this earlier, but I don’t have time.
So sorry.
Malacca is really a great place. 2 days 1 night is definitely not enough for us.
We are rushing from one place to another.
We cant get to see historical places and museums.
What a waste, I must make it 3 days and 2 nights next time.
We went to A’Famosa Resort, and stay in bungalow.
The first destination was the Water World. We really had great fun there.
I couldn’t take much picture because we are all playing with water.

My baby and I

Baby and me again..

The six of us.
We have bbq as our dinner at night, inside the bangalow. (electric kind of bbq)
We are not allow to cook actually, but we do it secretly. Hehe..
We have to pay Rm200 if we want to cook, but since we do it secretly, we save the Rm200.
After the bbq we went to Carnival. We are late and left only once show.
The ticket is included in our package, so its Ok even it left only one show.


They have fireworks EVERY NIGHT! Yes, every night.
Just by the time we reached there, the fireworks start.
We then took some pictures with the cowboys.

The cowboys and the guns..

The Red Indian Show..

After the show, we went to play some bungy jumping thingy.
This thingy definitely freks me out. Super duper damn scary.




After that we went back to our nest, and I drank something that contains 5% alchohol and I become this..
My face and eyes is extremely red, but this picture couldn’t show much.
I’m blur, I’m high, I act like someone insane.. Haha..

The next day we head to Safari World.
I’ll let the pictures do all the talking..














Later on we head to Malacca town, but unfortunately we are late and cant get to visit museums. The shops there are mostly close by 6 pm.
We ate the very famouse chicken rice ball and also satay celup.
Satay celup was great, really delicious.

But too bad I don’t have the pictures because my camera is battery dead..
Thats all for the malacca trip.


  1. wahwah March 4, 2007

    agree with u!!! yea!!! indeed…satay celup is great!! yummy…de sauce is different as though usual “lok lok”…every year also will eat…haha

    glad u enjoyed ur trip =)..

  2. Peggy March 4, 2007

    Wahwah: Haha, Ee Cheeng told me you like satay celup a lot.. If we have the chance, we go together to eat satay celup ya? Hehe..

  3. firewire March 5, 2007

    can i come along too? kakaka

    glad that you trully enjoy yourself from the trip, it’s worth the rushing ;)

  4. lil' HoPPeR March 17, 2007

    haha! happy happy trip with all of u!! haha! hope to go out like this .. but not that often.. it’ll b boring if going this kinda trip often.. anyway, it’s nice n enjoyable going out like this! hehe! n the bungy thingy.. haha! i wont forget ur part for sure! haha!! =P wei.. my pic looked awful with my bottom like that la.. lol..

  5. Peggy March 20, 2007

    Lil’ hopper: wait for the next matta hair, get some cheap trip and we will go again.. Haha.. I want to go to Pulau Redang.. Hai, the stupid bungy, my nightmare man..

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