I’m 4!

it was my blog’s birthday 2 days ago, I just realised.
oww, just the same as I am. november and a scorpio! :D

and it’s already 4!!
i’ve been blogging constantly for 4 years!!
quite unbelievable as i like to do things halfway :\

now, the new skin shall be it’s birthday present. :D
i’ve put down so much on this blog of mine, my life is literally all written out on it.
not much interesting stuff but i do hope it helps to kill your time when you’re bored.

i’ve got a freelance job going on this week, time to get myself all busy again.
and also hopefully, more outing to entertain me.
so far, all is good. starting to enjoy myself with some friends again after loitering at home so much, surrounded by nothing but spider webs.
let’s just hope everything will finally fall back into place.


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