Fuh Haur’s Birthday..

Happy Birthday Fuh Haur!!
Went to Kaki Corner to celebrate’s Fuh Haur’s birthday.
As usual, the same place to celebrate birthdays.
Okay, I’ll let the pictures do the talking..

The table is so long, full of friends..

Weng Kee & Ee Cheeng..

The birthday boy & his girlfriend..

Lee Kuan & Ee Cheeng..

The funny looking Weng Kee with the very long french fries..

And lastly I present, me & Alicia..

Thats all for today.. Thankz and please come again.. Hehe..
I’m crapping..


  1. firewire January 6, 2007

    where is Kaki Corner?

  2. Moneybin January 6, 2007

    So jealous can celebrate birthday wif so many fren >.

  3. Peggy January 6, 2007

    firewire: kaki corner is at taman billion, cheras area..

    moneybin: haha, you can do that also ma..

  4. firewire January 7, 2007

    is it near the Cowboy Delight there? i think so

  5. Moneybin January 7, 2007

    Now cant lo…
    All my fren go oversea liao…
    Leave me alone at M’sia

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