Final again.

Finals is here again, one to two days more.
And I only start revising today.
I don’t know why I cant really feel the pressure coming, and I am still so relax.
Maybe because I only have 3 subjects for this semester.
I will be free after next Monday, after my Econ exam.
I must past all of them, or else, I am not allow to attend Year 1 for my Mass Com..

Off topic..
Saw Shaun’s mom today, and she is so much better.
She no longer rest in ICU, God bless.
She can talk and eat.
By the way she eat today, I guess she must be very hungry already.
But when she talk, she is a bit blur. I mean, she talks a bit like a child.
Haha, she is funny and cute.
Just hope that she can be at home soon.

I am going off to bed now.
Good night and chaioz..

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