
Currently listening to – ‘So what’ by Pink

Like seriously, omg can you believe it?

I can’t believe myself.
I can’t believe myself that I’ve finally done it.
I can’t believe myself that I have the guts to do it.
I can’t believe myself that I can overcome the fear and the pain.
I can’t believe myself that its finally done and it will be with me for the rest of my life.

* Do I look terrible? I think I do, I’m lack of sleep.

* At last its done. It spells William, my daddy’s name. :’)

* An upclose of it. I really like it a lot, what say you? Nice?

Now only I realise that I’m not that weak after all, I can endure the pain.
I’m really really afraid at first especially when people keep telling me that the area I wanna do it is very painful.
Its pain, it is but at the same time that feeling of pain is very special.
The pain that I have not experience before.
I think I’ll remember the pain forever and this will be the thing that keeps me alive.

Damn, I feel like doing another one at my back, the neck area.
Just feel like it but if I’m really doing it, then it will be ‘Do Not Fear’ and I wanna put it vertically.
Why ‘Do Not Fear’? I don’t wanna be afraid of so many things in life. Afraid of this and that. I want to have the courage to do whatever I feel like doing.
I hope I don’t get too addicted and keep adding inks into my body.

I feel really great having my dad’s name on my wrist.
I guess it will look stupid to some of you guys, wondering why am I doing brainless stuff and such.
It might be stupid to you guys, but it is not at all to me.

Like I said earlier before, I’m glad to know that whatever happens, he is just right there for me. And its even better when his name is on my wrist, just right where my radial pulse is.
The feeling is just unexplainable, and I’m lazy to describe anymore.
I’ll just leave it to myself, haha. :’D

Anyway, Unifest is super awesome. Can’t wait to blog about it.
After that few hours jumping around at Unifest, I went to play badminton. Reached home around 1 something midnight and yet I go online. Follow by the four hours class the next day. I look like a dead fish in class and I took a short nap while my lecturer asked us to do calculation. Super tired.
Lucky I’ve got no class tomorrow, I can sleep like nobody business. :’D
I’ll try to wait for those photographers to upload pictures so you guys get to see a clearer and nicer pictures but if they are too slow, then I’ll just post mine.

Peggy Chow, look at yourself. You’ve finally done it, omfg. (sorry, a bit hyper at the moment.) :’D
I’m proud of myself because I overcome the pain, which is one of the thing I fear most.
Nothing can beat me down now. : )
From fake to real baby. :’D

P/S: I’m going to Poppy tonight, yeah. :’D
Edited: Oh ya, I drew that font myself. Hee.. : )


  1. Ddddd January 17, 2009

    finaly, huh?

  2. Peggy January 17, 2009

    Ddddd: Yes, finally. I feel like crying I don’t know why. Haha, maybe because I’m listening to that Jay’s song. Macam so touch like that, wtf.. lol

  3. Amelia January 18, 2009

    de font is nice..

    but ahh…. =_ = …so scary lerr…u tatoo at that place… many blood vessels n nerves de wor….

  4. Peggy January 18, 2009

    Amelia: The font I write it myself. : ) Ya, a lot of people say that place is one of the most pain place because of the nerves. I don’t know, its already there.. haha..

  5. vvens January 18, 2009

    is that for real?! omg. that’s pretty!

  6. Peggy January 19, 2009

    vvens: Yah, its real. : ) Hehe, thanks. Hee..

  7. Amelia January 19, 2009

    really tatoo ah..but i tot the tatoo place should be very red or blue black right after tatoo~ing?

  8. Peggy January 20, 2009

    Amelia: Really lo.. Got red because its pain and the blood but after few hours, not red anymore. The blue black is the ink is it? I don’t know, haha.

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