
Happy Moon’s Day

I know I know, I’m late.
But better late than never right? ahahha

* See, I’m bored hence the video below.

Yes, its me crapping again. :X
Aihhh, you don’t know larh.. I’m so bored till the extend I lit candles in my room.
Nothing much to do so I went to bed real early which is 10 plus.
That’s quite erm, unbelievable. But as I’ve mentioned, I’m reallllly tired.

Anyway, I hope everyone enjoy this year’s Mooncake Festival.
Lots of love. (:

Potluck Party

Gathering is a must have every time friends from other states came back to KL for holiday.
So this time round for Raya holiday, we had potluck party.
Actually it was suppose to be a ‘back to school’ potluck party but these guys didn’t want to do uniforms and all so yeah.. no more ‘back to school’, pfft. ):

We went to Weng Kee’s house, yes again. A very good place to party, mwahaha.

* Pig and me.

* Friends are still the best. (:

* Jones drinking beer, smoking ciggie, and being sexy. wtf.

* Fish spa without fishes!! -_-

* Some of the guys went down to the pool willingly, while some others are drag into it. Playing silly games, hahaha.

* Celebrated Kok Hoe’s be-early birthday as well.

* They had so much fun, I so wanna go down to the pool as well but tak bawa baju. wtf.

A very silly video of us, ngehaha.

Sorry, my hands are really shaky. And I laugh too much, wtf.
More videos at Facebook soon.