
2 Years of Love :)

Taking a break from posting my Singapore trip because I want to do a little shout out.

Happy 2nd Anniversary Fatty!! :)

I actually typed a long ass post weeks back but right this moment I didn’t want anything too formal.
These 2 years with Fatty has been a great journey for me and I especially like travelling to places with him.
It’s a blessing to have a travel partner who sees things the way you see it, who have same interests as you are.

I often wonder, did God figured that it was time to end my search two years back or was it fate?
Was it because of the chances we both created, was it because we were meant to be or was it because this is just another chapter in our lives which will eventually pass us by?

For whatever reason, I still truly appreciate having him by my side.
Those birthday cards he made me, the roses and gifts he surprised me were not the best thing he did.
The best thing to me was when he holds my hand in his sleep, when he kissed my forehead while I was fast asleep, and when he turned around and hugged me in the middle of his sleep.
I’m a sucker for those gestures because I believe if a guy doesn’t love you, he wouldn’t have do that.

At your worst(HAHA) or at your best, I promise to love you the same. :)

And here’s a song that I’ve been wanting to dedicate to Fatty all the while.
Listening to this song gives me courage. :)

终于做了这个决定 Zhong yu zuo le zhe ge jue ding
别人怎么说我不理 Bie ren zen me shuo wo bu li
只要你也一样的肯定 Zhi yao ni ye yi yang de ken ding
我愿意天涯海角都随你去 Wo yuan yi tian ya hai jiao dou sui ni yuan qu
我知道一切不容易 Wo zhi dao yi qie bu rong yi
我的心一直温习说服自己 Wo de xin yi zhi wen xi shuo fu zi ji
最怕你忽然说要放弃 Zui pa ni hu ran shuo yao fang qi

爱真的需要勇气 Ai zhen de xu yao yong qi
来面对流言蜚语 Lai mian dui liu yan fei yu
只要你一个眼神肯定 Zhi yao ni yi ge yan shen ken ding
我的爱就有意义 Wo de ai jiu you yi yi
我们都需要勇气 Wo men dou xu yao yong qi
去相信会在一起 Qu xiang xin hui zai yi qi
人潮拥挤我能感觉你 Ren chao yong ji wo neng gan jue ni
放在我手心里 你的真心 Fang zai wo shou xin li Ni de zhen xin

如果我的坚强任性 Ru guo wo de jian qiang ren xing
会不小心伤害了你 Hui bu xiao xin shang hai le ni
你能不能温柔提醒 Ni neng bu neng wen rou ti xing
我虽然心太急 Wo sui ran xin tai ji
更害怕错过你 Geng hai pa cuo guo ni

And the best words that came from him – ‘I love you a lot’. :)
Now I better hurry up and get ready for my date. :) :) :)

Astro On Demand Awards 2012

A somewhat quick post to feed you guys before I start sitting hours and hours in front of my laptop inserting every ounce of brain juice and energy I have to blog on my Singapore (which was awesome) trip last week.

I was lucky enough to have the chance to be in such a close distance with quite a number of TVB stars at the Astro On Demand Awards 2012 two weekends ago thanks to Fatty’s cousin for the tickets.

#1 To be at the same place with Raymond (Lam Fung), Moses (Chan Ho) and Cheng Ka Weng I can only allow myself to look my best that night so I took my time to really dolled up.

Who knows maybe they think that I suit their upcoming TVB drama and wanted me to be a part of it since I’m always so full with dramas. LOL!

#2 Our seats weren’t too far behind since the ticket stated VIP but I was actually secretly wishing that my seat will be 5 rows from the stage (so that all the TVB leng zais can spot me). Greedy much haha.

#3 Oklah, this fat leng zai also not bad.

#4 You just cant depend too much on the iphone to snap close up quality pictures when my seat wasn’t 5 rows from the stage. But try taking a close look and guess who’s who.

The TVB stars looked exactly the same as on screen, exactly that gorgeous and handsome.
No joke, Tavia Yeung and Kate Tsui looks absolutely stunning I myself cant take my eyes off them.
And the male stars are to die for, hahaha.
It was such a good night, I’ve always loved meeting stars but who doesn’t.

It was quite funny and entertaining that night when everyone kept teasing tavia and him law with all the rumours surrounding them.
Other than that, there was a surprise too.
Ma Kwok Ming couldn’t make it to AOD Awards and Tavia Yeung needs to take home ‘Best Couple’ award alone without her partner but out of no where he came walking to the stage in the middle of her speech.
Aside from the surprise, all of the speeches made when they received their awards was really touching too.
It is so easy for us to just sit and watch those drama but for them to do such a job, it is not something you and I can imagine or understand.

Here’s a video of the crowds trying to take pictures, catch a glimpse and to shake the stars hand when AOD Award was over.
This is the best part because I get to shake so many of their hands!!!

I’ve been watching TVB drama since I was a kid, bringing home video tapes everyday from my mom’s video tape shop and it’s only normal that I am this happy when I get to be so close with them even for that few seconds.
Thank you for the night! :)


can’t quite describe how this song makes me feel.
emotional is not even the right word.
this is such a good song and i’m in love with the singer’s voice, so very soothing.

I was feeling sad
Can’t help looking back
Highways flew by
Run, run, run away
No sense of time
Want you to stay
Want keep you inside

Run, run, run away
Lost, lost, lost my mind
Want you to stay
Want you to be my prize

All along, not so strong without these open arms.
Hold on tight.
All along, not that strong without these open arms.
Lie beside.
All along, not so strong without these open arms.
Ride beside.

i’ll definitely miss you.
from far…

Heineken Thirst

Heineken Thirst is da boom!!
Frankly speaking, I did not regret a single bit for spending Rm78 for the rave.
Hell lot better than the Speedzone rave I went to at Genting.

Godskitchen boombox is awe-to-the-some!
The visuals are impressive. I’ll let my pictures do the talking for me.

* The kakis I went to rave with.

* DJ Goldfish and DJ Blink.

* Wont you look at that?

* DJ Chuckie is the best shit for the night. Man, he’s really awesome!

* I guess that’s Gavin’s head blocking.

* DJ Sander Van Doorn

* Changing from DJ to city..

* From city to a speaker or something.

* We are the ones who enjoy the rave more. Some were bored to death, I don’t know how can that even happen.

* Chilling at the lounge when we’re all tired, trying to catch our breath. Gavin, Poh Juan, Victor, Daniel, and Alvin.

Two videos from my camera for you guys to enjoy.
Just go to my Youtube for more videos. The remaining ones are from Bryan’s phone. Not as clear, of course but please watch it. It’s so gooood.

There’s a part where Chuckie went up to the DJ table and he asked us to all squad down, including himself.
When the beat drops, we all have to jump. That is insanely fun and high.
I literally went crazy.
I don’t need drugs to get high. These musics are my drugs.
I get high even watching the video wtf.

I’ll definitely go to rave again if I can afford the ticket. :D
And you should too at least once.

Poladroid that works like a Polaroid

i’m dying to own an instant camera!
actually the thought of having an instant camera did not come just recently.
but i told myself not to spend unwisely.

as some of you know i own a lomo camera, diana F present to me by my bff and i’m sad you know.
cause i never get around to using it. it just sits in my room like a blardy vase.
like how they always put it, ‘for decoration purpose’.
and i feel so sorry. sorry to my bff :(

i have to get films, i don’t even know where.
and have to go process the pictures and everything. gonna eat up a lot of my time.
plus i now realise that i am totally not use to taking pictures and not looking at it after.
i’m too use to digital camera. :(

yeah, so lesson learned. not to act like a kid wanting whatever toys and put it aside later.
even though some of my friends uses instax in front of me, i still feel fine.
never thought of buying.


now that i kept a few of the pictures from the instax camera, it is affecting me a lot. D:
so, it is not the camera that thrills me. it is the pictures.
if you know me well enough, i actually love to have a lot of pictures in my room.
not that i exactly have any now because this lazy pig is well, lazy.
sorted out the pictures i wanna print but never get to doing it. (use to have a lot of pictures of me and my ex though.)
so yeah, what thrills me is that hey, i don’t have to print because it’s instant. ho ho ho!

i do love these pictures. i love the colours and everything just that i really try hard to control myself so that i wont be a fool again and buy unnecessary stuff.
but to come to think of it, this is not so unwise after all.
i don’t have to go out and print pictures which will not be as nice.
sigh, i just feel happy looking at pictures of me and my friends. memories and moments.

so yeah, i’m planning to get one soon i guesssssssss.
i can already imagine how happy i am taking instant pictures with my friend and hanging it in my room.
i totally love my friends (when i’m not emo). yah, i hate my friends when i’m emo. i hate everyone!
okay, sorry out of topic wtf.

while i cant get my hands on this brilliant instax yet, i still can pretty much turn my pictures into polaroid pictures.
with this brilliant software i discover last night (because i was home all day, boring like shit.)
it’s called poladroid that works like a polaroid.
an online program available for Windows and Mac users that converts your digital shots into Polaroid look-alikes.
unlike other softwares, those polaroids always look unreal.
whereas this one if you look closely enough at my picture above (excuse me), you can see the details of the film.
the white part, yah you get what i mean. and it also helps you to adjust the colour so that it looks more polaroid.

so below is a lousy video i made to show you how it works.
do excuse my lousy video, really.

i am loving this software it’s so fun and cute and real in a way.
at the end of this post, i figure out that i really will be getting a fujifilm instax.
and with the permission of my bff, i guess i’ll sell off my diana f :(
so that i can have enough money to buy.

‘ngo gu fu jor wong ee cheeng geh yat fan hou yi’ :(
but she said the instax is my this year’s present. bwaha.

p/s: do message me if you’re interested in buying my diana f.

For whom do we live?

I came across this very upset commercial on Youtube and would like to share it with you guys.
I wonder if this commercial make you cry, because i did.
My tears are always like the water from water tap, lousy stuff.

At the middle, it’s like my dad is talking to me.
Asked me to look after my mom and take good care of her. )’:
There’s always this gap between me and my mom, I’m trying to destroy.
Probably I did not work hard enough.

Anyway, tell me if you did cry after watching the commercial. hah. :\

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