
Finals gone.

I’m back! I’m back!
At last, my finals are gone.
Didn’t get the chance to update my blog because I have to study, study, and study.
I have to study so much because I am a last minute person.
I want to change and I need to change.
But I am like that since primary school. I tend to forget if I study too early.
I just hope hope hope I pass all the 3 subjects and I can proceed to Year 1. :)

And I went to PC Fair yesterday.
PC Fair can definitely kill me.
There are like 8415215614946889749 people there (ok la, not that much la maybe, but still a lot of them) and are so so crowded. And I also have to walk and walk and walk, my leg almost cramp. I never thought of going to PC Fair, I went there just to accompany my brother. I don’t think I will ever go back unless I have the $$ to buy laptop.

There are some pictures I capture at my friend’s birthday party, but they are not with me. Will post it up when I got them.

Final again.

Finals is here again, one to two days more.
And I only start revising today.
I don’t know why I cant really feel the pressure coming, and I am still so relax.
Maybe because I only have 3 subjects for this semester.
I will be free after next Monday, after my Econ exam.
I must past all of them, or else, I am not allow to attend Year 1 for my Mass Com..

Off topic..
Saw Shaun’s mom today, and she is so much better.
She no longer rest in ICU, God bless.
She can talk and eat.
By the way she eat today, I guess she must be very hungry already.
But when she talk, she is a bit blur. I mean, she talks a bit like a child.
Haha, she is funny and cute.
Just hope that she can be at home soon.

I am going off to bed now.
Good night and chaioz..



This is absolutely hilarious.
I hope I can see someone wearing these on streets.
Boys will love their hands to be HandBra.

If you wish to buy them, you can get it here .
Pictures taken from Funniest Gadget.


I am so tired and moody.
Very very moody. I feel that I’m very unwanted.
It seems like I am not very important, to family or friends.
I don’t think people need me. I don’t think that without me, they will be less happy.
I feel that I am very annoying and I am very stupid.
I am stupid, I am brainless, I am very annoying, I looks like an idiot……
Damn, I hate myself now..
I know people dislike me, people hate me..
I exist or not, doesn’t really matter actually..
For now, I feel like staying away from people and live in my own world.
Moody sucks like hell.
I want to cry. But the stupid tears just don’t want to come out, even i squeeze it.

Damn! Bye….


Oh ya, his mom is in a stable condition now. Not fully conscious, but I guess tomorrow she will. Pray hard people.

Ching Ming

I’ve been waiting for this day for almost two years.
At last, I can see my dad again.

Was so dissapointed last year, I couldn’t visit him, because my uncle (his elder brother) pass away. I don’t know why we cant visit him, this is the chinese ‘law’.
Every year we have to find for his tomb, because there are too many and we always forget the number. I must not forget anymore.. The number is 20.

Three of us pay respect to our father. We grow so much, and all of us are so tall now, compare to seven years ago. I always want to find him, but I have no idea how to go to Nilai. I really want to go there and find him sometimes.

I still remember that day, my hand is full of sand. I threw those sand on to his coffin, and that is the last time I saw his face. So many years has passed now, but I still get sad and I miss him dearly. Argh, I love love love love him…

Hope he gets the letter I burnt him.