
A Day at SPCA

Sorry guys for the lack of updates.
Ok, I am not busy studying or watever, I am busy enjoying my holiday. :)
These few days I reach home quite late, almost 2 or 3 and I mean midnight.
And so, I am too lazy and tired to blog.

The other day I went to SPCA just to have a look and play with some dogs.
Malaysia’s SPCA is so old. Are other countries’ SPCA look this old too?
Malaysian don’t really care about cats and dogs, unlike ‘kwai lous’.
And the place is so so smelly, I almost fainted.
However, I have so much fun playing with those dogs, I can bear the smell. Hehe..
And here are the pictures of those cute dogs.

Their own dog I guess, because it can run freely.

His left eye looks like been punched by someone.

Look how skinny are they. :(


Oh, I love this, looks so cute with his puppy eyes.



Well, I still do have some more pictures but I am afraid it might bore you to death.

I watched Spiderman 3 last night and to me, the third one is a bit too over.
To those who have watched it, do you get what I mean.
The ‘sandman’ is so ridicules. I am not really interested to Marvel, so thats it.
I want to watch The Hill Have Eyes 2. I love those yucky part.

And yah, another random thing. I am very addicted to pool now.
Wow, I love playing pool and I usually go to Corner Pocket.
I like the feeling where I the ball I shoot straight go in to the hole.
I am just so addicted to it and I just went to play just now. Damn fun.


And the last thing, which I am not very happy about.
He say I looks fine, but I don’t think I am.
I don’t see myself anymore when I am standing in front of the mirror.
Do I actually look weird?
Because I cut SHORT my hair!!!!! And I mean real SHORT!!!



















Should I like hide from the world till my hair grows?
Should I bury myself?

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Some updates.

I’ve got nothing much to blog about. Just some updates about me.

*My mouth is full of ulcers and I am in much pain. The pain from drinking water can already kill me.

*My back is also in pain and I don’t know why. I need massage!!

*At last my maid has arrived and I don’t have to iron the clothes anymore. :D

*I cant wait for my semester to start. I want to study and I am very happy that I can lastly study what I like.

*My results are coming out soon and I am very very afraid that I might fail Computing.

*I seriously need a job because I want $$. I am so desperate, I wanna shop for clothes.

*I realize that I have an attitude problem. One minute I am so into this thing and I do it non stop and the next minute, I put it all into my cupboard for forever.

*Mom’s birthday just pass and she is 42 already. She don’t looks quite radiant these days.
And I want her to cut her hair.
pict3045.JPG Does she looks like me?? :)

*My baby cousin came just now and he grows bigger and taller, very fast.
pict3064.JPG He is cute, isn’t he?

Someone Broke Into My House??

I wasn’t suppose to wake up at 10 in the morning.
Someone outside just keep pressing his car’s horn and it wakes me up.
I lift up a little of my window’s curtain and I saw someone I don’t even know pointing into my house and said ‘number 8, number 8’, which is apparently my house’s number.
I was a little confuse, but I want to pee, and so I went to pee.
And then I came out again, look out of my window again, and I nampak ada police car infront of my house gate.

What the hell is wrong? There shouldn’t be in front of my house gate.
Me and my brother went down and ask itu police what is wrong.
And then I saw my dad’s friend, acting like a mad guy.
He is telling me someone is in my house, I mean broke into my house and he said someone kidnap my mom and whatever shit….
Eh brother, my mom is sleeping beside me la.. Siapa nak kidnap kidnap ni…
All the neighbors were standing outside my house and pat..
So malu, can die.. And the police thought he is the owner of my house.
Nothing is wrong, no one broke into my house, no one kidnap any of us.
Who wanna kidnap us? We are not rich after all.

He is a little bit crazy. Lazy to tell what nonsense he said.
And he tell the police my mom is his girlfriend. Babi, like my mom sudahlah, don’t simply say she is your girlfriend leh.
Should send him to Tanjung Rambutan already.
What a happening morning.. -.-

My Passed Away Rabbit.






Saw some of her pictures, and I decided to share with you guys..
She passed away quite some time already.
My bad, didn’t take care of her carefully.
She is cute.. :/

Some pictures…

Esther’s Birthday..

David & Shaun. (David looks like Jackie Chan’s son, Fong Zhou Ming. He looks more alike in real person.. ) :)

Standing: David, Ee Cheeng, Weng Kee, Me (Haih, so tak cantik), and Shaun.
Sitting: May Boh, Esther, and Yin Yee.

Esther with her mom and sisters, and I don’t know who the kids are..
(You saw the hand and the hair beside there? Damn scary…)

The delicious cake..

Random, random, random…

An angel I made for Shaun’s mother. I made this little angel from polymer clay.

3 snails on his car.. Don’t know where they came from.

Close up..

Lecka Lecka Ice-Cream.

Not blurry effect, is shakky hands.



Bye. :)