Before and After

Before: Its like hell for me. It rains everyday in my world. Everything is just so black, so dull. For 3 months, I don’t think I am really happy. I just couldn’t find something that can make me happy.

After: It never rains anymore. Just few days ago, rain stop. The sun is out, and it brings a smile to my face. I’m not sure whether its a fake scene, which I always encounter but I hope its not. I hope at this moment, I can stay this happy. And when future comes, miracle will happen and rainbow will come out.



  1. Fate May 22, 2008

    Sunny day sure will come for everyone, it’s just a matter of time when it comes. Be faithful and wait for it patiently, never let your nerves get you. Be cool and steady cause it’s coming

  2. Susan May 22, 2008

    Cute drawing! Stay happy =) … I know you can.

  3. Desmond Law May 22, 2008

    You draw this too? Wow! Really like artist! Looks perfect and not like painting.. You draw this?

  4. Peggy May 22, 2008

    Fate: Hmm, I’m trying to wait for it as patient as i could. I hope this is for real.

    Susan: Thank you so much. :”)

    Desmond: Yah, I draw this using tablet.

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