All posts by Peggy

Pctan’s 25th

Party pictures, I haven’t posted this kind of post for a long while now.
3 years back, it was all about partying.
Just mainly pictures from clubs with some occasional emotional post.

It’s good to party with friends again after such a long time (months!) though Butter Factory really bores me out.

#1 Me, Zoe, and Yan.

#2 A pair of funny couple.

#3 And then joined by Alvin and Chermaine, his girlfriend.

#4 Gavin’s finger because he cant stay still and be normal, haha.

#5 Fatty looks so outstanding, fhl lol.

#6 The only purpose of this picture is that Gavin wants to look fairer beside Ben, good one.

#7 Candid much.

#8 Zoe and tomato face.




#12 Birthday boy who arrived at 2am, that late!



#15 Happy boys! :D

Just another picture post while I try to destroy the lazy bug in me.
Till then.

Instapost #1

Instagram pictures x blogpost = Instapost (lazy way, lazy way).
So here they are in no chronological order.

#1 Laduree macarons! Fatty’s mom gave me a box as souvenir from France, how sweet. They definitely taste good but I somehow feel like I prefer Nathalie’s, perhaps it’s the flavour. Nonetheless, thank you very much. :)

#2 I finally bought myself a new camera cause I figured I cant take this Iphone crap anymore. Fatty also gets extra annoying when I asked for his phone to take pictures so why don’t I just get myself a camera so that he can shut up. It definitely works, haha. Instead of insisting on a pink one (like how I insisted few years back), I picked a white one which is surprisingly a surprise cause that’s not quite me. Guess I’ve changed? But I still insist on a pink Sony Vaio though after more than 5 years. Anyway back to the camera, it’s a Samsung MV900F with a built-in wifi and flip out display. Kind of like the perfect camera for me, especially when I bought it for only Rm700. Definitely a value buy, I’d say.

#3 Have I mentioned that I dislike anything ugly? You know those black typical looking camera strap? I cant do that so I tried searching for a cute looking strap and I found this yellow rubber ducky strap which is excellent. There’s no metal clasp or whatsoever so it wouldn’t scratch my camera, how awesome. Plus it’s really cute and it cost me only RM9. :D

#4 New Artisan Roast located in Section 13, in a rather secluded and industrial area. Lotsa wood, bricks, and bare concretes for the industrial-like lover but one thing though, the place gets a little too hot when I was there. They should probably invest in a few more air-cons considering our Malaysia weather. Fatty doesn’t really like this branch, he prefers the one in TTDI. Definitely more cosy than this.

#5 This is how we usually spend our Sundays when he isn’t at work, drinking coffee and fooling around. That’s how I like my Sunday too, coffee, dessert, magazine and that fat guy I love.

#6 Toju on a Saturday night. Tujo replaced 7atenine at Ascott, with a better interior I’d say. Not too sure how their food taste like but the Sangria we ordered was awful. I thought I could break free (LOL) and really drink alcohol for a night cause the last time I checked Sangria was good stuff and I’m gonna change that mindset from now on thanks to Tujo. Tujo’s Sangria tasted like medicine AND alcohol, just bad. Werner’s at Changkat’s Sangria was good, at least that’s what I recall.

#7 This is my fat baby and me. LOL!

#8 Went all out to buy myself these lovely (and expensive!) magazines. I just couldn’t love them enough I will probably do a post on them soon. Kinfolk, Cereal, and Uppercase.

#9 We should all appreciate the finer things in life, the little things. Instead of wasting energy trying to bring people down (especially for a guy), why don’t you appreciate the time and energy you have, make full use of it and earn yourself some money (and dignity). Just appreciate, you know.

#10 Oysters from Shucked. Couldn’t beat the oysters we had at Cumulus Inc from Melbourne. This whole I-friggin-miss-and-want-to-go-to-Melbourne is repeating self again. Pfft!

#11 3D coffee chocolate art from ‘Coffee Stain by Joseph’ at Publika. Coffee stain don’t have the best interior but they do have very good service, 3D art, and very smooth coffee. Fatty loves it and I hope that we can go over again anytime soon. But Publika is a little hard, it’s too far from my place. Then again, for the love of good coffee and cute art it might just be worth it.

#12 Had a very very quick lunch at Chinoz on the Park while we wait for the tow man to tow’s Fatty car. I also saw Kimora Lee Simmons who happened to sit right beside our table! I saw her and I was like ‘Damn this lady looks like Kimora Lee, must be someone who looks really like her cause it’s impossible that she’ll be here in KLCC next to my table ALONE.’ Turns out, she really is Kimora Lee and she is soooooooo tall we’re all like midgets around her. Food wise from Chinoz on the Park, I will not be back.

#13 New bakery at Bangsar, Tous Les Jour.

#14 Getting my craving fixed, Strawberry shortcake and Caramel Machiato. Maybe I can try baking Strawberry shortcake since I have a mini oven at home now, jeng jeng.

#15 3CE! YAY!! I’ve been wanting to buy these babies but every time I finish adding them into carts I stopped myself. My self control obviously isn’t at it’s best so….. Review soon perhaps.

#16 3CE gave me a free nail polish (the pink one), how nice of them. As for the gold glitter, it’s Sephora by O.P.I I bought from Sephora online. Kinda like how they turned out.

#17 TADAA! I got myself braces after sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo long of wanting them! In a way I always thought that I will never be able to afford them but I could now so I’m really happy! I will have to visit my dentist every 3 weeks to tighten it, hopefully it wont take longer than a year. I just had it for a week and the first two days was hell. Oklah I don’t want to exaggerate it, the pain was really annoying but bearable still. No solid food for the first few days as I couldn’t really bite due to the pain but I still ate rice though instead of porridge. I cant go more than two days without eating rice, typical asian thing. Getting the braces cost me Rm5000 and another few hundreds for extracting my teeth, x-rays, and what not. Hopefully this braces thing will be more bearable after this week.

#18 Wah Yan who’s gonna remove her braces soon, me with my new braces, and Foon after her braces.

#19 At Paradise Valley with the bunch for twins’ birthday. Sometimes I miss gatherings like such but now we’re all just busy with work especially the boys. But I’m proud though, we’ve all grown up. :)

b.liv : My new skin care range that work wonders.

As I’ve mentioned in my previous post, here is the range of skin care that I am currently using.
B.liv by Cellnique.

I first came across the brand ‘B.liv’ few years back when I read it on Xiaxue’s blog but I wasn’t paying much attention, to her post and to my face condition.
I was oblivious because I was still young and not to mention I couldn’t afford skin care that costs too much either.

When I chat with Susan about B.liv, she really convinced me that this is really a good brand that I must try.
After researching and reading as much comments and reviews as I could, I was even more convinced.

But as convinced as I was, I am also a person who can be influence easily.
Another friend of mine told me to try organic skin care which will not harm our skin as much and instead of trying Bliv, I googled for UK’s organic skin care and have it send to me by my bff.

It didn’t work on me.

So when I saw Sasa having 30% discount for most of B.liv’s products I knew I must buy it no matter what.
And what a great decision!


#1 Driven by a decade’s worth of expertise in the professional beauty salon industry, bliv has impeccable pedigree of being the creation of Asia’s most effective paramedical salon brand, Cellnique Paramedical. Originally named Cellnique, the brand has been renamed to bliv by Cellnique to better reflect its objective of catering to the confident, stylish, dynamic, and on-the-go youth with a skincare routine made specifically for them with proven results and easy to use!

One of the best point b.liv has got to offer is that they have a ’14 days money back guaranteed’.
Either they really are very confident of their products or they do understand a certain product may not suit each and everyone of us.
But either way, it’s a plus point for consumer.

Whether you purchase their product through their website or from Sasa, there will still be a ’14 days money back guaranteed’ as long as you keep your receipt.

Before I started using b.liv’s products, my skin has always been really dehydrated to the extend where the skin near my nose is flaky. I also have white heads. No blackheads but whiteheads which I used to squeezed a lot lol.
Other than whiteheads I have milia seeds under my eyes too.
Here’s the product I bought that helped me solve most of my skin problems.

#2 Drench me moisturizing cleanser. (RM69.90 /130ml)

This ultra-silky weightless gel cleanser frees your face from impurities, while ensuring your skin’s much needed moisture never flees. Seaweed, Aloe Vera and Green Tea extracts – a robust combination in a hydrating cleanser that ensures your skin stays supple and moist. Together with antioxidant properties, Drench Me keeps aging signs at bay.

Of all the cleansers that I’ve tried, this cleanser really works so well on me.
Having a skin as dry as mine, I really do appreciate a cleanser that wouldn’t strip of my face’s moisture. My face feels clean and very smooth after washing. The smell is quite soothing too.

#3 After washing my face, I will apply ‘Off with those head’ on my T-zone or on wherever I have whiteheads. (Rm79.90 /15ml, RM139.90 /30ml, RM179.90 /45ml)

Say goodbye to painful squeezing! This light cooling gel promises to remove stubborn blackheads and whiteheads painlessly in just 14 days of application and stop them from appearing ever again. It keeps excessive oil secretion under control and skin irritation will never rule again.

THIS IS THE BOMB! This is so good that I have nothing left on my face for me to squeeze which in a way made my days more boring. I’m not sure about blackheads cause thank god I have none but it work wonders for my whiteheads. So good I kept pestering Fatty to get a bottle for himself. The amount of heads in his nose is gross.

#4 Shrink and Tighten+ is for night use, after applying ‘Off with those heads’. (Rm139.90 /15ml)

Potent with L-ascorbic acid, better known as vitamin C, Shrink and Tighten+ stimulates collagen production at night which helps tighten pores and regenerate nutrients for firmer and brighter skin complexion. A pore reducing night complex, this magic potion leaves you looking flawless and ensures your large pores stay out of sight!

I only apply Shrink and Tighten+ on my nose cause there’s where my pores are more visible and upon application, there’s a warm tingling sensation.
My pores aren’t THAT big to begin with but still visible to me and after 2 months of application it did get smaller.
Smaller but not invisible, just small enough to make me happy.

#5 I then apply I’m milia banisher under my eyes where I have milia seeds. (RM89 /5ml)

Don’t let milia and dryness take over your eyes. Banish milia with 13 plant extracts that act as powerful anti-oxidants by protecting delicate skin against your daily adventures in an urban polluted environment. Formulated with Retinyl Palmitate, it encourages the turnover of new skin cells that help remove milia. Banish your eye problems by giving your eyes an easy alternative to painful removal and a complex protection against aging signs and dryness.

My milia seeds did get noticeably smaller but the small ones has not entirely go away. I’ll just have to continue using it.

#6 I’m dark eye reliever which I cant give much comment about it yet because I don’t pay that much of a notice after using it. I also don’t use it everyday, I don’t know why. (RM99 /15ml)

Hi, I’m Reliever. Dark Circle Reliever to be more precise and I have a mission possible: to lift away puffiness, reduce dark under eye circles and protect the delicate skin around your eyes against harmful environmental factors. What’s my strategy? I’m using active ingredients to improve the blood circulation around the eye area and make sure your skin will feel nourished, rejuvenated and radiant. Heavy eyes, tired skin no more! Mission accomplished!

#7 After applying what is necessary, I apply Submerge me last or second last during the day. (RM139.90 /45ml)

Thirsty? With the new “SKIN BIO-MIMIC” technology, Submerge Me offers deep moisture penetration to serve intensive and instant relief to parched skin as well as brightens dull complexions and calms skin irritations. Take our advice, it’s best to take the plunge with Submerge Me’s faithful mate – the ever popular Leach Me.

Submerge me has work very well on me too, considering I no longer have flaky dry skin. Works better on me than Biotherm I must say. Submerge me also absorbs very well, or I should say too well and fast. I feel like I need to apply more every time cause right after I apply it, it’s gone from my face. Absorbs so so well!

#8 Got me covered is also the best sunblock + foundation I’ve tried by far! (RM89.90 /45ml)

Get rid of greasy facial complexion with this natural skin tone, oil-free sunblock. Got Me Covered (SPF35, PA+++) shields your skin from harmful UVs and maintains your complexion’s allure. It keeps a tight rein on your excessive oil secretion to ensure blackheads and whiteheads are forever on the run. A non-pore-clogging, weightless and mattifying formulation that got you covered perfectly.

#9 The colour of the foundation but it will definitely blend into your skin tone.

This is a very lightweight sunblock that wont give you the stickiness. It does keep my face from being oily which is what I’m looking for in a sunblock. The foundation in it gives a matte finish but the coverage isn’t too strong.
After all the products I slap on my face including the sunblock, my face still feel weightless which is pretty amazing.

What I dislike most in skin care is the stickiness and you can surely understand why I am so happy with bliv’s product.

#10 Once a week Glow and Shine mask. (RM69.90 /50g)

Reveal your smooth and flawless complexion with this scrub mask.
Glow and Shine deep cleanses, polishes and moisturizes your skin.
It also lightens and brightens the dull and uneven toned face
and brings out the inner glow and shine.
Scrub away flaws and imperfections.

Nothing gets better than a 2 in 1, scrub and mask.
I first leave on the mask for 10 minutes and scrub my face with the grains on the mask.
After the mask and scrub, my face feels as smooth as a baby’s bum. My face glows and my pores was definitely smaller.
I did not expect the result to be this instant but it is.

I’ll just say, bliv’s products works well on my face and this is not an advertorial.
They also offer free shipping and free samples. :)
My skin problem now? Fine lines and freckles from the sun years ago.

July Beauty Box : Vanity Trove

For the past 6 years of blogging, I’ve never really consider skin care as one of my topic.
I don’t jump from one skin care to another as often as some may do and most often than not I bought mine from drug stores like Watson.

It makes sense that I don’t blog about it at all and it makes complete sense that even if I do, you wouldn’t want to read it.
I’ve tried SkinFood six years back and never go back to using it not because it harms my skin but just because I wanted to find something better.
I’ve also tried Biotherm but my extremely dry face was still flaky and considering the price, I stopped repurchasing it too.

I have recently tried a new range but I will talk about it in another post.
As we girls may know, there are thousands of skin care products on the market and how to pick one that suits our skin without burning a hole in our pocket is always the issue.

I heard from so and so about ‘Brand A’ and it works wonders on her face or I’ve read on a forum how ‘Brand B’ can give you a flawless face after one month and then we ended up buying hoping for a miracle only to feel disappointed all over again.
Of course you may suggest getting samples before buying from beauty counter but the answer we mostly get is ‘samples are finish’ (unless you purchase something from them) or they will hand you the samples along with a ‘what a cheapskate’ look.

It’s hard, especially when you don’t have a good skin condition and you’re not loaded.
So when I found out about beauty box, I was thrilled. What a genius!

Beauty box is a box or a bag or a package or a parcel (lol) containing about 5 to 8 beauty products depending on the company which will be send to your doorstep once a month.
Some products are sample size while some are in full size ranging from skin care, make ups, hair care, and etc.
This is really a win-win situation. (Okay I’m not sure if they win but we consumers definitely do.)

1. You only pay about RM50 at most including postage. (Prices varies among companies.)
2. You get to try the latest skin care on the market.
3. No more splurging and throwing more than half of your skin care cause they don’t work on you.
4. Most of the companies will also pack your box according to your skin profile so in a way it’s a little personalize too.
5. It’s like buying a surprise gift for yourself every month.
6. Totally worth it. No commitment too if you don’t want to.

I subscribed to one month of Vanity Trove last month after much research.
I choose Vanity Trove because firstly they have a base in Singapore which made me have more confidence in them and secondly quite a number of bloggers subscribe to them too.

#1 My box of Vanity Trove for July highlighting Kose.

#2 I paid Rm50 for a box of Vanity Trove. The box is sturdy, with a ribbon for you to pull it out and it is neatly wrapped inside.

#3 What’s on the inside.

* Jean Paul Gaultier EDT in 1ml (that smells powdery which I quite like).
* Payot Objective Zero Default.
* INFINITY Kose Pure Advanced Eye Jelly two sachets.
* INFINITY Kose Deep Protection UV SPF 50++ 8.9ml.
* INFINITY Kose Pure Advanced Jelly II 30ml.
* INFINITY Kose Pure Advanced Serum II 30ml.
* INFINITY Kose Pure Advanced Cleansing Gel 9.6ml.
* INFINITY Kose Pure Advanced Clear Up Wash 9.6ml.

When I tried googling about INFINITY Kose Pure Advanced range, I couldn’t find much about it in Malaysia.
From what I got from Kose Singapore’s website INFINITY Kose Pure Advanced range is a new anti-aging skin care targeted for women aged 20s to early 30s (which is me), to concur visible pores, fine wrinkles, and dryness.

I have yet to try my new samples but the size is definitely great for trips so I guess I’ll just use it during trips or when I stay over at my Fats.

I was a little disappointed with this month’s Vanity Trove because the products aren’t as diverse as previous Trove and there’s isn’t a card that explains the product like they usually have and I ended up googling it myself. Pfft.
They also promised that the box will arrive no later than 1st July or which ever date it is I couldn’t remember but the box came about a week late.
So much for anticipating. :(

You don’t simply promise a Scorpio okay, we take promises SERIOUSLY!
After a not so pleasant experience with Vanity Trove, I’m wondering if I should subscribe from Mivva instead for August.
Mivva is only Rm38 a month and what they have to offer in the box is definitely worth the price you’re paying.
Actually I might just pick Mivva next month since it’s cheaper and the box looks really tempting. :D

One more plus point for beauty box is if you do not know what to buy for your girl friends as a gift, you can subscribe them a month of beauty box which will be delivered to their door step.
How great!

Mods Cafe at Melaka

Here’s another really late post on Mods Cafe at Melaka which I visited with my best friends on the next day of our stay in Melaka before leaving back to KL.
Just the 3 of us because Fatty left to work early morning while I continue snoozing.

#1 We used GPS to help us get to Mods Cafe located in Jalan Tokong but our GPS brought us out of Jonker which was wrong. It is located around Jonker Walk in Jalan Tokong, do not let GPS screw you up.

#2 As the shop’s name suggest, the cafe’s theme is inspired by mods culture during the sixties.

#3 Mods cafe stands out from the usual industrial-looking cafe or one that builds around wood planks and brick walls.


#5 What attracted me to the cafe was of course their orange colour 1978 Volkswagen Combi Campervan which is parked inside the shop.

There are just a few tables and chairs in Mods cafe and they could hardly accommodate more than 6 groups of people, so I guess you really have to try your luck especially on weekends.

#6 A glass of iced latte for myself after walking under the scorching hot sun.

#7 A miniature version of their Volkswagen van sits at the back of their shop.

#8 Barista doing her thing.

#9 Absolute love for their red switches.

#10 No idea what this is but this is pretty old school.



#13 This big ass machine used up quite an amount of space from the shop too and from this I can tell the owners who are operating Mods Cafe are very serious about their coffee.

No food available, just dessert and drinks so be sure to not go with an empty stomach. :)

14 Jalan Tokong, Melaka 75200 , Malaysia

45 Lekiu : Unexpected hidden gem in Malacca

More than half a year ago I found this little gem in Malacca called ‘The Stable’ by Musang Lena Residences which I fell in love with instantly.
I was glad that I had the chance to enjoy my one night at ‘The Stable’ for my birthday and what was better than ‘The Stable’ is ’45 Lekiu’.

I did mention in my birthday post that I will wait for my bff to be back so that we can enjoy ’45 Lekiu’ together and indeed we did, on a Sunday 2 days before she flew back to UK.
We were even joined by Ee’s parents and sister, it was fun. :)

The guesthouse draws its inspiration from the rich tapestry of Malacca and capture everything Malacca stands for – heritage, culture and history. Located in the heart of Malacca’s UNESCO World Heritage site, the 1941 pre-war art deco building has been painstakingly restored into a stylish abode epitomizing a “new luxury” that is smart, pared down and tampered with healthy dose of wit and charm while maintaining it’s old world quaintness.

45 Lekiu is a very spacious 3 stories guesthouse that exudes a sense of old charm decorated with contemporary pieces and centuries old furnishings, offering a lap pool and rooftop for panaromic view of old Malacca.

It took us a few rounds around Jonker Walk before we could find where 45 Lekiu was located because 45 Lekiu blended too well with the other shop lots and we missed it.
There is one parking lot right in front of 45 Lekiu for the guests, so worry not.

Once we arrived, we were taught by the housekeeper on how to navigate their digital door lock and she showed us around the house explaining and differentiating the switches to us.

#1 As we enter, we passed by a kitchenette on the left equipped with a refrigerator, microwave, and a coffee machine. We were also given a complimentary bottle of red wine, how nice. Oh, and the fruits were free too.

#2 On the right is where the stairs are, leading to second floor.

#3 As we walked further in…

#4 There is a flat screen HDTV, a DVD player, Astro, an Ipod dock, DVDs and books on the first floor.

#5 Love the bricks, love the wooden beams, and love the Chinese furniture.

#6 Not a stranger in my blog, she needs to come back quick! :(



#9 As we reached second floor…

#10 Second floor is where the master bedroom is located and there’s a flight of stairs leading to the bathroom.

#11 A corner of the master bedroom.

#12 King bed was extremely soft and comfortable, I had a great sleep.

#13 Another corner of the room, right before the stairs that leads to the bathroom.

#14 Fatty turned blacky.

#15 ♥

#16 Sunlight came straight in.

#17 Where we wash up, do our business and have our rain shower.

#18 After the basin is where the outdoor bathtub is, with two rocking chairs to enjoy Malacca’s old charm.

#19 Spacious enough for two.

#20 Another flight of stairs leading to rooftop.

#21 Breakfast for two?

#22 The second bedroom is on the third floor.

#23 ATTIC BEDROOM! I’ve always love attic bedroom but such bedrooms are so rare in Malaysia. One downside though, knowing our weather it was really hot and stuffy.

#24 From the third floor.

#25 A lap pool for us to dip in when the weather gets too unbearable.

#26 Lounge beds and pillows on the floor is love! Ceiling to floor wooden doors is love too! My squatting reflection, not so much.

#27 Sleeping all day on the lounge bed was too easy, I miss it!

#28 Us looking ugly, haha but who cares. :)


#24 The toilet on the first floor is tucked in the other end of the lap pool.


#26 Not sure what’s the purpose of the chair, maybe for our partner to sit and accompany us while we do our business. :X

There’s only two toilets, one at the end of the pool and another is in the master bedroom.
For the attic bedroom, there’s only a basin for guests to wash up.

#27 My boyfriend on the rocking chair enjoying his beer.

Overall I enjoyed my stay at 45 Lekiu very very much and indeed it is a hidden gem in Jonker Walk.
It was very comfortable, blasting air-condition, listening to music and chit-chatting with people I love.
The only problem is that once you’re inside 45 Lekiu, you’ll be tempted to stay put and not go anywhere else.

Address: 45, Jalan Hang Lekiu,
75200 Malacca

Contact: David Chang: +6012 6234459
Soon Lum: +6012 626 6977 / +6012 6235459

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