All posts by Peggy

Bangkok with Tays : Day 1.

Once again I was back at one of my favourite city, Bangkok.
Before I start crapping, I want to say a big thank you to my boyfriend’s family for including me into their family trip.
I cant express my gratitude enough.
The timing was perfect too, right on time for me to buy my Chinese New Year clothes! :)

The last time I flew from KLIA was 12 years ago to Europe, so you can imagine my little excitement.
Yes, little things like this excites me wtf. Air ticket was about RM700+ per person, not too big a difference from AirAsia.

Take note: If you’re a person who couldn’t live without mobile internet (just like me), you can purchase data sim card in the airport itself. You will eventually walk to the area where they sell the sim cards and if you’re afraid that they do not have micro sim or nano sim they actually do. So no worries about buying a sim card cutter. (:

We stayed at two different hotels and we stayed at Muse (which I blogged about here) for the first two nights.


#2 Six person, three rooms altogether and yet none of the rooms were the same as the one Fatty and I stayed in last year. I prefer that room though, I get to play with the television. :\

#3 After settling down we went to Victory Monument area to have Boat Noodle for lunch.

I’ve heard of Boat Noodle from Gavin when we went to Bangkok together last year last two year and all he said was Boat Noodle is famous among the locals and that it is located under a bridge.
Glad I get to try it this time.

After trying to locate where the Boat Noodle is for some time and not getting what we wanted, we went into a 7-11 store to ask for directions.
A very nice lady took us all the way to where the noodle is.

According to what I read online, the best way is to look for the canal while you’re on the pedestrian bridge and taking note that Victory Monument is on your left. If all else fail, just ask the locals for the direction.

#4 There’s a whole stretch of stalls by the canal all selling Boat Noodles. We weren’t sure which is the best so we just randomly walk into one.

#5 One do not simply resist raw shrimp.

#6 Boat noodle HAHAHAHA. The portion is so small you can finish it in two mouthfuls.

#7 Each bowl is 10baht from the stalls we ate and because of it’s small portion, one can eat up to at least 5 to 6 bowls.

When you’re done eating each bowl, you stack them up like how we stack up our sushi plates. It’s quite fun to watch and eat and stack because in a weird way you’ll feel like a giant for eating that much (illusion).
They do have quite a number of flavors so you can try most of them.

#8 Thai dessert which tastes a little like our kuih talam.

#9 After our lunch, our itinerary was to go to Wat Arun.

Wat Arun is also named the Temple of Dawn but we weren’t there to witness it’s glory because we left before the sun sets.
Oh ya talking about the sun, can you believe it that we were all shivering because it was too cold in Bangkok!?
Must be me being an ignorant person or something, I didn’t know that during year end Bangkok tends to be more chilly but according to the locals this year is exceptionally cold.
Temperature could go as low as 18 degree oh my god!

#10 Our means of transport to Wat Arun.

#11 Le fats and I.

#12 Yes, this is what I did half the time on the boat because the water from river kept splashing on my face OMG!
I don’t want to imagine how dirty the river is. And halfway through I feel asleep hahahah!

#13 Don’t know how it feels like to stay in houses like such, must be quite chill. (:

#14 Wat Arun. Remember to dress accordingly or you’ll have to rent sarong at their entrance.

#15 Fatty with his parents and two younger sisters. They’re all so tall! T_T




#19 I climbed up the temple with Bernice and I had a super hard time coming down! The stairs was so steep and I was afraid of height so it really takes up a lot of courage for me to climb down that flight of stairs.

#20 But I have a deep sense of accomplishment too cause I tried to face my fears.


#22 After spending some time at Wat Arun, we decided to go over to Asiatique to have a look.

#23 There was a food fair at Asiatique so we settle that as our dinner.

#24 Looks good but the food really didn’t live up to it’s expectation. What we had on street side was much better.

#25 It was a long long day but however long my day was I cant say no to 7-11’s food! Green curry is what I crave for very often so I was really happy!

2013 Recap

1. Started off the year with a new look that girls seems to like but guys, not so much.

2. Had fun at Sunway waterpark after so long with Fatty and his cousins.

3. Attended Michael’s wedding, first among my friends who got married. He’s a guy I knew through my very first few clubbing sessions. He’s a friend of my bff’s course mate but we just somehow managed to stay as friends till today. Everyone is really growing, he’s blessed with a Mike jr. now. :)

4. Attended Loo’s wedding who’s one of my puppy love ex whom I met in a school bus during high school. He’s also blessed with a Loo jr. just recently. :)

5. Swedish House Mafia rave with the Melbourne gang. One of the worst rave due to bad organizers but them friends made it so much better.

6. Worked at We Love Asia and somehow get to enjoy their pretty damn good music. No excuse to not party.

7. Mini Chinese New Year celebration at Broga with ze bunch of friends.

8. Finally started the process of applying Melbourne’s visa only to realize there was complication and we have to wait yet another year. I ended up realizing why I can’t seem to get my visa no matter how hard I tried cause there’s no point. Fatty can’t get his until next year. Mystery unlocked.

9. 10 days Bali trip with my family of three. It was a very budget trip but all expenses paid except for air tickets, so what can I say more.

10. Signed up for a few hours cooking class at Nathalie Gourmet and the learning process was unforgettable. Best part of all is that the class was conducted by Nathalie herself. Food was by no surprise, fantastic.

11. The return of my BFF for a holiday. (She’s coming back for good in about two months time, can’t bloody wait!)

12. Planned and executed a surprise construction themed birthday party for my one and only Fatty, with the help of my best friends and friends of course. Not sure how he likes it but I like it quite a lot. Still lots of room for improvement when it comes to party planning. Also bought him my first branded, a Prada wallet. That’s how much I love him considering how empty my bank account is.

13. Road trip to Melaka with bffs and bf. Stayed a night at 45 Lekiu and I mad love that place.

14. The best and the most unforgettable event for me on 2013 is me getting a set of braces. I now have about half a year more before I can take it all off.

15. Foon / Yan’s birthday at Broga.

16. Welcome back party for Piao at Butter Factory.

17. Random swimming session at Verve.

18. Cooked up a storm for a few days when Fat’s fam was away. Satisfied my cooking craving.

19. Went to ZhuHai, Macau, and Hong Kong with Fatty. To date, my most expensive trip. Also the reason why I kinda dislike the idea of going to HK, just too damn expensive pfft!

20. Had fun looking and touching horses at Putrajaya’s equestrian club. The horses are all so cute and they very much reminded me of my dad cause he mad loved horses.

21. Took up drum class and I’m loving every lesson. So much fun!

22. Went fishing (but caught no fish), went for a play, and tried to escape from Escape Room and ended up being the losers. Okay I must try again!

23. Short getaway at Thistle Port Dickson for some bonding time with the Fats. It was pretty awesome.

24. Boring Hennessy Artistry event.

25. Birthday getaway at Johor Bahru and Japamala, Pulau Tioman. Love this birthday trip so much, I’m spoiled! Somebody promised that we’ll go for a getaway on my birthday every year but I pretty much doubt so lol.

26. Random last minute trip to Singapore with my mini family.

27. Langkawi getaway with my not-so-mini-family. First airplane experience for the boys! :)

28. Jenn’s wedding, a friend I met in Melbourne who is also Fatty’s high school junior.

29. Avicii.

30. Celebrated third anniversary at Kame Sushi.

31. Bangkok trip with Fatty and his family (which I have yet to post).

32. James wedding dinner at Miri which is also a very good bonding session with the homies. Short but sweet.

33. Most likely will end up at Gardens Hotel booked by Billy for New Year’s Eve.

This time last year, I kind of promised myself to not go on a holiday because I intended to save money to go over to Melbourne but Melbourne didn’t happen and what happened was even more holidays.
I also ticked off a few from my bucket list which makes me super glad because I’m finally getting/achieving whatever that I wanted.

Travel to Bali.
Travel to Hong Kong.
See dolphins jump up from the sea.
Take up cooking class.
(Half tick cause I want a cooking class that’ll last me for months.)
Get myself an Iphone 5/ the latest Iphone.
Get myself a new camera to replace my dead Sony.
Get myself braces.
Create a joint account with the person I love.

2013 has been a really great year cause I gained a lot.
It was also a new milestone for us because we hit the third year, which means I am the most tolerable girlfriend among his girlfriends by date wtf haha.

Everything’s gonna change by next mid year be it for good or bad but I hope things are gonna go my way.
Now bring it on 2014!

Third Anniversary Dinner at Kame Sushi

We hit the third year, ain’t that fast?

I knew he’s not that type of guy who will shower his girlfriend with gifts but I really don’t care cause I actually like to shower the person I love with gifts.
I bought him more gifts than he bought me lor in these three years.

This year’s the best!
Because I bought him something totally unexpected which he loves a lot because he’s a little boy at heart.

#1 My purse is bleeding profusely right now, I can still feel the pain lol.

At first, I wanted to buy him Fifa 2014 original version because this boy mad loves Fifa. He will fail to read my messages to him but he wont fail in reading football news. Football, football, football.
I wasn’t sure if the PC version is out, so I thought I’ll just buy him a PC controller.
Then it turned out Fifa 2014 version is out and I’m torn between two and for a moment I wanted to buy him the controller and Fifa PC pirated version wtf.
But my brother was like, ‘you buy pirated cd for people as a present? wtf’ and I finally succumbed to paying for both of the items because I want le fatty to be super happy.

#2 I also took a lot of effort in wrapping up the present, putting the items into a Loccitane box just so that I can double surprise him.

Seeing his shocked and happy face, it was worth it.
But he was mad pissed just now at the bad traffic while fetching me back home because he couldn’t wait to go home and play his game with the new controller wtf. Stupid boy.

#3 Dolled myself up for our dinner. :)

This year’s pick was Japanese cuisine. I had a hard time deciding because I kept picking French but at the same time I don’t want to pick French cuisine just yet. I want a French restaurant that will give a wow factor and I just feel like there isn’t any right now.
And since Fatty wanted to try omakase for the longest time while I was waiting for the perfect occasion, it seemed like the right choice.
Between Sushi Hinata and Kame Sushi, we picked the latter.

#4 Third anniversary dinner at Kame Sushi.

#5 Requested for seats by the bar because I like to see chef at work and I secretly hope to interact with them.

Our pick for the night was a Rm250, 9 course omakase set.
Hokkaido hairy crab was not included in the set and we topped up an additional of Rm80 for it.

#6 Japanese amuse bouche? Potato salad and god-knows-what that was really good and worked it’s way to open up my already opened appetite.

#7 Jelly like texture that tasted like fish.

#8 Best sashimi ever!

Everything was extremely fresh, I guess it’s because we went on a Tuesday.
If you’ll like to try Kame Sushi, do go on a Tuesday or Friday because that’s when they flown in their seafood.
Do make a booking too to avoid disappointment seeing that Kame Sushi really do have limited space.

#9 Highlight of the night for me, my all time favorite raw shrimp. OMG the shrimp was huge compared to what I normally ate! I literally went to heaven for a while. Super excellent sashimi.

#10 Hokkaido hairy crab accompanied by a ginger-like-sauce that balances up the strong tomalley taste.

The sauce was really good in the act of balancing the taste, much better than Chinese’s vinegar and ginger combination.
The way Kame Sushi’s chef opened up the crab makes it very easy for us to savor it but I’ll pass the next time.
The crab was very fresh and good but for Rm80, I’ll either save the money or opt for something more interesting.
But if you have not eaten a hairy crab before, I’d say give it a go.

#11 I cant tell what fish is this but it was just good.

I find Kame Sushi isn’t attentive enough, perhaps because we’re not regulars.
First, it’s because the food was served before we finish what we were eating.
Instead of them keeping track and adjusting to us, we (especially me because I’m a slow eater) have to keep up to their pace. It feels like I was forced to eat real quick or else my other dishes will turn cold.
So I suggest you to let them be aware that you want to finish your dish before they come out with the next one.

Another issue was that the waiter did not explain to us what they were serving.
Omakese means ‘I’ll leave it to you’ and yes I’ll leave it to the chef to serve me whatever he wants but someone needs to explain to me what they are serving.
Like what type of fish, which part, and so on. I have to sit and kept wondering what the hell am I putting in to my mouth at some point.

I think both the issues are as important as the quality of the food if they want their customers to fully enjoy the meal and experience.
I don’t hate it, I just wish that they can improve and give their best or at least now that you already know you can request for it.

#12 Grilled prawn heads which was so good I almost wont stop sucking it.

#13 Daikon radish with fish liver.

#14 Oyster tempura.

#15 OMG-sushi-platter. When Fatty feed on his sea urchin, I sang ‘someone’s in heaven lol’ because he literally is when he rolled his eyes because it was so good for him. After stuffing so much into my tummy, sea urchin was a little strong for me. Nothing can beat my raw shrimp, not even sea urchin lol.

#16 Miso soup with chunks of fish meat in it. Fatty laughed and said, ‘this is too much, they even have fish meat in it’ because we were already full to the brim.

#17 Rice tea and two slices of imported pear.

#18 It was suppose to be a two hour (atleast) dinner where you eat, chit-chat, and enjoy the food but we finished it in less than two hours thanks to Fatty. He ate so fast, I don’t have time to digest fml.

#19 Regret of the night, wearing a high waist skirt wtf. (I never learn!)

Total bill came up to Rm580 (no tax?) for the both of us.
Kame Sushi’s omakase starts at Rm150 without tuna belly and the price increase from there.

It’s fun to have a no-repeat-cuisine for our anniversary.
Italian for first year, Chinese for second, and Japanese for third. What’s next?

P/S: Anyway I also blogged(ramble) at Dayre, so do follow me if you want instant updates. Cheers. :)


Address: 20 Jalan 31/70A Desa Sri Hartamas, KL
Tel: 03 2858 7739
Opening hours: Tues–Sun, 12noon–2.30pm; 6–10.30pm.

The kind of happiness Chanel can’t buy you.

I feel very much in love recently.
Most of the time when I feel so in love, I couldn’t contain my happiness or feelings. Same goes to when I feel mad, I have to burst it out too.

Lets just say (if you haven’t already know) I really am a person so full with emotions.

I haven’t been sharing my thoughts and feelings as often as I used to.
I do still pen them down occasionally but at the end they just never get the chance to be read by another human being other than myself. That wasn’t very me, not the me before I was happy.

I believe in every relationship there’re always ups and downs in a way that sometimes it’s just very monotone-like; same routine, boring conversations, and easily annoyed while some other times it’s almost picture perfect. Laughters, happiness, butterflies in our stomach, and all you could ever think of is to spend the rest of your life living the same scenarios.

Right now, it’s the latter.
At times I do think that the situation very much depends on the guy or at least in my context it works that way.
Exception only when I’m having PMS, hah! Whatever right you do may still seem wrong when PMS bug is around.

Why am I so happy and in love?
Because he treats me right.
He calls everyday in between his work (unless he’s mega busy) to have a few minutes chat with me. Occasionally I call him too when I miss him too much and can’t wait any longer for his calls.
When he fails to call, he’ll text me instead.
I truly appreciate this gesture as it shows how much he thinks of me during work.

Even when he’s tired after work, he still finds time for me during night time. Just to see me/ let me see him.

He always tells me he miss me which gave me butterflies.

He wishes me happy monthsary whenever he remembers.

He goes the extra mile just to make me happy like buying Happy Meal and eating it to get me my minions. He think its stupid but even when he thought so, he still did it for me. Coming from such an ego guy like him, I’ve unlock an achievement hahaha!

Above all, right this moment I know that what we’re having is true.

See what I said about not getting around to post my thoughts and rambles.
The above was typed a few months ago, aherm.

Yay, a very happy 3rd year anniversary to the both of us. :)
At the very beginning of our mutual feeling for each other, I doubted a lot as to whether our feelings can really last.
Knowing that we both got together in a way not much people would agree on, the entire relationship wasn’t very convincing even to myself.

I used to go for tarot reading a lot before I was with fatty, mainly because I felt like I really had lost control of my own life and emotions. I needed guideline (from tarot dafuq).
I went to the lady at Sungai Wang 6th floor and I found her reading to be accurate after my first visit. I think she said I’ll have ‘tou fah’ during June and by June I was with Aaron (wtf). She also said there’s incoming money during August and that’s when I won my first lottery. The second time I looked for her, I find her reading to be less accurate. Actually deep down I knew it wasn’t accurate at all during the second time.

As for the third and final time (for now), it was after I got together with Fatty after a month or two. I went with two of my girlfriends (don’t wanna disclose names scared they don’t like) and I asked the tarot lady if we’ll last long. She said ‘He’s not the one’ and from then on I stopped going for tarot reading.

Because that shit really bothered me at that time. That’s when I understand why my mom never go to shits like that because she said why will she want to listen to someone else telling her that her life is so and so when she’s the one living her life.

I can’t be sure if what the tarot lady said is true, not until the end of time but I’d much rather live my life the way I want it and keep my relationship in the best state that I can.

To me, he always feels like the one.
Even though half the time I feel like slapping or strangling him (no joke!) for his stubbornness, at least I don’t stay home wondering if he’s faithful to me. No one can really stand his stubbornness but I’ll try and learn how to accept his flaw like how he accepts mine.

I’ll be having higher blood pressure in the future but I know it’s worth it. At least I no longer cry myself to sleep like how I used to.

Langkawi Getaway with Le Family

Just right after a week flying off to Singapore, I flew to Langkawi again with le family members.
Our only intention was to let both the kids take their ride on an airplane for the first time and also to bring them for a holiday after a year long of studies.

#1 They’ve grown so much now, both my little cousin brothers.

We took an early flight and it was right about time to have our breakfast when we arrive.
No idea what to eat, I started scrolling through Foursquare lol.

#2 Breakfast Bar which basically serves two slices of bread, some lousy scramble egg and charged you for Rm8 or so. Lousy food that is way ridiculously priced. Just don’t.

#3 Meet the younger brother which somehow kinda resembles my brother when he was a little kid.

We rented a seven seater for RM200 or so (can’t remember much) for a total of 3 days.

#4 Beautiful shades of blue. (:

#5 My favorite uncle and his kids.

#6 On the first day it was all about climbing hundreds and hundreds steps of stairs at Telaga Tujuh waterfall and ocasionally saying Hi to a few monkeys along the way.

#7 Telaga Tujuh waterfall is one of the famous waterfall here in Langkawi and there’s a cerita dongeng to it about seven fairies and all.

Actually I do find cerita dongeng to be quite interesting, even more knowing that it is pass down through so many generations.

#8 The water was icy cold while the sun was burning, so it was quite a good combination. My mom who is ever so afraid of the sun was holding her umbrella the entire time. -_-‘

#9 Le skinny brother.

#10 Mom said, ‘She’s gonna take some stupid leg pictures again’. LOL!

#11 Mom, other than that I took selfies too haha.

#12 Two monkeys that constantly drove me crazy the entire trip. They either run around, fight each other, or laugh non-stop. Not for a single moment they will stay calm and sit still unless they’re eating. T_T

#13 Haha mata sepet!

#14 I love the boys so much that if they don’t have the money to go to college in the future and so happen (hopefully haha) that I’m mad rich, I’ll pay for their tuition fees. As long as they have a bright future and as long as I have the moolah. This boy here has a talent in drawing that makes me mad happy. (:



#17 Where the water flows down.

It is better and wiser to climb all the way up in my opinion because we’re the ‘first hand user’.
This might sound gross but what if people from the top took a piss and you dip yourself in it at the bottom. Just no thanks.



#20 We wanted to go for cable car on the second day but it was raining the entire day. We only managed to shop at duty free shop and go for high tea afterwards at The English Tea Room and Coffee. The fresh cream was homemade and it tasted great but scone wise, I still prefer scones baked by Fatty’s mom.

#21 To not let our day go to waste, we went to the beach at Pantai Tengah although it was drizzling. You know, YOLO. HAHA!


#23 The younger brother was crying and screaming because he is afraid of the sea. He finds it dirty and he just dislike it so much but my uncle carried him into the sea anyway. Let’s just say you wouldn’t want to make this kid mad.

I asked him to helped me bring back my camera onto the beach while he’s heading back (crying and feeling extremely angry) and halfway through he just dumped my camera onto the sand. He continued walking without giving two hoots about my camera, dafuq. This kid has got some attitude, haha.

It was still raining the third day and without much choice, we went to Laman Padi to let the kids have a look at paddy field. No entrance fees needed.

#24 A pretty sight to behold.



#27 Le brother and mini me.

Looking at the shorts I was wearing that day, it reminded me of a funny incident.
I’m that kind of girl who will eat until I’m full to the brim, no 70% full kind of thing in my context.
So I was wearing this high-waist-super-tight-shorts and you know how whenever you wear anything high waist, you have this illusion that you’re really full but it is actually just the high waist being tight.
So I let go my button and pulled down my zip a little (HAHA THAT’S WHAT I ALWAYS DO / OR UNBUCKLE MY BELT AHEM) and I continued eating. I finished eating and totally forgot about my unbuttoned shorts and at one point the kids were driving me crazy, so I stood up and scolded at them.
That’s when my mom asked while laughing, why is my shorts unbuttoned to that point.
HAHAHA these are the stupid things I put myself through.

There was also once during high school when I went to Genting for a trip and I was wearing a tube inside, covered by my jacket. I zipped my jacket because I was too cold and when I was at indoor, finally feeling a little bit of heat, I unzipped my jacket (in a very macho way wtf) and my tube top was actually below my bra. Because my boobs are so small they cant hold the tube especially when I kept moving for so many hours and I actually did that in front of my friends.
HAHAHA super FML moments. Now that I think back, it was so funny.

#28 Mi, that’s what I call her.

#29 She kinda had fun playing with props and all.

After exploring the paddy field we went to a beach side that is right beside Langkawi’s airport.
We just used our time to eat chocolates (more like them, not me), the boys kept picking up ‘mini durians’ and once in awhile all of us get excited when we saw planes took off or land.

#29 I actually used to really think that these were mini durians.

#30 AirAsia taking off.

It was not quite a successful trip due to the rain and all but whatever we did, at least there’s a bonding time for all of us.
Once November is here, there’s always so much joy for at least 3 months. Holiday season is always the best!
There’s still a lot for me to look forward to. Feeling really grateful. (:

Spontaneous Trip To Singapore

Before I knew it, I am back from Singapore.
It was a rather spontaneous trip for us; my mom, my brother and I.
I saw my brother browsing for Bangkok’s hotel and he said he has got a few days off.
So I said, ‘Okay let me join you, I’ll only pay for the air tickets haha.’ Turns out ticket to Bangkok was too expensive for me, so the choice was between Medan and Singapore.

We decided on Singapore in the end because we wanted to try our luck and look for our father’s friend whom we’ve not met for more than ten years.
Luck was not with us though, the place he used to stay is now flattened and turned into a construction site.
There goes our last chance. :(

#1 Right after take off.

#2 We stayed two nights at Singapore and we bought a Singapore Tourist Pass each for $20. With this Singapore Tourist Pass you can take unlimited times of MRT, LRT and bus for 3 days. It really does save up a lot of money. You’ll have to pay an extra $10 deposit and return the card at the end of the third day to get your deposit back.

#3 First stop was Chinatown.

#4 Took a walk around Chinatown and had our dinner before we went to Upper Thomson road to find our father’s friend.


#6 Brought our mom to Marina Bay. Happy mom is happy.



#9 There was a light show going on at Gardens by The Bay, so we took our time to enjoy it.

#10 We wanted to go to Gardens by The Bay the next day but my mom was too tired. I’ll just have to save it for next time, with Fatty.

#11 It was really a beautiful sight to behold during night time.

We headed to Sentosa the next day because mom wanted to check out the casino over there.

#12 Le mom in the casino.

It was my brother’s first time and he found the jackpot machine amusing so he put in $2 to try and I added in another $2. We won from $4 to $10.60 the first round and off we went haha.

#13 Universal Studio which we did not went in.

#14 Stand outside take pictures can already lah.


#16 Asked my mom to take a picture with the chocolates using the same pose and she blocked hershey kisses’ eyes. -_-

#17 The Chows.

#18 So cute I was tempted to buy it if not for the price.

#19 Mom bought this trolley though because she’s a sucker for things like this. Anything with wheels like how she bought a mini bicycle home from Bali.

#20 Went to Fuk Tak Chi Museum knowing that it is free of charge but it is not exactly a museum at all. Five to ten minutes and you’ll be done.

#21 Chinese surnames. I spotted mine and Fatty’s.

#22 Miniatures of how Singapore used to look like a long long time ago.

#23 Mom giving a boo sign because we kept taking mrt non-stop, it was extremely tiring.

We went to Marina Bay Sands again to take another walk.
There was a free Chanel exhibition at Art Science Musuem, The Little Black Jacket by Karl Lagerfeld.



#26 Time to relax after a very tiring day at Marina’s infinity pool much thanks to Aaron for the access.

Mom said ‘Such a bad thing to have a friend like you. Have to give you access to this and that.’
I replied, ‘What!? I’m not his friend. I’m his ex-girlfriend.’
And then she started asking, ‘What ex-girlfriend? Who is he? How come I don’t know you used to have him as a boyfriend?’.
Mom, there’s a lot you don’t know. (-_-‘)

#27 My brother and my mom.




#31 My mom enjoyed the jacuzzi so much cause she gets to massage herself. The sky was getting dark and we kept asking her to leave but she didn’t want to haha.

#32 The last time I went to Singapore I didn’t really get to watch the entire Wonder Full (light and water show) but this time I get to. Do not sit too front or else you’ll be quite wet, like us.

The next day was dedicated to Singapore’s national museum, entrance fees is $10 per person.


#34 Bamboo tent created by Indonesian architect right in front of Singapore’s National Museum.

#35 It was very cooling inside the tent, a great place for people in the city to escape the busy city for a while.



#38 One of the art installation made by uranium something something. Affected by radioactive, each chandelier represents a country that has nuclear weapons.

#39 My mom really enjoyed the museum because there’s a lot of Chinese stuff around. Something that really suits her, telling us those are the things she used during her time when she was a kid.


#41 Le mom moping the museum’s floor, haha.

#42 Newspaper from the olden days! That’s a cigarette advertisement right there.


#44 Last stop was at Orchard Road before we head to Changi airport. We were super impressed with their stunts and my mom likes it a lot. She used to watch all these on the tv a lot.


#46 Kinetic rain at Changi airport that amuses me. It was 14 years ago when I last step foot at Changi airport.

I had to go back to LCCT alone because the flight was full and both my mom and my brother had to wait for the next flight.
Due to the fact that my brother is an Air Asia pilot, my mom and him will always buy last minute tickets which will sometimes result in heart attack.
They almost had to stay overnight at the airport, not fun.

For now, I’m just waiting for that few pairs of free flight tickets from my brother.

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