All posts by Peggy

Printed Tees

I love printed tees. For me, printed tees can go with anything. Jeans, skirt, or shorts, you will still look very nice, and comfortable. It can be very stylish. Printed tees is just the perfect thing for almost any outings.

This is a cartoon motif t-shirt which is available at Topshop. It cost £14.00 which means
RM 97.70.

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Kids nowadays..

Kids these days are very different from us last time. Although I am very young, but I saw the difference. My boyfriend, Shaun has two younger brothers, name Kane and Bryan. Kane is 14 and Bryan is 12.

Kane has a girlfriend and they have been together for more than a year. He brought his girlfriend to his house on last Friday. At first, I was thinking that they are still very young, and they wont simply do some naughty stuff. But today, when Shaun went home at 3 o’clock, he found out that his room is lock. Kane is inside the room, with his girlfriend, and he took the room key.

What can a boy and a girl do inside a room, which is lock? When they open the door, Shaun ask Kane what is he doing, and he say nothing. The girlfriend is tying her hair and Kane is making his shirt. Shaun ask him, ‘What you doing in my room?’. And all he say is nothing and very hot. He went to Shaun’s room because he is hot and Shaun’s room’s air-con is not even on. Conclusion is, they do things that they shouldn’t even do at this age.

They are just 14. When I was 14, I am still very naive, and don’t even know what is all this about. I am worry, worry that they don’t know how to think. I am speechless. Don’t know what to say anymore. What is happening with this world??


So sad.. My old blog is accidentally deleted by my brother. And this is the new one. Lucky my old one had very little posts.

4th November
I forgave him. We went to Time Square to catch a movie, Open Season. This is a cartoon that is suitable for kids and adults. I rate it 3.5/5, you might want to give it a try. Before the movie we went to Kopitiam Station, I actually don’t quite remember the name of the cafe. Their half-boil egg is so yummy. Maybe you will think that all half-boil eggs are the same, but actually no. It depends on how long you boil it, and how hot the water is. Theirs half-boil egg is just so perfect. Very nice.

Egg Shell.
Egg Shells.

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