All posts by Peggy

Stupid Car Accident

I have a presentation last Thursday and I need to wear formal. Do I look like a clerk? Haha, or I don’t look very formal. The presentation was Ok only, because I don’t have much time to prepare for it. We have to use two PowerPoints slides to do the presentation. Such weird things happen, because – one word, conflict.

Such a bad one. Forgive me, I don’t know how to use Photoshop.


I went to have a drink with my friends just now at a place call Wong Kok Char Chan Teng. A Hong Kong style restaurant. I’ll post picture later on when I’m free, quite in a rush now.

What happens when we were going back home is that my friend’s car bang on to another car. My friend drives MyVi, and the other one drives Vios. My friend is talking on the phone, and that is why she accidentally hit the car. It is not very serious, a very small matter actually. Just the number plate of the Vios is out and the bumper is a bit come off. Usually in such cases, RM 200 can settle the problem. But that stupid man, is so rude and harsh to us.

He say things like, see what car I’m driving and what stupid car you all are driving.
Hello??? You thought your stupid Vios very expensive is it?? Cost only what? 80 thousand ++.. or 70 thousand ++.. All of our parents have better cars at home than he does. That fella craps a lot. One word I can described him, UNEDUCATED. Give him ferrari also no use la, no manners fella. Downgrading himself only. He is an adult and we are only teens, wanna bully us like that.
Not gentleman at all. Sometimes really have to say, Malaysia people is so rude. I know is not all of them, but is quite a lot of them. I really hate that guy.
You thought you very the rich ah har? Look at yourself la please!! If you were there, I’m sure you wanna give him a punch on his face.

Remember this number plate: WNS 7283
A stupid Vios drive by a stupid man, born with a stupid attitude, wearing stupid clothes, and have a stupid girlfriend who will choose a guy like him!!

My dreams..

One of my dreams..

I have a lot of dreams and I don’t know which one that I can really achieve some day.

I love fashion a lot, I always use to draw clothes when I am small. But I know I am not talented, that is why I did not choose to study design. Not only clothes, I love graphic design, and also those furnitures. I love pillows, lights, cushion and so much more. I just love to design things, but I don’t know how.

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I’ll sure get you a present as soon as possible..

I wanted to bake a chocolate cake for my special someone, just to make him happy. I love baking cakes, but I’m not very good at it. Anyone wanna teach me how to bake some lovely cakes?
I’ve found some chocolate cake’s recipes on line.



There are more cake recipes here

* 2 cups all-purpose flour
* 2 cups white sugar
* 2 teaspoons baking soda
* 2 teaspoons baking powder
* 1 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
* 1 pinch salt
* 2/3 cup shortening
* 2 cups boiling water
* 2 eggs, beaten
* 2 teaspoons vanilla extract

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I love doing crafts. I love to make things and give it to people as a little present.
I love art, I love design, I love artistic things, but I’m not very good at it.
I love to draw and colour, but my drawing is kind of ugly. Haha..
I love to do sewing as well. I just love, very love, to make things. When my creation is done, I’m very happy. But at this moment, I’m very lazy. Haha, I don’t know why I’m getting lazier day by day.

Below are some of the crafts that my friend, Ah Loo made. He likes to make things, just same like me. Most of his creation goes with lights inside, and this make those boxes very beautiful.

This looks like a real room and I like it a lot. Very nicely done.

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That Cloud

Looking at the cloud and the sky today, I notice that today’s clouds will not appear in tomorrow’s sky. Today’s clouds will never appear again, no matter how alike the clouds may be, but it will never be the same. Life goes on everyday, and clouds changes everyday. We must appreciate what we have today, just like the clouds, if you misses today’s cloud, you can never get it back.

While I look at the cloud, I thought of my father, and the song I’m hearing at that moment is Perfect from Simple Plan. He treats me very well, very very well. But I don’t think I am the perfect daughter. I remember I promise him to get 5A’s for my UPSR but I fail to do so. All I get is 2A’s, and 2A’s again for my PMR. I remember me crying so hard when I get my result for my UPSR, because I cant do what I promise him. I cant explain the feeling inside my heart. Always, I ask myself, why must the God choose me? Why must it be me, why choose to take away my father.

When I grow older, I still ask the same question. I know, life have to face death in the end, but I just cant accept it. Recently, I often get sad because I really miss him very much. Every year, when my birthday arrives, I will count, ‘He did not celebrate my birthday with me for 2 years already’, 3 years, 4 years, and the list goes on. My heart will ache whenever I think of him..

I miss you dad.. I love you..


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Shaun gave me a Tamagotchi as my birthday present. The moment I saw it, I smiled. I did not mention that I actually like Tamagotchi, but it was really nice of him to get me one. What he bought me was a Tamagotchi Connection version3. This version3 Tamagotchi is very different from what I use to play last time when I am still small. This one is much more fun, and really very cute.

There are more than 32 characters inside the Tamagotchi, and all the characters have their own personality. This will make the Tamagotchi much more fun because you wont get boring with the characters. You can check the characters here.

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