All posts by Peggy

Fatty’s 24th Birthday Dinner at Il Lido.

On Fatty’s 24th birthday eve, we had his birthday dinner at Il Lido which we went on our 1st anniversary.
For his birthday instead of lunch, we went for dinner because my man is a busy man.

Who else work a full day on a Saturday? *roll eyes

#1 Sorry for being jakun but must all the gourmet bread at fine dine restaurant be that hard to chew? I ate like a cow or a horse (whichever makes you laugh)!

We ordered a degustation set menu, priced at Rm198 to share.

#2 Amuse bouche.

#3 Hokkaido scallops with celeriac & truffle cream. The scallop was fresh and juicy, and when combined with truffle cream it can’t go wrong.

#4 Roasted goose liver with duck bacon and lentils. Foie gras will always be our favorite dish wherever we go and indeed it was divine. The foie gras was cooked to perfection, crisp on the outside and silky smooth on the inside.

#5 Chitaruggi with lobster and smoke paprika which the birthday boy really liked which I couldn’t agree on.

#6 Wagyu beef cheek with caramelized root vegetables. Beef cheek was extremely tender and the sweetness from the root vegetables that balances out the dish was a good touch.

A set of degustation for the both of us is definitely and obviously not enough, so we ordered more.

#7 Beef Carpaccio with rucola and ‘Vacche Rosse’ parmigiano cheese, RM36. Beef carpaccio came at the start of our dinner and it really did opened up my appetite. We ordered the same dish the first time too, just too good to resist.

I’ve made a conclusion that we both couldn’t stay away from scallop, foie gras, and carpaccio when it comes to fine dine.

#8 King Prawns with Spicy Cannellini Emulsion, RM48. When it comes to fine dine I rarely go for anything spicy but I did that night. Extremely flavorful without being too spicy, just nice to make you want to eat more.

#9 Crab Ravioli with Fava and Cured Roe, RM48. This is another very flavorful dish and the ravioli comes in olive green which is made to perfection.

#10 We were already quite full the meal but because we both are greedy people, we ordered Spider Crab Soup with Sambuca (Rm38) before we proceed for dessert. When the soup arrived, it arrived in a bowl with only crab meat and the silly me was wondering ‘didn’t I ordered a soup?’ but before I have the chance to question the waiter pour a pot of soup into the bowl.

We both gave the same expression, ‘Ohhhhhhh…’.

#11 Molten Lava Chocolate Cake with Vanilla Ice Cream was included in our degustation menu and while Fatty was away from his seat, I secretly requested a candle to comes along with the dessert.

#12 Just to surprise him when he came out of the washroom and look how happy he was, haha.

#13 I hope he enjoyed the dinner and enjoyed me being his date.

#14 The-ever-so-annoying-and-naggy-girlfriend.

After our dinner, we went up to their rooftop lounge bar to have a look and we pretty much enjoyed our quick and short moment at the top as there were no one else. :)

#15 Whenever I dress up a little nowadays, Fatty will asks me ‘ootd?’. LOL!

#16 ♥

Bill came up to Rm450+ including the glass of red wine Fatty ordered.

ilLido Italian Dining + Lounge Bar
183 Jalan Mayang (off Jalan Yap Kwan Seng)
50450 Kuala Lumpur

Phone: +603 2161 2291

Fatty’s 24th Construction Birthday Party

Theme party is love and I’ve always love a good one.

I organized a buay paiseh colour theme party for my 21st birthday four years ago and colour theme party is the easiest to organize without a doubt.
Guys wore black, girls wore white while I wore red because I buay paiseh hahaha!

After my own 21st I helped with my BFF’s bow tie 21st birthday party where all guys were required to wear shirts while the girls wear tube dresses along with the bow ties we handed out to them.

Not to forget the pastel birthday party I had with my girls and Vivien & Cindy’s rainbow birthday party.
To level up a notch, (HAHA) I tried not to organize another colour theme party.

I organized a construction party on Labour Day’s eve for my fatty’s 24th and it wasn’t a random pick.
Some of you may wonder, aren’t my fatty suppose to be back in Melbourne. Yes he was suppose to but there were visa complications and he will only be able to go back by next year. Currently he is working for his dad at a site, hence construction site party. :)

It was a funny research because all the construction party pictures and ideas I saw when I googled was construction party for little boys but my boy is 24!
I tried hard to eliminate everything that looks too cute.

#1 I booked the whole Sekeping Terasek at Bangsar and kept the entire surprise from Fatty.

#2 42A.

#3 Sekeping Terasek is a two storey terrace house, with a rooftop and a dip pool.

#4 Living area where the guys chilled during night time.

#5 Gotta love natural skylight.

#6 This is the room Fatty and I slept in that night, on the ground floor. I was smart enough (LOL) to pick a room on ground floor cause there wasn’t any please-help-me-drag-my-fat-boyfriend-upstairs kind of story when he was drunk.

#7 Little outdoor area in the room.

#8 Shower.

#9 One of the room upstairs.

There are 5 rooms all together and those who stayed for a night were all couples and each coupled paid Rm200 for the room.

#10 How it looks like outside the room upstairs.

#11 So much love for this place.

#12 From the second floor, I can see what’s happening downstairs.

#13 Mini stairs to the rooftop.


#15 I knew Fatty will love this rooftop a lot and he did but he got drunk too early, he didn’t get to enjoy it.

#16 My friends helping me to set up because I WAS TOO BUSY TRYING TO COOK!!

I bought construction tape and decorate the house with it, along with three helium balloons.

#17 My bff who helped me right after she came back to KL!

#18 Made a total of four finger foods for the guests.

#19 Bacon wrapped seared scallop in asparagus puree and watermelon prosciutto with blue cheese.

#20 Smoked salmon timbale with spicy crab meat and foie gras on bruschetta with fig compote.

I printed some signs that are somewhat related to construction and used it to decorate on my food.
That smoking sign you saw wasn’t suppose to be there, it was suppose to stick on ash trays but I was tooooooo busy the whole day I can’t seem to manage.
My dear friends lend me a helping hand and helped me to decorate the rest of the party without knowing the purpose of some signs heh.

#21 Bought black paper plates & straws, yellow utensils, and orange cups & serviettes to match my construction theme.

Besides the four finger foods, I made two pasta as main course which I learned from Nathalie but it kind of failed quite miserably. :(
Before the night of the party I prepared all my sauces for the pasta but when we transferred these sauces from the car to Sekeping Terasek, it dropped and spilled. :(
So I ended up going to grocery again and recooking everything on the spot which is what made me sooooooo busy the entire day.

I was a mess and became even messier because I couldn’t handle so many things.
My timing were set right but due to the spill, I was really off track which somehow contributed to the failure. Pfft :(
My friends really love my mushroom tagliatelle though but the ravioli couldn’t make it unfortunately.
I hope I didn’t starve my friends. :\

#22 Construction birthday cake! :D I initially wanted to order Fatty a floor plan cake but Wondermilk couldn’t make it happen for me because they don’t use fondant and the reason I picked Wondermilk is also because I don’t really like fondant. I prefer butter icing but it definitely has it’s limit. In the end I ordered Chocolate Lola cake and decorated it with some construction toy sets and a set of builders candle which I bought. It turned out pretty well and as expected, I secretly like it a lot. Heh.

#23 My fat boy was kinda tipsy by then, he couldn’t recall how the cake exactly looks like the next day. As long as he is happy lor…

#24 Pictures were mostly taken by friends once the party started, I was still busy doing this and that. So thank you very much my friends for capturing the moment. :)

#25 Poor fat boy were then tied to the pole with the caution construction tape.

#26 I somehow got stuck with him too when I tried to help. I also bought him the construction hat as a prop but soon enough he will be using it everyday at his site. :)

#27 Booppi, me, and fat boy.

#28 18sx! His hand was at a very wrong place aherm. -_-‘

#29 The girls were busy taking pictures while the guys were busy talking about nonsense behind.

#30 :)

#31 Fatty’s redness from alcohol + his darkness from standing under the hot sun everyday = a colour I cant describe.
He used to be so fair but look at that picture above! D:

After taking pictures and him babbling out all the nonsense (which shall remain a secret among us friends), he took off his clothes and jumped into the pool.
He knocked himself so hard, I was worried to death but because he was too tipsy to feel it he said he didn’t knock on anything. Mmkay.
Once he got up from the pool, he got so drunk he vomited in the bathroom and ko-ed for the night dafuq.
No one sayang me after a day of hard work lol. :(

To all the friends that came, thank you so much for coming and to Bryan Chong thank you for taking the picture above.
To Weng Kee, thank you for fetching me so often to supermarkets so that I can get all my groceries for the party.
To Bff, thank you for helping me with the cooking and bringing back my props.
To Billy (although I know he doesn’t read this wtf), thank you for helping with the surprise and successfully tricked Fatty into thinking that he’s attending some posh event LOL.
To Abel and Poh, thank you for lending me a helping hand when he was drunk and sorry that you guys have to take a look at his naked body LOL!

Dear Fatty,
A year older, a year wiser they said and I think to some extend it is true when you hit 24 this year.
People may have judge you or may have talked a lot about why are you still here instead of finishing your course but there are a lot that they don’t know or see in you.
I am very proud of you because you take your job so seriously this time, it kinda scare me a little.
You seem to be so passionate and so responsible that you even goes to work on Sunday sometimes.
You don’t mind the extra time, the extra work, the heat and getting sunburn because all you want is to do a good job for your dad.
How can I not be proud of you (although you’re very fat)!

Keep it going!
And this time next year, you will be so much more closer to where you stopped. :)

Ending my post with a picture of…..

#31 Fatty’s fatness. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Continue growing wiser but definitely needs to stop growing horizontally.

42A Jalan Terasek,
Bangsar, Kuala Lumpur.
Tel.: 012-206 2846 (Christina)

A trip to Bali with family – Day 8 & Day 9 / Lembongan Island

Bali’s last post!! Which I cant wait to get rid of because it has been stopping me from blogging about something else.

(And to speed up the process because yours truly is lazy, I’ll just do a caption post.)

#1 So on the 8th day, we left from Ubud to Lembongan Island. I was excited but not so much after that because I ended up not swimming in the sea. Or to be exact, dipping myself in the sea.

#2 LOOK AT THAT CRUISE! There were slides on it omg!!

#3 There were lots of hotels and villas on the island, and we of course booked an affordable one.

After settling down, we rent three bicycles and cycled around the island and finally came to a stop which I really like.

#4 That’s seaweed right?

#5 The sand was really harsh and there were lots of something else on the sand which is why I am wearing my flip flop but the water was extremely clear.

#6 We then started walking towards the sea.

#7 And I continued walking and walking, leaving those two behind.

#8 Sorry ah, I hope my naked face didn’t scare you because I really really cant be arse anymore to put on anything on my face except for sunblock because the weather was not friendly. Actually the purpose of my picture is to show you how far I’ve walked.

#9 Why I kept walking and walking was because the water level did not increase at all! It was so shallow no matter how far I walked and I really had a lot of fun. I was really happy because I don’t know where else in the world that allows me to walk that far on the sea without drowning myself. Actually the sea was weirder than that, it became even shallower when I walked further at some point.

#10 A Balinese doing her everyday job, picking up seaweed and pulling them back to the shore.

#11 We tried catching crabs too cause I saw lots of holes on the sand but these crabs move too fast.

I actually love catching crabs at the beach. ;)

#12 It was also my first time getting so close to starfishes, there were so many around me I was so afraid that I might step on them. I saw them moving from one spot to another too, it was fun.

#13 We later on cycled further and stop by to take a look at mangroves.

#14 Some Balinese approached us and asked if we were interested in mangroves tour, telling us that we’ll get to see a lot of things including snakes and that’s when we left haha. My mom and brother are really afraid of snake.

#15 We then head to dinner and watch sunset again but it was very different from the sunsets we watched.

#16 The sunset was this beautiful and I did not edit this picture! Somewhat like a wall painting, so picturesque. :)

On the 9th day, my brother forced me to walked up hill and tour the entire island because the day before I refused profusely.
I wanted to give up so badly and asked them both to continue the journey without me but they wouldn’t allow!
I ended up asking a stranger on a bike to fetch me to our designated destination and skipped all the walking.

#17 While my mom enjoyed the walking…

#18 Walking uphill overlooking the island.

#19 Walking towards Dream Beach.


#21 I really wanted to chill by the beach!

#22 We then walked and walked towards Devil’s Tear.

#23 I don’t see no tear, just a cow and lotsa cow dungs on the grass.

#24 We walked passed all the cow dungs and reached a cliff.




#28 If you look closely, there’s different shade of blue at the end of the cliff. The colour looks really amazing and I enjoyed watching the wave crash on it.

#29 This is the other end of the cliff.

#30 And this is what happened when the waves crashed into it, it was amazing!!

#31 We stayed there for quite a long period because no one was there except us and this place to me, is really quite a weird place. It looks like a farm at the front, a dessert in the middle and then there’s a cliff and scary waves at the back.

Devil’s tear is a must see if you ever go to Lembongan Island and I also advise you to rent a motorcycle to tour around the island because the island is really a little too big to walk by foot.
On the 10th day which is the last day, we left Lembongan Island and were picked up by our driver to take a one last tour before sending us to the airport.

#31 Spot the plane and YAY!!


A trip to Bali with family – Day 7

Lazy post ahead!
Posting some pictures from Bali without typing much, just want to be a day closer to day 10.
You might be able to tell, I wasn’t as enthusiastic as my other trips.

My 7th day at Bali was a long day, we went to 4 different places all together.

#1 First destination was Pura Gunung Kawi.

#2 There were paddy terraces around the area.

#3 Along the way, there’s quite a number of cute things for tourists to buy too.

#4 I personally like this quite a lot.

#5 And more paddy terraces.

#6 My mom in white.

#7 We walked further in to get a good look at the Hindu temple.


#9 My brother in the sarong he rented.


#11 After spending some time at Pura Gunung Kawi, we headed to Kintamani to get a dramatic view of the volcano. That’s a first for me.

We often get to see and learn a lot through images and videos but when we really get to see or experience what we saw on the television, it’s a whole new different feeling.
And it’s a good one, I must say.

#12 Balinese trying to sold off this puppy for Rm300 and it was so fat and fluffy! I was dying to carry it home, only if I could.

We then head over to Pura Taman Ayun during noon time.

#13 Ladies are not allowed into the temple during menstruation.

#14 Mom. (Okay I’m getting really lazy.)

#15 Saw two roosters being locked up in a cage like thing under the hot sun, poor them.

#16 Temples at Pura Taman Ayun.


Pura Taman Ayun actually works like a recreational park but with temples in it. There were lots of Balinese when we were there, just enjoying their time with family members and friends.

#18 I wore leggings that day and it was a very wrong move! Shouldn’t wrapped up my pair of short legs when it was burning hot.

During evening, our driver bought us to try Luwak coffee at Lumbung Sari.
‘Kopi luwak (Indonesian pronunciation, or civet coffee, refers to the beans of coffee berries once they have been eaten and excreted by the Asian Palm Civet.’

#19 Coffee beans.

#20 Civet being locked up for tourists to have a look at but only temporarily. After being locked for months, they will be let go into the wild according to the owner.

#21 Bunch of beans.

#22 An old lady frying coffee beans, just to demo and show us how it’s done.

#23 My brother then decided to give it a try, seems like he had fun.

#24 After taking a tour and understanding how they produced Luwak coffee, we were then taken to a hut.

#25 Lumbung Sari offered us 9 different coffees and teas to try for free, hoping that we will buy them home.

#26 Ordered a cup of Luwak coffee to try and I cant tell much how good it tasted. I like drinking coffee but I’m really not good at it, haha.

#27 While on the way back to our hotel, the driver stopped somewhere along the way and showed us another paddy terraces. It was beautiful.

#28 I went down the stairs to take a better look and I came across this grandpa who kept asking me to snap a picture of him. I did but after I snapped his picture, he asked for money wtf.

Okay, 7th day done. LOL!

A trip to Bali with family – Day 5 / Dinner at Bebek Bengil

The night before Silence Day I had one of the best meals at Bebek Bengil, also happens to be one of the most expensive meals.
Bebek stands for duck in Indonesia and as for their English name ‘Dirty Duck Diner’, it was inspired by a flock of dirty ducks that flew into the restaurant from the paddy fields across the street.
Dirty duck is not dirty at all.

#1 Bebek Bengil is just 5 minutes walk from where we stayed, Jati 3 Bungalow.

#2 Bebek Bengil is a VERY SPACIOUS restaurant, so you might not need to worry about making a booking but if you’re prone to being a paranoid you may do so too.


#4 Huts for guests to enjoy their dirty duck.

#5 This is the view right in front of me, a paddy field! It was beautiful but the sky turned dark very quickly and soon enough I was attacked by mosquitoes. :(


#6 Haha, my brother suggested that my mom take a picture with ze duck.

#7 Bebek Bengil, half a duck steamed in Indonesian spices then deep fried for a crispy finish for IDR87,000.

The duck’s skin was very crispy without doubt and before I took a bite I was worried that it might be lack of taste but it was the complete opposite.
The duck was very flavorful with spices and the meat was tender.
To compare it with our Chinese Peking Duck, I actually fancy Crispy Duck a little bit more for the flavor and crispiness from the skin.
It was so good that I wanted my mom to give it a try. Not trying to eat, but trying to cook it for us.

#8 Crispy chicken, IDR67,000 tasted far from Crispy duck and I recommend that you do not try it not for the reason that it tasted bad but for the reason that ducks just taste much better.

#9 Bebek Bakar Sambal, IDR89,000 is grilled duck in green chilli served with sweet potato rice. Although the duck’s skin isn’t crispy but the duck was moist, tender, and very flavorful too. The spices used tasted different from the crispy duck but both was equally good.


The dinner was so good and we went back to our hotel with a satisfied tummies and empty wallets.
The bill came up to IDR300,300 (RM90++) including a pot of tea (only one time refill) and taxes.

As we walked back to our hotel, everywhere was pitch black and we had to use lights from our phones to guide our way back because Balinese were already prepared for Silence Day.
At some point it was quite scary to me, fearing apocalypse might happen. Too much Walking Dead.

As for the next day, we were all quarantined in the hotel and all I did was nothing.

#11 So I chill like a boss.

Jalan Hanoman, Padang Tegal,
Ubud, Bali, Indonesia
Tel: (62-361) 975-489

A trip to Bali with family – Day 5 / Ubud

Oh wait before I forgot, I must show you my mom’s weird habit.

This was what my mom did in that 10 days at Bali, washing bajus and showcasing it around in our room. Mom is a mom.

After dolphin watching we rushed back to our hotel to have breakfast before we leave to Ubud.

The most decent hotel breakfast, I’d say. Danish and sausages, I couldn’t be happier.

Another Nasi Babi Guling while on our way to Ubud. Nasi Babi Guling is really easy to find, but for a really good one it’s best to do some research.

On the way to Ubud, I was sleeping the entire time so I missed out quite a lot of scenery.

I have this habit of sleeping a lot in the car during road trips but I try not to if boyfriend is the one who drives cause I want to accompany him. I’m a good girlfriend like that. LOL!

The narrow walkway to our hotel, Jati 3 Bungalows.

Just bricks and light bulb but I love.

We were greeted by this cute statue at the entrance. It was Nyepi Day the next day which is Balinese new year, so they dress up these statue with hibiscus. How cute.

We stayed at Jati 3 for 2 nights in Ubud. And having a swimming pool is a must because on the 6th day we were all stranded. More on that later.

Our room with everything bamboo. Quite a decent place except there’s quite a lot of ants and lizards around because they planted a lot of plants around them.

Our balcony where I chill and play with my phone.



I do think it’s quite a nice period to visit Bali during March before their Nyepi day because we get to see and experience their culture that happens only once a year.

Balinese practice Hinduism and a fact that cant be deny is that they are very devoted to their God.
They give their offerings everyday and along the street, you’ll spot them in front of shops, stores, and houses.
Some of them even put their offerings on their car.

Canangsari, Balinese offerings. I try not to step on it while I walk but sometimes especially during the night, I cant see that well. I have to look in front, left, right, and at the floor to watch out for offerings.

Nyepi Day or Balinese new year is very much different from our Chinese New Year or our Calendar’s 1st day of the year.
Instead of celebrating it with fireworks, visiting houses and making lots of noises, it is their Silent Day.
No one is allow on the street on Nyepi Day to the extend where even the airport is close down on that particular day.
Only Pecalangs or the security man is allow on the street to make sure that no one else will be on the street.
Light and noise needs to be keep minimum.
Some of the Balinese fast, and some do not talk at all for the whole day. It is also some sort of like a day for them to reflect.

Which is also why picking a hotel with a pool is very much needed, to keep us from being bored to death.
Thank God for wifi and my brother’s Ipad too, we get to watch PPS.

There were a lot of Ogoh-ogohs on the street.

Ogoh-ogoh are statues built for the Ngrupuk parade, which takes place on the eve of Nyepi day in Bali, Indonesia. Ogoh-ogoh normally have form of mythological beings, mostly demons. As with many creative endeavours based on Balinese Hinduism, the creation of Ogoh-ogoh represents spiritual aims inspired by Hindu philosophy.

No joke, some of the Ogoh-ogohs really look scary and creative.

I especially like this one, hahahaha. There’s even hair on the armpit, LOL!


My brother with two Ogoh-ogohs at Ubud’s field.

Some were made from sponge and they’re really light.


After walking around oohing and aahing over Ogoh-ogohs we stopped by for some gelatos.

Mom was absolutely enjoying her pandan gelato.

While I picked Pistachio ice-cream which is really good. Will be better if it weren’t so sweet.

Balinese temple.

Funny thing is, people in Bali just do not use umbrella under the hot sun but they do have umbrellas around temples to shade statues.

An old lady praying.

I have to buy myself a hideous hat to shade my face from the sun.

And then that’s me again trying to place my lego man.

We then walked around for a little while more at the market before going back for a rest.

Bali sells dicks everywhere as souvenirs.

Some arts sold inside a lane.

And some stones with faces along the way.

Will blog on my awesome dinner that night on the next post.
Too much stuff going on now, my laptop is very laggy.

Monkey Forest St. Ubud-Bali
Phone/Fax: 62-361-973249, 62-361-977101

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