All posts by Peggy

COCOPPA : How to edit Iphone icons without jailbreaking.

So if you haven’t already know, I ditched my Samsung smartphone half a year ago for my brother’s 3gs.
Although I did not own an Iphone before this but I know how to navigate it really well because I’ve been playing with Fatty’s Iphone since years ago.

You can really imagine how happy I was when I finally get to own an Iphone but truth be told although I hate my Samsung, I cant deny that I love how customizable it was.
I love to customize things that belong to me because I love to be different. /aherm
I also love how it gave me a very ‘me feeling’ cause I get to customize it to the way I exactly wanted.
For instance my blog skin, I will never leave it as it is. I will play around with the html and whatsoever, changing colours and whatever that irritates my eyes.
Which is also why I don’t change my blog skin very often, too much hassle.

#1 How my phone looks like right now. (Don’t know why my hand so meaty!)

I really couldn’t be bothered when I first got hold of my Iphone, to play around with Cydia and changing the way my Iphone looks.
I still wouldn’t be bothered if shit did not happen to my phone.
If it weren’t for the apps that I wanted to download which require IOS 5, I will not upgrade my phone because I hate changes. And I am lazy, obviously.

As what I expected (though I pray that it will not) my Iphone crashed and kind of died for a little while.
My laptop was at it’s worst too and somehow failed to back up everything from my phone!
I sat for hours googling and figuring how to fix my dead Iphone and once I had it fixed, it went to default!

Thank God I took pictures with my boyfriend’s and bff’s phone and they could resent it to me or else I will be mad piss!
Since my phone was in a default mode, I tried changing whatever I could to make it look pretty and I stumble upon this app that can change our app’s icon without jailbreaking our phone.

#2 Enough of my grandmother story, here is a better view of my home screen. Look at my Google Maps!! :D

#3 My second page which mainly stores my photo editing apps.

I love how creative people turn their photographs into an amazing piece of art just by editing through Iphone apps.
I am now learning. :)

#4 The first thing you have to do is to download this app called ‘COCOPPA’ in your app store which is absolutely free.

After downloading, register yourself an account and you’re good to go.

#5 There are ample of icons for you to choose from and if you’re a perfectionist, this will take up a lot of your time.

#6 Click on app icons that you are fond of and ‘like’ the icon so that it will be store in your profile for easy searching. I do think this is a crucial step because you might not stumble upon the app you browse earlier on.

If you decided that you want to use said icon, click on ‘set up link’.
Here’s an example on how to set up Whatsapp.

#7 Once you click on ‘set up link’ you will have to click on ‘app search’ to search for the app you intend to change icon. In my case, I search for Whatsapp.

#8 You can scroll for popular apps and for the not so popular apps, you can search for it at the search bar.

#9 Once I click on Whatsapp on app search, this is the image that appeared on my screen. Set your icon name, add gloss if you want and press ‘OK’.

#10 Click ‘yes’.

#11 A Safari page will come up and you will have to press the arrow button at the bottom.

#12 An image will come up, scroll to your right or second page and click ‘Add to home screen’.

#13 Set the name for your icon, click ‘Add’ and tadaa!

Sounds confusing at first but once you get the hang of it, it’s pretty easy.
There are a few things that you have to take note.
* For standard apps in our Iphone which we are not allow to be delete, it wont work. Which means for those apps you will have to use the ugly version.
* The real apps which we downloaded from AppStore are not allow to be deleted because the pretty version of the apps we created through Cocoppa is just a shortcut app.
* There are apps that you might not be able to find in App Search and if you want you can download apps that are available in their app search for a shortcut icon.

You can create shortcut for speed dial, email to a certain person, and a website link.
Which means you can actually change how Safari app looks, the website link I put was

The other three standard apps which you could change is music, google maps, and messages.
Steps are the same up till the point where you click ‘Set up link’.

#14 Instead of ‘App Search’ click on ‘URL’.

For music app = Music:
For messages = SMS:
For google maps = Maps:

#15 Type in the exact words and click done.

#16 And the rest will be the same from here (I was too lazy to go click on another icon so I just use the Whatsapp icon to show you).

For all my original apps, I store it in the last page and I don’t really get to see it.

Verdict: The app is not the most user friendly app as it crashed a few times while I was browsing for icons.
It also kinda lag but it could be my phone, this I am unsure of. Searching for icons through tags and categories may not give you the best result because the creators did not tag their icons accordingly sometimes which is why the ‘like icon’ step is important.
App search is definitely lousy and there are two apps which they insisted that I did not download from AppStore but I did. Cant do much about it when these things come up.
When you open the shortcut link, it will take a second for it to redirect back to the original app.
So unless if you can wait for that one second every time you open an app, do not beautify your phone through Cocoppa. They do have wallpapers that match with their icons too but I don’t dig those.

Hope you have fun personalizing/customizing your Iphone without jailbreaking. :)
P/S: Melaka post will be up soon, I have to reedit all my pictures that were wiped out from my phone.

LOKL Coffee Company

LOKL is currently one of my favourite cafe!
Fatty and I, we both love exploring and spending our time at cafes but due to his busy schedule I had my first visit to LOKL with my bff instead when she was back here.

#1 LOKL is situated on Jalan Tun H.S.Lee about ten minutes walk from Petaling Street and they share a common place with Backhome hostel, which is also a very lovely place for backpackers.

I went to LOKL twice, as mentioned the first time with my bff and the second time with Fatty because I needed to share my experience with him.
The first time, we parked our car beside Reggae’s Hotel which is just one traffic light away from LOKL and the second time we walked from Petaling street under the hot sun.
It’s your call whether to park nearby or to take a long walk.

#2 Decos in the cafe.

#3 Although it was scorching hot outside but once you step into LOKL, it’ll take you no time to cool down as they really blast their air-cond.

#4 Ample amount of natural sunlight.

#5 Arts hanged on the wall which we Malaysians can definitely relate to.

#6 I of course do not have much chance to enjoy LOKL’s indoor because I have smoker friends, so outdoor it was.

#7 This is the outdoor area which LOKL and Backhome hostel share.

#8 Love the wall.

#9 Thank God it wasn’t at all hot at the outdoor area, to my surprise. Even though there isn’t any fan around, it was very bearable but having a fan or two sure doesn’t hurt as well.

#10 Simple menu.



#13 I love drinking coffee but I really do not know what’s good and what’s not unless they really do suck.

#14 Mango pudding which is rather pricey. Rm7 or so, I couldn’t remember.

#15 Homemade quiche, with chicken and mushroom in it for Rm8.90 which taste really decent.

#16 Me bff with her ever changing hair.

#17 I ordered afogato on my second visit and I love it. I dislike my coffee with a tinge of sourness, I like it with a little sweetness but not the sugar kind of sweetness. LOL I don’t know what the hell I’m saying, I just like it with vanilla ice-cream in short. Or cream wtf.

#18 Hainanese Meatloaf, sandwich bread stuffed with chicken, chestnuts, and prawns, then fried till golden brown for Rm15.90.

#19 It really does live up to it’s description, golden brown and crispy on the outside. It smells uber good once we’re served with Hainanese Meatloaf and in a weird way, it smells like fillet-o-fish. When dip in the Worcestershire sauce they provided, it gave the dish a tinge of sourness to balance the taste.

LOKL was also own by Cheryl Samad which I wasn’t aware of.
I thought to myself, ‘This waitress look really pretty and she has a beautiful smile’ but it struck me to realise she is Cheryl Samad.
I used to watch her on TV during my teenage days and she still looks the same, haven’t age a day.

One thing that I dislike about LOKL though is that they operate in within a very weird time.
They’re not open on Sundays and they closed at 5pm everyday. PFFT!

LOKL Coffee Co,
30, Jalan Tun H.S. Lee, Kuala Lumpur.
Tel: 03-2022-0788
Opening times: Mon-Fri, 7.30am-5pm; Sat, 8am-5pm

BBQ Thai : Thai Street Food at Old Klang Road

I don’t know if there’ll be any Malaysians who will ever dislike Thai food cause I am very much in love with it.

So when Fatty told me about BBQ Thai restaurant which he tried with his family was rather good, I was eager to try it too.
What is better than a Thai restaurant is a Thai restaurant with a unique seating concept.
That’s like a win win for me. :D

BBQ Thai Street Food is located along Old Klang Road on your left side if you’re from Mid Valley, right after Coco Steamboat.

#1 Spot this purple cube instead of a big ass signage because they do not have one.

#2 One way it seems.

#3 There are two different sitting areas, the outdoor or air-condition indoor huts made from wood planks.

#4 There were lots of different small wooden huts, some can accomodate up to a few different small tables while some have more privacy and targeted for larger groups for instance, 12 people in a hut. However, for the privacy huts you have to spend Rm300 and above.

#5 Wooden huts are of different themes and colours.

#6 Outdoor area.

#7 Tuk-tuk for decoration purpose and to represent Thailand.

#8 Not so sure about this cute car though.

#9 Love the way they arranged their basins.

#10 We at first were seated at the yellow hut but we shifted to outdoor instead cause I don’t like the colour yellow.

#11 Woods everywhere.

#12 Definitely a very good way to recycle! I always love how people find ways and ideas to reuse what seems to be useless into something so desginer-ish.

#13 Pandan water.

#14 BBQ cockles and thai steam fish (RM38).

#15 Sauces for steam fish and tom yam (RM20). Steam fish was decent but I do not recommend the tom yam. It was too spicy and the bowl of tom yam tasted more like a bowl of tom yam made from just tom yam paste.

#16 Pork neck (RM28)!

#17 Sticky mango rice (RM10) and I-don’t-know-what’s-that-cause-I-wasn’t-interested.

#18 Sapu-ed everything on the table and I was the last one who was still eating when everyone stopped.

#19 Me bestfriends.

Overall, food was decent except for the tom yam we ordered but price was a little steep considering the area and everything else.
The bill came up to about Rm170+ for the four of us.
Not the best Thai food I have ever tried but it’s a great place to dine once in awhile for a unique seating and great for big groups too.

BBQ Thai – Thai Street Food
17 Lorong Jugra, Off Batu 3 1/3
Jalan Klang Lama,
58000 Kuala Lumpur
Tel: 03-79819888
Business hours: 5.00pm – 1.00am

Nathalie Gourmet taught me how to cook pasta!

2 months back I attended my very first cooking class at Nathalie Gourmet and the experience was wonderful and fun.
I had such a great time in the entire four hours although I have to wake up real early.

And the best part besides learning how to cook is to have Nathalie Arbefeuille to taught me how to cook!
I was extremely nervous and excited upon seeing her!

I signed up for pasta class on a Sunday morning for Rm180 and what I get to learn was ‘Roasted Vegetables and Mozzarella Raviolis Tomato and Basil Emulsion’ and ‘Tagliatelles with Wild Mushrooms Porcini Emulsion’ pastas.

#1 This is Nathalie the chef briefing us on both the dishes that we signed up for.

#2 Initially I thought I will only be taught on how to make pasta sauces but turns out I get to learn how to make a pasta from scratch. Farina ’00’ is the type of flour you need to use for your pasta.

#3 Fully equipped kitchen!

#4 Cracking eggs for pasta dough.

Ingredients for pasta dough:

350g pasta flour typo 00
3 full eggs
4 yolks
10g salt

#5 Whole peeled tomatoes.

#6 Nathalie explaining to us what a bouquet of garni consists of.

#7 Baking the eggplants for ravioli stuffing.

#8 Sauteing mushrooms for tagliatelles pasta.

#9 Sauteing onions with butter for raviolis.

#10 This is a momotaro tomato which was used in the making of ravioli and why momotaro tomato is because they taste sweeter instead of the usual sour taste.

#11 Handling 3 pots at once.

#12 A bunch of basil thrown into a pot of tomato puree.

#13 Getting a touch of the pasta dough so that we know if our pasta will be made right when we do it at home.

#14 Pasta cant be done without a pasta machine unless you’re willing to use a roller which will not give you the same consistency. I bought mine at Rm65 at Hock Choon.

#15 After the whole process, there’s a little drying to do.

#16 Dry it for 5 minutes or so. A wet pasta dough is a no no!

#17 Ravioli in the making.

#18 Tomato paste for ravioli stuffing.

#19 Nathalie explaining to us on how we should wrap our ravioli.

#20 Tomato paste, baked eggplant, mozzarella cheese, and basil leaves. Yums!

#21 Perfect! After it’s done, the raviolis have to be kept in the freezer for a while for it to dry.

I tried making the exact same dish on Fatty’s birthday and the reason why my ravioli was such a failure was because I kept the raviolis in the fridge instead of freezer!
In the end all those raviolis stuck together and were inseparable because the fillings were wet.
I learned my lesson the hard way, MUST PUT IN FREEZER!

#22 While we wait for the raviolis to freeze, we prepared the tagliatelles.

#23 Once the raviolis are dried up in the freezer, bring it to boil, seive it and coat with butter. The best butter in town now is Lescure, for only Rm10! That’s the butter Fatty raved about in Melbourne and now we have it here just starting last year. How great! :D

#24 Giving our raviolis a final touch.

#25 IT WAS SO GOOD! There isn’t any meat in this dish but still taste pleasantly well.

#26 After savouring our raviolis, we went back to the kitchen and prepared duck liver. Easy preparation, no oil is needed. Just put it on a pan and that’s about it.

#27 End product of Tagliatelles with wild mushrooms and porcini emulsion with foie gras.

There’re a few types of classes you can take at Nathalie’s Gourmet, cooking class, baking class, kids cooking class or demo class which is the cheapest because you won’t get to try.

I’d say the classes at Nathalie’s was absolutely worth it because for Rm180 I get two recipes (one which is from a three Michelin star chef!), I get to learn it from Nathalie the great chef and at the end of the day I get to eat both the dishes.
Both fine dine quality pastas! With a piece of foie gras!!
How is that not worth it!?

I’ll definitely be taking more classes in the future when I see any suitable classes and when I have the time.:)
I bet baking classes are just as nice but too bad I couldn’t go for it as I have no oven at home. Meh.

Do look into their website for a list of classes you can attend.

Block A4 – Unit A4-1-5 – Solaris Dutamas
Jalan Dutamas, 50480 Kuala Lumpur
T: +603 6207 9572

Heli Lounge Bar

Currently KL’s Best Kept Secret, HELI Lounge Bar is a brand spanking new dance club that is set to take KL’s night scene by storm and may no longer qualify for that catchphrase soon. Located on the 34th floor of Menara KH in the heart of the Golden Triangle, an ultra-cool clubbing experience awaits behind the nondescript main entrance.

Bored of the usual sky bars or rooftop bars? Heli Lounge Bar is here to give rooftop bar a twist because it’s no ordinary rooftop bar.
It’s a rooftop bar on a helipad with 360º panoramic view of Kuala Lumpur with no window, no fence, and no barrier.

#1 Pictures taken from Heli Lounge Bar’s Facebook. Be sure to stay behind the yellow line as there isn’t any safety barrier for now.

#2 I must say this might just be one of the best spot in KL to watch a beautiful sunset.

#3 If you’re not so much of an outdoor person, there’s a lounge just few stairs below, decorated in black and white.

#4 Standing on top of a helipad with no barrier gave an awesome feeling, especially with such a nice view. (OKAY I PROMISE TO GET A NEW CAMERA SOOOON!)

#5 My fats and I.

#6 I have to tiptoed because I left my heels in Fatty’s car. :(

#7 Both my Bffs.

#8 I love sitting on the low chair compared to the bar stool because I feel much more relaxed and I get to look up at the sky. :)

#9 I miss her so much already!

I would like to give Heli Lounge Bar another visit for a sunset view, I’ve saw pictures of them and the pictures looked too beautiful for me to ignore.
Fatty, please take note. Haha!
So if you’ll like to go and experience chilling on a helipad, do go during evening before the sun set and do make a booking too.
Or else you might risk not having any seats on the helipad unless you don’t mind standing.

Do check out their Facebook page for events as they do require a cover charge.

34th floor,
Menara KH,
Jalan Sultan Ismail, KL
Tel: 03 2110 5034

I hadn’t had any insomnia nights for quite a long time now and unfortunately it gave me a visit tonight.
I experienced headache the entire day before today and while the headache’s gone, I experienced slight discomfort for today.
Must be the wind gushing in my tummy again.

I used to have so many sleepless nights so long ago, it’s scary.
Wanting to sleep but not being able to is one of the saddest thing that could happen to anyone, in my opinion.
There was many a times in my life whereby I was too disturbed by my own feelings to even fall asleep peacefully.

Tonight, thank God it was mainly caused by the discomfort in my tummy.
And also something I am bound to do which I couldn’t stop thinking!

Nothing much has changed recently except for the fact that I don’t see my fats as often anymore nowadays due to work.
It is not entirely a bad thing as long as we can find a balance in between but finding a balance can sometimes be a hard thing for a bull (the fats).


When I was so upset about my life years ago, I always scrolled through tumblr to help me passed time a little easier.
That’s when I realized I wasn’t the only one, that there really are people out there who experienced what I was experiencing, who felt the same way I did and wrote exactly what was inside my heart.
At the same time I felt very sad for these strangers too because I know how much it hurts, so hurt that there isn’t a single word that could describe those feelings.

As I scrolled through my tumblr today, it reminded me of how I felt.

‘Dear you,

Thank you for breaking my heart, making me lose hope… I seriously thought that you were the one for me… I was so into you I didn’t look around for anyone else for years. It’s like getting hooked on a TV show for hours, and wanting nothing else…. Thank you for breaking and disappointing me… You taught me so much about life and love. I moved on. It wasnt easy, but I did, finally. It led me to him.

Let me tell you, he’s amazing. I love him so much, and thank you… because you led me to him. You broke me, and I realized that you’re nothing but a fake two faced guy. You’re a nice friend, but I finally realized what I truly deserve. So much love I gave you then but you destroyed them and took me for granted. I am now walking with someone who loves me and knows that I am his everything. And I just want to tell you that you led me to someone who is going to show me the real meaning of love.

Thank you…’

Shit right? How can someone wrote exactly what’s on my mind? It gets creepy sometimes.

I have a very close friend who still couldn’t get over her break up and it hurts me to see her so upset.
Usually, I am the crybaby crying in front of my friends and I really couldn’t be bothered where I was. If I want to cry, I cry.
But then things changed and my friend cried in front of me and man, that is the worst feeling in the world!!
I didn’t know it was that sucky to see your friend cry and I finally felt what my friends felt.

(Sorry Dexter I cried in front of you so many fucking times, haha!)

It gets worse when I tried to calmed her down and tried to made her realise what a jerk that guy was but to no avail.

(Sorry Dexter I didn’t listen to you when you tried to convince me, hahaha!)

I guess it’s karma for crying too much in front of my friends, it’s my turn now. Bah!
I know she wouldn’t believe me, she couldn’t be bothered and her heart still stays the same but I truly truly believe that the best thing will come, just not yet.
I hope she trust me, although I know it’s dead hard.

For those who feel like giving up, don’t.
It will come around. Definitely. :)

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