Second November

Lots of people I know is born on the second of November.
Vivien is one of them. (:
The last time I celebrated Vivien’s birthday is when we’re 12 , with Cindy as well. (:
And now after sooooo many years, I get to celebrate her 21st birthday together at Neway TimeSquare. (:

* A picture of me and her taken from her polaroid. Eh, hope you like the Domokun.

* Ginny, funny Piao, and me.

Dear Vivien, I’m so sorry I have to left early for another friend’s birthday. But you never come for my birthday, so we’re even. HAHA. :P
Didn’t really took pictures because I’m lazy. Can steal from Vivien mah..

Walk all the way to Pavilion, more like jog because I walk very fast. It’s drizzling.
Actually Ee can fetch me but Piao asked me to stay longer so I have to asked Ee to go first without me.
Pffft, jog under the rain to Pavilion mau mati sudah.

Why jog to Pavilion? Because it’s Nam Hon’s birthday as well!! (:

* Everyone enjoying their big portion meal.

* Very cheesy cheesecake for Hon. (:

* Happy 21st Birthday Hon !!

* Me, Jonsi, and double E.

* Jian Yi, birthday boy, and Kok Hoe.

* I keep using peace sign, wtf. But I like this picture. (:

* After dinner we went to watch Poker King, funny as hell. Laugh like crazy. :*D After movie go toilet, which explains this picture. Heh.

After movie head over to Shishaa, told you that double E is addicted. Haha.

* Accidentally took this picture. Snake skin legging. *rawrr* Should be *sss*, wtf.

* (:

* And now I’ll end my post with my shameless picture.

Wanna wish Nam Hon a very happy 21st too. (:
I think I’ll super delay my birthday post because Joshua, my photographer friend took pictures for me that night. I’ll need some time to collect all the pictures.

But I can post my birthday night at Zouk first. Heh. (:

Oh ya, Hon’s video. Almost forgot. Enjoy! :*)


  1. simonso November 8, 2009

    snake skin! wuyorrrrr!

  2. Peggy November 9, 2009

    simonso: *SssssSSSsssssss* haha :P

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