Should I?

Phew, I’ve got my grades already.
I past all 3 subjects with just average marks, 60 over.
Well, I hope I can do better but meanwhile, I am also happy that I did not fail any.
Heh, I can study Mass Com finally. :D

And em, do you guys think I should cut short my hair.
I mean cut the long part and make it real short, because my friends say it is better this way.
So how? Should I??


  1. firewire May 7, 2007

    short hair can be nice too if you cut the style that suits you :D

  2. I love your hair short!!!

    BTW, it takes courage to do something different !!


  3. -shaun- May 8, 2007

    Cut it ler..
    since every1 agree with it…
    seriously it looks pretty nice with short hair also…
    dont worry…
    STILL SEXY!! haha

  4. ericsoon May 8, 2007

    congratulation for the passed exam , long hair more attracted haha but u already long hair so long time so make some changed will be a good choice n different for u.

  5. Peggy May 10, 2007

    firewire: I don’t know what style suit me actually.

    kukujiaoman: You really love my short hair? Haha, ya, needs courage.

    Shaun: If go and cut again then have to use money again.

    Ericsoon: Thanks. :) I miss my long hair..

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