My Big Dog

My little Bobby turns to this big Bobby.
Let me tell you how naughty he is.
He will bite all our shoes if we don’t pick it up.
He bites my mom’s car!
He bites the wire of my house gate and we have to repair it for Rm100.
He scratch my house wall until there is a big hole.
He bite almost everything.
I don’t know what is wrong with him, he is so naughty and active.
He even make me fall down because he runs so fast, damn it.



And then Shaun notice some silver thing stick to his teeth and ask me whether my dog has braces. -.-‘
And then only I know that my dog bit some besi and it is stuck to his teeth and gum.
It really looks pain, but he acts as usual.
In case you cant see it clearly, i have an upclose for you.

Can see now??
And last night when I am back home and check it, it is gone.
I’ve got no idea how he stick it and pull out and it seems to him that it is not pain at all.
This is my crazy dog, but I still love him.
He looks scary?


  1. Joshua July 18, 2007

    You have this kind of dog? I pantang this kind of dog *shiver*

  2. Peggy July 18, 2007

    This kind of dog is called Rotweiler. Scary eh.. Haha

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